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The CPC Jilin Provincial Committee and the People's Government of Jilin Province issued the Outline of the Beautiful Jilin Construction Plan (2024-2035)

May 23, 2024 08:23 | Source: Jilin Daily
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Original title: The Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government issued the Outline of the Beautiful Jilin Construction Plan (2024-2035)

Recently, the CPC Jilin Provincial Committee and the People's Government of Jilin Province issued the Outline of the Beautiful Jilin Construction Plan (2024-2035), and issued a notice requiring all departments to conscientiously implement it in combination with the actual situation.

Beautiful Jilin Construction Planning Outline (2024-2035)

In order to comprehensively implement the important guiding spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "comprehensively promote the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature with the construction of a beautiful China", continue to strengthen the construction of ecological civilization and ecological environment protection, deeply promote the construction of a strong ecological province, and spare no effort to portray the "auspicious and beautiful" picture of "white mountains, loose water, and beautiful Jilin", To build a pilot area for a beautiful China where people and nature coexist harmoniously, this planning outline is formulated in accordance with the spirit of the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on comprehensively promoting the construction of a beautiful China (ZF [2023] No. 30) and in combination with the reality of Jilin.

1、 General requirements

Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we will thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, fully implement the spirit of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the National Conference on Ecological Environment Protection, faithfully implement the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the symposium on promoting the comprehensive revitalization of the Northeast in the new era and the important directive spirit of the important speech on inspecting Jilin, Firmly establish the concept of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, and ice and snow are also golden mountains and silver mountains", firmly grasp the important mission of Jilin in maintaining the "five major security" of the country, deeply implement the high-quality development strategy of "one main task and six double goals", cultivate "four clusters", develop "six new industries", build "four new facilities", and continue to implement the strategy of strengthening the ecological province, Build a beautiful Jilin at a high level, and support high-quality development with high-quality ecological environment.

The overall goal is: with the overall goal of being green, beautiful, fertile, safe and modern, we will spare no effort to build a beautiful Jilin with blue sky, flowing green water, fertile fields, picturesque homesickness, and poetic livability, so that beautiful mountains and rivers, twinkling stars, singing birds and flowers, roaring tigers and crowing cranes can stay in Baishan Songshui, so that the regional economy can be coordinated and stable, and urban and rural development can complement each other The people live and work in peace and contentment, and the ecological civilization has become a new symbol of the old industrial base.

The first stage (2024-2027). Through in-depth research and continuous improvement, the construction of beautiful Jilin has achieved remarkable results. Green and low-carbon development has been further promoted, the industrial structure has been continuously optimized, the efficiency of resource and energy utilization has been continuously improved, and the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction has achieved breakthroughs. The quality of the ecological environment continued to improve, the concentration of fine particles was controlled below 27 μ g/m3, the heavy pollution weather was basically eliminated, the proportion of excellent water bodies in the national examination section of surface water was maintained at about 85%, the inferior water bodies were eliminated stably, and the black and odorous water bodies in urban built-up areas were basically eliminated. The black land protection has achieved remarkable results. The typical black soil area has reached 30 million mu, and the content of soil organic matter in the black land protection project area has increased by 1 g/kg on average. Ecological security has been effectively maintained. The forest coverage rate and wetland protection rate have reached 45.8% and 45.22% respectively, and the grassland comprehensive vegetation coverage has stabilized at 72.3%. The modern governance system of ecological environment has been further improved, the short board of environmental infrastructure has been basically supplemented, the value realization mechanism of ecological products has been basically constructed, and mechanisms such as ecological compensation and green finance have been gradually improved. The number of national "two mountains" practice and innovation bases has reached 8, creating a batch of beautiful Jilin construction practice models.

The second stage (2028-2030). The construction of beautiful Jilin is in the forefront of the country with accelerated quality improvement and leapfrog development. The overall green transformation of economic and social development has achieved remarkable results, the industrial structure, energy structure, transportation structure and land use structure have been effectively optimized, and the carbon peak goal has been successfully achieved. The quality of ecological environment has reached the domestic advanced level, and the quality of urban and rural human settlements has significantly improved. The sustainability and stability of ecosystem diversity were further enhanced, and the ecological security barrier was more stable. The modern governance system of the ecological environment has been improved, the ecological and economic benefits have been significantly enhanced, and the concept of ecological civilization has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The third stage (2031-2035). The model of Jilin, a beautiful China, has been basically completed through comprehensive improvement and demonstration. The industrial structure has been comprehensively optimized, the carbon emissions have declined steadily after reaching the peak, and the green production and lifestyle has been widely formed. The ecological environment has fundamentally improved. Green water, green mountains, black land, blue sky, white clouds and good air have become the standard configuration of high-quality life. A new pattern of land space development and protection has been fully formed, and the sustainability and stability of ecosystem diversity have been significantly improved. The modernization of the ecological environment governance system and governance capacity has been basically achieved, and the intelligence, digitalization and informatization have become more sufficient. The cultural heritage of the construction of beautiful Jilin has become more profound.

The strategic positioning is: looking forward to the middle of this century, the ecological civilization will be comprehensively improved, the green development mode and lifestyle will be fully formed, the key areas will be deeply decarbonized, the ecological environment quality will reach the international first-class level, the ecological economy will become an important support for high-quality development, and the modernization of the ecological environment governance system and capacity will be fully realized, The beautiful Jilin, where people and nature coexist in harmony, has been fully built.

Anchoring the goal of building a pilot area for a beautiful China, adhering to ecological priority and green development, adhering to systematic governance, tackling key problems, deepening reform, upholding integrity and innovation, adhering to ecological benefits, co construction and sharing, promoting the construction of ecological civilization with a higher position, a broader vision and greater efforts, and striving to take the lead in the process of building a beautiful China where people and nature coexist in harmony, Display the vast scenery of Jilin. Adhere to:

——Promote ecosystem governance in all fields. Strengthen the coordinated control of air pollutants, consolidate and improve the environmental air quality and always maintain the first array in the country, strengthen the systematic governance of "three water coordination" in the river basin, make every effort to increase the proportion of excellent water bodies, stabilize and eliminate the inferior five types of water bodies, strengthen the governance of solid waste and new pollutants, take the lead in realizing the construction of "waste free city" in the whole region, and comprehensively improve the level of modern governance of the ecological environment.

——High level implementation of black land protection and utilization. Focusing on improving the quality of cultivated land, ensuring food production capacity, and promoting the sustainable use of black land resources, we should focus on scientific use, adhere to the combination of planting and breeding, strengthen the protection of black land and the remediation of black land by regions and classifications, continue to improve the content of soil organic matter and the capacity of water and fertilizer conservation, and protect and use black land, the "giant panda in cultivated land", throughout the process.

——High standards will be used to build up the ecological security barrier in the north. Build a unified and orderly ecological protection spatial pattern, strengthen the ecological protection of the Great Changbai Mountain region, adhere to the integrated protection and restoration of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand, comprehensively improve the ecological functions of key regions, consolidate the important role of Jilin in the northeast forest belt and the northern sand prevention belt, constantly improve the level of biodiversity protection, and maintain the bottom line of ecological security.

——The two-way transformation channels of "two mountains" are unblocked in all directions. Give full play to the advantages of ecological resources, promote ecological industrialization and industrial ecology as a whole, strive to promote the deep integration of ecology with agriculture, tourism, cultural industry, etc., focus on key industries, continue to promote the green transformation of the whole industrial chain, constantly increase the proportion of green production capacity, and promote "ecology+industry" to become a new economic growth point.

2、 Green leading, building a low-carbon, intensive and powerful transformation and development model

Continuously optimize the spatial layout of land, promote the transformation and development of key areas such as industry, energy, transportation, urban and rural construction, constantly reduce the intensity of carbon emissions, natural resource consumption and environmental loss, improve the "green content" and "gold content" of development, and enhance Jilin's green competitiveness.

(1) Building an orderly and harmonious land spatial pattern

Strengthen the guidance of spatial layout. Deeply implement the regional coordinated development strategy, regional major strategy, main function zone strategy, new urbanization strategy and rural revitalization strategy, and build a land space development and protection pattern of "one circle, four axes, three zones and two screens". Comprehensively promote the development of Changchun Modern Metropolitan Circle, Hunwu Development and Opening Development Axis, Frontier Development and Opening Development Axis, Harbin Dalian Advanced Manufacturing Development Axis, and Jishuang South Portal Development Axis as regional growth poles, create an intensive and efficient production space, and promote the rational flow and efficient agglomeration of various factors. Based on the eastern mountainous characteristic agricultural and forestry development area, the central grain and agricultural product production core area, and the western ecological agricultural and animal husbandry development area, optimize the agricultural spatial layout, strengthen the construction of agricultural product supply guarantee capacity, and build the safety cornerstone of "granary and meat depot". Relying on the eastern forest ecological security barrier and the western windbreak and sand fixation ecological security barrier, optimize the ecological space layout, coordinate the integrated protection and systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand, and consolidate the foundation for safe and sustainable development.

Optimize the land space development and protection system. We will improve the land spatial planning system and coordinate the spatial layout of agriculture, ecology, cities and towns. The strictest cultivated land protection system will be implemented. By 2035, the province will have no less than 109.44 million mu of cultivated land, and strive to increase the sown area of grain crops steadily. Stick to the ecological protection red line, keep the area of the red line above 53636 square kilometers, and ensure that the ecological function does not decrease and the nature does not change. Strictly control the urban development boundary, and promote the connotative intensive green development of urban space. We will improve the management system of natural resources assets and the control system of land and space use. Strengthen the management and control of ecological environment zoning. Strictly control the shoreline space of rivers and lakes.

(2) Actively and steadily promote carbon peaking and carbon neutralization

Improve and implement the "double carbon" working mechanism. Implement carbon peak action in a planned and step-by-step manner to ensure that carbon peak will be achieved by 2030. We will gradually shift the dual control of energy consumption to the dual control of total carbon emissions and intensity, and strengthen the basic capacity and institutional building of dual control of carbon emissions. Deeply implement methane emission control actions and other non carbon dioxide greenhouse gas emission control measures. Promote carbon emission statistical accounting, and prepare greenhouse gas inventory year by year. Actively participate in the construction of the national carbon market, improve the carbon emission trading mechanism, and promote the expansion of the coverage of carbon emission trading industry. We will implement green and low-carbon scientific and technological innovation, and continue to promote research on carbon neutral paths, mechanisms, science and technology, standards and norms in key areas.

Promote the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction in key areas. Comprehensively promote the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction in key areas such as energy, industry, transportation, urban and rural construction, agriculture and rural areas, and ecological construction, explore multi field, multi-level and distinctive paths for synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and achieve breakthroughs in structural adjustment, industrial upgrading, coal control and emission reduction, and clean energy substitution. Improve the level of coordinated treatment of multi pollutants and greenhouse gases in the fields of air, water, soil, solid waste, etc. Carry out multi-level collaborative innovation pilot with regions, cities, industrial parks, enterprises, etc. as units. Accelerate the implementation of collaborative projects to reduce pollution and carbon, and support low-carbon energy structure, clean mobile sources, green key industries, and recycling transformation of industrial parks. By 2027, structural optimization and adjustment of key regions and fields and green low-carbon development will have achieved remarkable results, forming a batch of replicable and replicable typical experience; By 2035, a multi-level and multi field collaborative governance system for pollution and carbon reduction will be fully established.

Fully tap the potential of resource carbon sink. Consolidate the carbon sequestration role of the ecosystem, constantly improve the forest quality, forest stock and grassland comprehensive vegetation coverage, deeply tap the carbon sink potential of rivers, lakes and marshes in the western region, strengthen the governance of degraded farmland, improve the organic matter content of farmland, increase the carbon sink of farmland, and steadily improve the carbon sequestration capacity of forests, grasslands, wetlands, farmland and other important ecological spaces. Promote the quantitative certification of greenhouse gas emission reduction effect of renewable energy, forest grass wet carbon sink, methane recycling and energy efficiency improvement projects, and encourage relevant project subjects to actively participate in greenhouse gas emission reduction. Actively develop carbon sink financial products. Advance the application and deployment of carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technology.

(3) Accelerate industrial green transformation and upgrading

Promote the green transformation of key industries. Strictly control project access, and resolutely curb the blind start of projects with high energy consumption, high emissions and low levels. We will implement the project to improve the level of cleaner production, systematically promote cleaner production in industries, agriculture, construction, services and other fields, and guide key industries to implement cleaner production transformation in depth. Strictly implement the relevant standards of green products, green factories, green parks, green supply chain, etc. in key industries, focus on cultivating a number of green design demonstration enterprises, green demonstration factories, green demonstration parks, and promote the energy efficiency and environmental protection of new projects in key industrial fields to reach the benchmark level. Build a high standard demonstration area for undertaking industrial transfer in southwest Jilin.

Cultivate new driving forces for green development. Accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system that reflects the characteristics of intelligence, greening and integration, meets the requirements of integrity, advancement and security, and has the advantages of Jilin characteristics. Deeply implement the innovation driven development strategy, accelerate the development of new quality productivity, take the lead in the layout of new energy and intelligent connected vehicles, new generation information technology and artificial intelligence, biomedicine and high-end medical equipment, advanced new materials, hydrogen energy and new energy storage, satellites and applications, and other new fields and new tracks, and accelerate the planning of a number of major projects to strengthen the foundation, promote development, and benefit the long-term. Promote the deep integration of modern service industry with advanced manufacturing industry and modern agriculture, foster and expand service-oriented manufacturing, and build an industrial ecology of cross penetration and cross-border coordination. Actively develop the under forest economy, ice and snow economy and leisure vacation industry. Actively cultivate and strengthen the environmental protection industry, and build a new pattern of environmental protection industry. By 2035, the green and low-carbon industrial structure and production mode will be widely formed.

(4) Promote clean and low-carbon transformation of energy

Promote the rapid development of clean energy. Accelerate the construction of a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system, focus on solar energy, wind energy, hydrogen energy, water energy, etc., establish a diversified energy supply system, and build a national clean energy base. Accelerate the construction of major projects such as the "Three Gorges with Landscapes on Land", the "Three Gorges with Mountains and Rivers Energy Storage", the "Three Gorges with Geothermal Energy" and the North China Power Transmission Project of the Northeast Songliao Clean Energy Base. Create a pilot project of "green power+consumption" in the new energy industry, accelerate the construction of "green power" demonstration parks in Baicheng, Songyuan, Shuangliao and Tongyu, and improve the local consumption capacity of clean energy. In combination with technical development, promote pilot demonstration projects of medium and deep geothermal heating in due time. We will continue to implement the "hydrogen driven Jilin" and "alcohol driven world" actions, and promote the full chain development of hydrogen energy "production, storage, transportation and use".

Optimize the energy consumption structure. Focus on controlling the consumption of fossil energy such as coal, strengthen the clean and efficient utilization of coal, gradually reduce the proportion of coal consumption, and enter the peak plateau period of oil consumption during the "15th Five Year Plan" period. Strictly control new coal consumption projects, and implement coal consumption target management and reduction and substitution management. Strictly control the installed capacity of coal power, and accelerate the energy-saving upgrading and flexibility transformation of existing coal power units. Orderly shut down and transform decentralized coal-fired boilers and small thermal power plants, and gradually reduce or even prohibit the burning of coal in bulk. Adapt measures to local conditions to promote the transformation of coal into electricity and coal into biomass. By 2030, the proportion of non fossil energy in total energy consumption will reach about 20%; By 2035, the proportion of non fossil energy in total energy consumption will further increase.

(Editor in charge: Wang Diyuan, Xie Long)

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