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"Siping Corn" was listed in the 2024 Top 100 Brands (Geographical Indications) in China's Brand Value Evaluation Region

17:07, May 21, 2024|
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On May 11, in the "2024 Chinese Brand Value Evaluation Information", the regional brand of "Siping Corn" stood out from 1034 brands participating in the evaluation and was listed among the top 100 regional brands (geographical indications).

Siping Municipal Party Committee and Municipal People's Government conscientiously implement the requirements of the provincial party committee and provincial government to build a "Jizi" brand, and strive to build a "Silicon Valley" of Siping's corn industry. Relying on the first major agricultural city in China to propose, implement, and develop the "corn staple strategy", Siping formulated and issued the Work Plan for Promoting the Development of the Corn Industry, Siping's corn industry carrier The staple food products, corn culture, brand value and brand influence have increased year by year, which shows that the regional brand of Siping corn has injected strong momentum into the economic development of the grain industry enabled by new quality productivity.

In order to promote the development of the city's grain brands, promote brand upgrading and drive industrial upgrading, and help the city's economic development. The Municipal Food and Materials Reserve Bureau focused on the innovative and high-quality development achievements of "Siping Corn", actively sought the support of the Provincial Food and Materials Reserve Bureau for the evaluation of the regional brand of "Siping Corn", and invited Professor Du Jiangang from the Business School of Nankai University, the China Brand Value Evaluation Team, and Liu Bowei, the project leader of China National Brand Network, to visit Siping for research and guidance, In addition, we went to Siping Corn Industry Office to visit and exhibit the innovative product achievements of high-quality corn of "100 enterprises and 100 products", 60 invention patents, 63 scientific and technological achievements of new varieties of corn such as corn super flour and production methods, 43 heavy carriers of grain industry, and Siping characteristic corn culture such as "spring flowers and autumn fruits", "taste Siping corn" and "Siping corn IP image", Extend the new development model of Siping's corn industry integration of the whole industry chain, exhibit and publicize the "China Siping Corn Industry High Quality Development Conference", "Siping Corn Festival", "Siping Rice · Fragrant Eight Wu" and other publicity platforms, and exhibit national honors such as "China's Capital of High Quality Corn", "China's Ecological Corn Food Landmark City", etc.

"Siping Corn" regional brand (geographical indication) was listed in the Top 100 list, which is a powerful proof of strong quality "core", product innovation, and industrial upgrading. It is also a sustainable development road for brand to promote agriculture, village, and industry. Next, the Municipal Food and Materials Reserve Bureau and the Municipal Corn Industry Office will "pack" brand building, brand protection, brand management, product innovation, and industrial upgrading, deeply tap the market value of geographical indication products, vigorously cultivate "Siping Corn" landmark products, fully promote the development of "Siping Rice" regional public brands, and strive to create more "Siping Grain" Landmark brand, drive farmers to become rich, help rural revitalization, and promote high-quality development of grain industry.

(Editor in charge: Guan Sicong, Xie Long)

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