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Li Hongzhong stressed that

Insist on building a strong sense of the Chinese national community and strengthen the legal guarantee of promoting national unity and progress

08:38, May 23, 2024 | Source: People's Daily
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Xinhua News Agency, Changchun, May 22 – Li Hongzhong, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, investigated in Jilin from 20th to 22nd. He stressed that we should deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishment", resolutely achieve the "two maintenance", thoroughly study and implement the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on strengthening and improving national work, constantly improve political judgment, political understanding and political execution, and strengthen the legal guarantee for promoting national unity and progress with the main line of building a strong sense of the Chinese national community, We will modernize the governance system and capacity for ethnic affairs, and promote all ethnic groups to work together for common prosperity and development.

Li Hongzhong has successively visited Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture and Changchun City for research. In Shuinan Village, Shixian Town, Tumen City and Fangchuan Village, Jingxin Town, Hunchun City, we investigated the development of cultural tourism, border trade and other characteristic industries in ethnic border areas, improved the level of infrastructure construction, promoted the work of strengthening border areas and enriching people, and investigated the achievements of the construction of the House of National People's Congress Representatives and grass-roots legislative liaison stations on the spot; In Chang'an Community, Xin'an Sub district, Hunchun City, we have in-depth exchanges with grassroots cadres and the masses on the experience and practice of creating an embedded community; At the Jilin Provincial Museum, learn more about the exchanges and exchanges among ethnic groups in Northeast China, and jointly create the historical development of Chinese culture; Visit leading agricultural product processing enterprises to investigate the positive effects of modern agriculture on the common prosperity of all ethnic groups and the overall revitalization of rural areas.

Li Hongzhong held a symposium in Changchun to listen to opinions and suggestions on legal research on ethnic affairs. He said that the proposal of General Secretary Xi Jinping to build a strong sense of the Chinese national community, deeply grasp the essence of Marxist national theory such as national equality and national unity, deeply reflect the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization, and profoundly clarify the historical trend of the development of the Chinese national community is a leap forward development of the party's national theory and national policy, and a major historical contribution to the Chinese nation. He stressed that promoting national unity and progress is an important task to build a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation. We should adhere to the centralized and unified leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, hold high the banner of the great unity of the Chinese nation, improve laws and regulations to promote national unity and progress, strengthen the legal responsibility to safeguard national unity, ensure economic development in ethnic areas, improve people's livelihood, promote the building of a common spiritual home for the Chinese nation, and promote extensive exchanges, exchanges, and integration among all ethnic groups. We should take the Constitution as our fundamental adherence, adhere to the principle that all ethnic groups are equal and everyone is equal before the law, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people of all ethnic groups in accordance with the law.

People's Daily (May 23, 2024, Edition 03)

(Editor in charge: Wang Diyuan, Xie Long)

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