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Focus on the dining needs of the elderly, increase policy support, and reasonably arrange the dining places——

Jilin promotes more accessible and affordable catering service for the elderly

Our reporter Wang Zhiqiu Zheng Zhiwen
08:35, May 23, 2024 | Source: People's Daily
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In recent years, Jilin Province has actively built a catering service network covering urban and rural areas based on the actual needs of the elderly. Strictly manage food materials to ensure safety and health; Pay attention to nutrition matching, and the dishes are economical and affordable; Reasonably arrange the places and improve the convenience of dining... More and more elderly people can eat heartwarming meals at home.


"Meals are available, convenient and cheap, warm stomach and warm heart." It is the right place to eat. The restaurant for the elderly in Zhongtian Community, Lvyuan District, Changchun City, Jilin Province is buzzing with people. Many elderly people living nearby choose to have a hot meal in the restaurant for the elderly.

Let the elderly eat a hot meal at home is a key small matter, but also a major livelihood issue. By the end of 2023, there are 6.2683 million people over 60 years old in Jilin Province, accounting for 26.79% of the total population of the province. In recent years, Jilin Province has focused on the dining needs and reality of the elderly, actively built a catering service network for the elderly that covers urban and rural areas, has a reasonable layout, and is jointly built and shared, gradually realizing the convenient, affordable, safe, reliable, and sustainable development of catering services for the elderly.

This year, 11 departments including Jilin Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, Jilin Provincial Development and Reform Commission, and Jilin Provincial Department of Finance jointly issued the Implementation Plan for Actively Developing the Elderly Meal Aid Service, which deployed to further meet the needs of community home-based elderly dining services. It is required that by 2026 and beyond, the elderly meal aid service will be further extended to urban and rural communities (villages), with more elderly people living in concentrated communities Communities (villages) with high demand for catering services have achieved full coverage and effectively improved the level of catering services for the elderly.

Flexible and diversified solutions to the catering needs of the rural elderly

It was drizzling. Before 11 o'clock, the Xiaolao Restaurant in Fuxing Village, Xianghai Mongolian Township, Tongyu County, Jilin Province was full of silver haired old people, chatting about their daily life while waiting for delicious food to be served.

"Dinner is ready!" The dishes in the 10 square meter restaurant were fragrant. A large pot of eggplant stewed fish was brought to the table by chef Hou Fengyun.

"These two dishes are good. I love them both." Ma Zhanjiang, an 86 year old old man, smiled and took the full plate, picked up chopsticks and ate slowly.

With the support of multiple departments, the Xiaolao Restaurant in Fuxing Village will officially open in May 2021. The elderly over 70 years old in the village can come to the restaurant to enjoy two free meals a day, basically meeting the needs of the elderly.

"There are policies and financial support in the province. In addition to the village's collective efforts to build a filial piety restaurant, we must let the old people in our village live a good life." Sun Hongliang, secretary of the Party branch of Fuxing Village, said that each meal should be guaranteed to be one meat and one vegetable, and the ingredients should be purchased by designated personnel to ensure safe and healthy eating.

In recent years, Jilin Province has systematically promoted the catering for the elderly. In the countryside, the canteen for the elderly mainly relies on the construction of rural nursing homes or idle houses of farmers. The funds are mainly arranged at the provincial level, focusing on the rural elderly in economic difficulties, the elderly, the disabled, and the left behind.

"In terms of specific operation, we mainly rely on village cadres and enthusiastic volunteers to provide catering services. For the elderly who are not able to move and are far away, we will also actively explore ways to deliver meals to their homes to meet their dining needs." Yuan Jinhong, director of the Elderly Care Service Department of Jilin Provincial Civil Affairs Department, introduced. At the same time, Jilin Province has also made great efforts to develop rural mutual aid for the elderly, selecting qualified families to set up a table for the elderly, and the elderly in the same village and group provide themselves with food materials to solve the dining problems in groups.

Explore the operation modes of various restaurants for the elderly

Chicken stewed with mushrooms, radish stewed with beef, plain fried broccoli, vinegar fried shredded potatoes... At noon, in the elderly care restaurant of Caiyu Community, Boshuo Street, Changchun Jingyue High tech Industrial Development Zone, more than 20 dishes were arranged on the buffet rack, and there were long lines on both sides, and the elderly took their plates as needed.

"Aunt, how old are you this year.

"There are many communities in the community, and there are many elderly people, many of whom live alone, and it is difficult to cook. Eating a hot meal at the door of their home has become the appeal of the elderly." Yang Chao, the secretary of the Party Committee of Caiyu Community, said, "The community once thought about running a canteen for the elderly, but the actual conditions such as capital and manpower did not allow it, so the idea was put on hold for a while."

In order to promote the sustainable development of catering service, Jilin Province actively explores various operation modes.

"Public private and social cooperation are the main ways for the construction and operation of Changchun Elderly Care Restaurants at this stage." Zhao Danpeng, chief of the Elderly Care Demonstration and Guidance Section of Changchun Elderly Care Management Service Center, said that public private elderly care restaurants are mainly constructed by using community home-based elderly care service rooms and state-owned idle rooms allocated by residential communities, and are constructed by way of rewards instead of subsidies, After completion, it will be handed over to a professional third-party organization for operation, and allowed to open to the public for operation, so as to obtain low profits and continue to operate. Social cooperation and respect for the elderly restaurants are mainly constructed by signing cooperation agreements, licensing operations and other ways, relying on existing catering service enterprises, to provide dining services for the elderly.

In March this year, through public recruitment, Caiyu Community Elderly Restaurant officially opened. "The restaurant is in the form of public construction and private operation, and the site is provided by the street, and we are responsible for the specific operation." Wang Xudong, the person in charge of the restaurant, introduced that the restaurant is operated in the form of buffet, with 15 yuan for each meal. At present, there are about 100 people eating every day on average, and the proportion of elderly people eating is about 30%.

Eating a hot meal at home is not only the need of the elderly, but also the heart of children. According to the size of the elderly population, dining demand, service radius and existing catering resources, Jilin Province has formulated the layout plan of elderly catering service places, and the city is reasonably arranged according to the "quarter of an hour" dining service circle. "By the end of December 2023, Jilin Province has built a total of 549 community canteens for the elderly, serving 5.64 million elderly people. In Changchun, the provincial capital, a diversified construction model of catering restaurants has been initially formed, including social catering enterprise cooperation, enterprise canteens opening, elderly care institutions demonstration, community property participation, and so on." Yuan Jinhong said.

Build reasonably distributed catering service places

"My wife, you should eat less of this dish. You can see that the fat is quite high." In the Zhihui Canteen, Yishi No., CITIC Community, Jingyue Hi tech Industrial Development Zone, Changchun City, 81 year old Uncle Yang placed the dishes on the automatic weighing panel in front of the dishes, and the meal weight, nutritional ingredients, and consumption amount were immediately displayed on the screen.

The small changes in the dining room, such as the elderly seats, emergency medical kits, public wheelchairs, handrails, are full of warm care for the elderly.

"After learning about the demands of the surrounding residents, we applied to become a canteen for the elderly soon after the opening, adjusted the food taste appropriately, cooked the ingredients as soft and rotten as possible, and carried out aging transformation, to provide services for the surrounding elderly as far as we can," said Sun Di, the person in charge of the restaurant.

"At present, the city's restaurants for the elderly implement unified coding management, and hang the logo of 'restaurant for the elderly' at a prominent outdoor location. At the same time, the dining area of the restaurant for the elderly has been designed in a standardized way, and key locations such as the entrance and exit of the restaurant and the toilet have been renovated to adapt to the aging, so that the elderly can enjoy safer and more intimate elderly food assistance services than ordinary restaurants." Zhao Danpeng introduced.

A small helping meal for the elderly benefits the people's livelihood. On the construction of catering service places for the elderly, Jilin Province, on the basis of actively responding to the requirements of national documents, has made more clear division and distinction, adhered to the implementation of classification, clearly required multi-channel distribution, and built a reasonably distributed catering service place for the elderly. Local governments are encouraged to revitalize the existing stock of available resources and increase the number of catering service places for the elderly through "new construction and reconstruction", "improvement and expansion", "social cooperation" and "mutual assistance".

"To be specific, the existing idle real estate resources, existing elderly care service facilities, and existing social catering enterprises are mainly used to actively promote." Yuan Jinhong introduced that he will fully tap the elderly care service facilities built in new residential areas, the elderly care service facilities built in old residential areas, and idle real estate resources such as government institutions, schools, state-owned enterprises, and rural areas, Reconstruct a number of catering service places for the elderly according to local conditions. At the same time, we encourage and support qualified elderly care institutions, institutions, enterprises and institutions, schools and other canteens to open to the elderly at home, and support qualified urban and rural communities, integrated embedded community home-based elderly care service centers, day care centers for the elderly, rural elderly care homes and other facilities to expand and improve the catering function.

At present, Jilin has built a number of elderly restaurants. This year, 1300 restaurants will be built to ensure that 2 restaurants will be built in each street and at least 1 restaurant will be built in each township.

People's Daily (May 23, 2024, version 12)

(Editor in charge: Li Yang, Xie Long)

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