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Jilin: Increase financial support to boost the development of industrial clusters

May 23, 2024 08:24 | Source: Jilin Daily
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Original title: Increase financial support to boost the development of industrial clusters

In order to further do a good job in modern agriculture, accelerate the construction of the province's top ten industrial clusters, and achieve high-quality development of agricultural product processing industry, on May 22, the province's top ten industrial clusters and bank enterprise docking activities of agricultural product processing enterprises were held in Changchun.

This activity is aimed at "increasing financial support to boost the development of industrial clusters", sponsored by the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Bank of Jilin, and co sponsored by the provincial leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization. During the activity, Agricultural Bank of China Jilin Branch, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Jilin Branch, Bank of Jilin and Provincial Credit Union respectively signed financing agreements with enterprise representatives on site. Leaders of Changchun Municipal and Yanbian Prefecture Agricultural and Rural Bureau introduced the financing needs of enterprises; Leaders of Agricultural Development Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Provincial Rural Credit Union and Jilin Bank introduced financial products; Northeast Small and Medium sized Enterprise Financing Re guarantee Company, Provincial Credit Financing Guarantee Company, Provincial Equity Investment Fund Company, Provincial Rural Property Rights Trading Market Co., Ltd., etc. introduced relevant policies in turn. The agricultural and rural departments have recommended 59 projects with capital needs, with an estimated investment of 17.09 billion yuan and a financing demand of 3.87 billion yuan.

In recent years, the provincial party committee and the provincial government have attached great importance to the development of agricultural product processing industry, successively issued policy opinions, established a working mechanism for cluster leaders, and supported the high-quality development of agricultural product processing industry. By the end of 2023, there will be 1184 agricultural product processing enterprises above designated size in the province, realizing an output value of 239.14 billion yuan; The number of key leading enterprises at or above the provincial level in agricultural industrialization with strong functions of linking agriculture with households and better development of the whole industrial chain has grown to 709 (including 71 national leading enterprises), basically realizing the full coverage of major grain producing counties. At the end of April, there were 3872 agricultural related enterprises with a registered output value of more than 1 million yuan. (Reporter Yan Hongjin)

(Editor in charge: Wang Diyuan, Xie Long)

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