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Make progress while maintaining stability and improve the resilience and safety level of the industrial chain supply chain (observed by commentators)

——Develop new quality productivity according to local conditions ③

Guicong Road
May 22, 2024 08:59 | Source: People's Daily
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The general keynote of seeking progress while maintaining stability is the methodology of doing economic work well, and so should the development of new quality productive forces

"We must adhere to the benign interaction between high-quality development and high-level safety". This is the strategic focus of "stability", but also the strategic initiative of "progress"


How long will it take from "farmland" to "world-class science city"? The answer of Shanghai Zhangjiang Science City is: 30 years!

After four times of expansion, it has realized the butterfly transformation from garden to city; Focus on the three leading industries of integrated circuit, biomedicine and artificial intelligence, and continue to promote "fixed chain, complementary chain and strong chain"; Industry city integration has been well developed, helping to produce more innovative achievements "from 0 to 1"

The building was not built in a day. The rapid growth of a scientific and creative city contains the dialectics of "stability" and "progress", and reflects the scientific method of developing new quality productivity.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "The CPC Central Committee has formed a unified understanding of accelerating the promotion of high-level science and technology to become self reliant and develop new quality productivity, and is actively promoting it, but this is not a temporary thing." The general keynote of seeking progress while maintaining stability is the methodology for doing economic work well, and the same should be true for developing new quality productivity.

"Stability" is the basic plate and also the lifeline. "The general direction must be stable, the principles and policies must be stable, the strategic deployment must be stable, and we must make progress on the basis of maintaining the foundation and stabilizing the position", so as to consolidate the "new" foundation and accumulate the potential energy of "progress".

Ordos, Inner Mongolia, gives full play to the chassis advantage of the coal industry, promotes the upgrading of "from black to green", and performs the chemical "magic" of "a bunch of silk per gram of coal, a piece of cloth per ton of coal"; Relying on the rich scenery resources, we will build the world's first zero carbon industrial park and accelerate the formation of the whole industrial chain of "scenery hydrogen storage vehicles".

Consolidate the foundation of the coal industry, "eat dry and squeeze out" the coal, and the "stable" foundation is more solid; Taking advantage of resources and using advanced technology to transform traditional industries, the momentum of "advancement" is growing. In 2023, Ordos will become one of the top 100 cities in China for the first time. As General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, "to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality, we must wait and be urgent. It is impossible to achieve our goal. We must make progress while maintaining stability and gradually achieve it".

"Advance" refers to direction and power. In the face of the blocking points and sticking points that restrict the development of new quality productivity, only by adhering to the problem orientation and finding the right entry point and starting point for "advancement" can we consolidate the foundation of "stability" and increase the quality of "stability".

   In March this year, the first hydrogen energy city train independently developed by China successfully completed a full load operation test at a speed of 160 kilometers per hour in Changchun, Jilin.

  Why Changchun? The old industrial cities have "family resources" in rail transit equipment manufacturing. Determine the development route of the hydrogen energy industry according to local conditions, formulate an action program for green energy development, focus on the system, and use both ends to work together to build a platform for industry university research cooperation and transformation of scientific and technological achievements... Find out the bottom line, clarify the ideas, and find the right starting point. The old industrial base will glow with new vitality, and polish the name card of "the city of rail cars".

Development and security are like two wings of one body and two wheels of drive. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "We should layout the industrial chain around the development of new quality productivity, improve the resilience and safety level of the industrial chain supply chain, and ensure that the industrial system is independent, controllable, safe and reliable." A scientific grasp of "stability" and "progress" implies the inherent requirements of overall development and safety.

Not long ago, Beijing announced that from June this year, the autonomous driving demonstration zone will expand from the current 160 square kilometers to 600 square kilometers. Ensuring that the "smart car" drives on the "smart road" is related to the second half of the development of the automobile industry. The Notice on the Pilot Work of the Access and Road Access of Intelligent Connected Vehicles was issued, the Guide to the Transport Safety Service of Autonomous Vehicles (Trial) was formulated, and the pilot work of the application of "vehicle road cloud integration" of intelligent connected vehicles was carried out... Only by adhering to the principle of planning first and consolidating the "safety base", can the driverless industry enter the fast lane of development.

At present, in the face of the opportunities and challenges brought by artificial intelligence, how to guide "intelligence for good"? In the face of the trend of promoting industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation, how can we avoid the "barbaric growth" of new formats? In the face of "decoupling and chain breaking" and "building walls and barriers", how to master the core technology in their own hands?

"We must adhere to the benign interaction between high-quality development and high-level safety". This is the strategic focus of "stability", but also the strategic initiative of "progress".

Where the new quality productivity has become a trend, there is sufficient momentum for high-quality development, and high-level safety is more secure. The dialectics of "stability" and "progress" are unified in the action of planning for the future and forging ahead.

People's Daily (May 22, 2024, 5th Edition)

(Editor in charge: Wang Diyuan, Xie Long)

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