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Melting red tourism along the Yalu River, the public welfare lottery glitters -- a typical case of the construction of Ji'an Rural Revitalization Demonstration Area in Jilin Province

10:59, May 22, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online Jilin Channel
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Since 2023, the central special lottery public welfare fund has supported the construction of rural revitalization demonstration areas in old revolutionary base areas, Ji'an City has combined its own resource endowment and development status to effectively promote the quality and efficiency of rural industries, the upgrading of rural construction, the improvement of rural governance, and the effective inheritance of red culture and local culture, Seeking appropriate ways to gather the characteristic resources of border prosperity and old revolutionary base areas into the demonstration area, striving to build a development model of border red revolutionary base areas with high-quality and efficient agriculture, suitable for living and working in rural areas, and rich and affluent farmers, and exploring and summarizing the development model of rural revitalization that organically integrates the red revolutionary tradition with the characteristics of border areas.

1、 Case background

Ji'an City, located in the southeast of Jilin Province, has a 203.5 km border line across the Yalu River from one city and three counties of North Korea. It has a glorious history of revolutionary struggle, and is extremely rich in red resources, red traditions, and red genes. In 2023, under the support and standard guidance of the central special lottery public welfare fund, Ji'an City will integrate regional red resources to create a national famous red tourism destination and industrial development cluster, and create a beautiful red tourism business card featuring the first journey to North Korea. Through a series of practical measures such as scientific layout, project driven, talent empowerment, cultural integration, and joint construction of village and enterprise, we have promoted the effective inheritance of Ji'an's red culture and local culture. The village level collective economy has continued to grow, and farmers' incomes have continued to increase.

2、 Practice effectiveness

Seize development opportunities and promote industrial revitalization with high-quality projects. Compile the Planning of Key Villages in Ji'an City - Guidelines for Village Development Direction, and vigorously promote the construction of infrastructure such as roads and alleys, side ditch walls, water supply projects, and sewage pipe networks. Give full play to the advantages of tourism resources, planting of featured agricultural products and other industrial advantages, extend the industrial chain, increase functionality, build a featured tourism base, form an industrial system of promoting agriculture through tourism and integrating agriculture and tourism, achieve a substantial increase in farmers' income, and further develop and strengthen the village collective economy. In 2023, the construction of Haozigou Village's "Li Zhiyuan" featured commercial street will be completed, receiving nearly 10000 tourists in total, and the comprehensive tourism income of catering, home stay, specialty sales, etc. will reach more than 100000 yuan. Bangchuiling Tourist Reception Center was built in Qiupi Village, Qingshi Town. With "tourism+agriculture", it actively broadens the market of agricultural products, provides diversified employment channels for local people, and focuses on driving rural labor in border areas to increase local employment income, realizing the "double improvement" of village collective and people's income.

 A view of Ji'an Rural Revitalization Demonstration Area.

A view of Ji'an Rural Revitalization Demonstration Area.

Based on resource advantages, promote rural development with red tourism. We have introduced various policies such as the Implementation Plan of Ji'an Private Enterprises to Assist Key Villages in Rural Revitalization and the Implementation Measures of Ji'an Fiscal Linkage to Promote the Management of Subsidy Funds for Rural Revitalization, relying on our own advantages, highlighting the red theme, creating distinctive highlights, and integrating them into the local economic and social development plan for long-term design and system construction, It provides a solid foundation for the establishment and development of the demonstration area. We should firmly anchor our own red resources, key border towns, and developed tourism industry, and create a path for rural revitalization and development that can not only promote the development of regional core industries, but also achieve the inheritance of revolutionary spirit, and at the same time complete the stability and prosperity of the border and the prosperity of the people living in peace. We will build a high-quality tourism route featuring the first crossing of Jiefang Village under the Chengdong Street to aid the DPRK, and focus on the development of an all-around and all-around tourism industry system featuring red resources, border scenery, rural experience, and leisure and health care, so as to promote the quality improvement and upgrading of Ji'an's rural pillar industries.

 A view of Ji'an Rural Revitalization Demonstration Area.

A view of Ji'an Rural Revitalization Demonstration Area.

Pay attention to the guidance of party building, and promote the empowerment culture with talents. Focusing on the development of key industries and the employment needs of the masses, we will actively attract migrant workers, college students, ex servicemen and other returning entrepreneurial talents who are good at management, technology and management, carry out training for rural practical talents, planting and breeding technology and skills, and focus on cultivating a number of new farmers and leading people to become rich. Actively explore and implement the project of integrating excellent traditional culture into grass-roots social governance, deeply tap excellent traditional cultural resources, continue to carry out activities such as changing customs and volunteering, and demonstrate and drive the masses to participate in rural governance. Focusing on the red theme of the first aid to the DPRK, the culture of the Anti Japanese Federation, border culture, Korean culture and other local and rural features, to meet the needs of the modernization of people's living taste, to adapt measures to local conditions and highlight characteristics, and to create a new atmosphere of rural construction with Ji'an characteristics.

 A view of Ji'an Rural Revitalization Demonstration Area.

A view of Ji'an Rural Revitalization Demonstration Area.

Scientifically control the layout and drive farmers to become rich with the joint construction of village enterprises. Overlay the advantages of "golden signboards" such as the advantageous area of agricultural products with Chinese characteristics, the National Ginseng Modern Agricultural Industrial Park, and the world's top wine producing area of Yalu River Valley Mountain, adjust and optimize the layout of diversified health industries at the frontline of the border, cultivate and develop 34000 mu of characteristic crops such as ginseng, mountain grapes, blueberries, 79 frog breeding ditches, 4646 cases of bees, and 1766 mu of fishery breeding. A delegation has been organized to Ningbo, Changsha, Beijing and Hangzhou for docking and investment promotion of "private enterprises entering the frontier". Deeply carry out the activity of "Ten Thousand Enterprises Revitalizing Ten Thousand Villages", formulate the "Ji'an City Encouraging Enterprises to Invest in Key Villages, Reward and Compensation Methods", and a total of 105 private enterprises connect with 37 key border villages and sign framework agreements.

3、 Experience enlightenment

Industrial revitalization steps steadily and cultivates the "root" of rural revitalization. Ji'an City adheres to the work measures of "leading by party building, increasing collective income, and benefiting the masses" and "adjusting measures to local conditions, highlighting characteristics, combining points and areas, and promoting in a continuous way", actively develops green ecological agricultural products cooperatives, adopts the business mode of "party branch+cooperatives+bases+farmers", and focuses on cultivating theme homestays, tourism picking, authentic catering Rural tourism projects such as Red Research School are committed to building a rural ecological agricultural tourism project integrating parent-child entertainment, catering and accommodation, and picking agricultural products, and walking the road of revitalization and development of "strong branches, rich farmers, and prosperous industries". In recent years, Ji'an has developed 10 key border tourist attractions, 294 home stay hotels and 122 sketching and picking parks. In 2023, it will receive more than 1.8 million tourists, drive more than 6000 tourism practitioners, and create a new road that closely combines the leadership of party building and rural revitalization.

The vitality of talents is rounded and burst, and the "bone" of rural revitalization is consolidated. Rural revitalization can not be achieved without the support of talents. Ji'an City regards retaining people as the foothold of all work, formulates the Measures for the Implementation of Settling down in Key Border Villages by People from outside Ji'an City, and improves the enthusiasm and initiative of border residents to participate in border protection and fixing by means of policies, funds, publicity, etc., to maintain regional harmony and stability, and attract residents to return, We will further enhance the enthusiasm of border people to guard and secure the border. We continued to deepen the cultivation project of "leading geese" in rural areas, actively carried out "three branches" activities, and trained 1452 people. Four people were selected as returned entrepreneurial talents in Tonghua City.

The ecological home is beautiful and livable, shaping the "shape" of rural revitalization. Ji'an City actively integrates the resources of all parties, actively explores the establishment of the mode of "branch leadership, party member demonstration, and mass participation" to improve the living environment, and carries out the practice activity of "I do practical things for the masses" relying on the civilized practice institute of the new era to promote the toilet revolution, clean the living environment, and constantly improve the rural appearance. A total of 25.6103 million yuan was invested to implement 28 projects in border villages, improve infrastructure and public service facilities for border villages, and achieve 97.4% of tap water penetration and 100% of road access. The construction of sewage pipe network, water supply pipe network and transformation of water toilets were carried out. 32 sets of decentralized small integrated sewage treatment equipment and 27 sets of small temporary sewage storage tanks were allocated, 35000 linear meters of pipe network were laid, and 966 water toilets were reconstructed.

Cultural and tourism brands continue to rise, inheriting the "soul" of rural revitalization. Ji'an City actively explores and implements the project of integrating excellent traditional culture into grass-roots social governance, deeply digs excellent traditional cultural resources, continues to carry out activities such as changing customs and volunteering services, demonstrates and drives the masses to participate in rural governance, and condenses "co construction and co governance" share ”Strong joint force. Build a border tourism product system, vigorously promote the construction of Taiji Bay International Tourism Resort, National Gate Scenic Area, etc., radiate and drive villagers to develop rural tourism projects such as themed homestays, tourism picking, red research, etc., and 70% of border villages are on the road of tourism and becoming rich.

(Editor in charge: Li Yang, Xie Long)

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