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Jilin Jingyu: Central Lottery "Gold Lever" Supports the "Beautiful Economy" of the Old Area

18:46, May 18, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online Jilin Channel
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We can see mountains, water, work and harvest. The countryside here is more beautiful, and the "nostalgia" in the old revolutionary base areas is particularly long.

Jingyu County, located at the foot of Changbai Mountain and upstream of Songhua River, is the place where General Yang Jingyu fought against Japanese invaders and died for his country. In recent years, relying on the strong support of the central special lottery public welfare fund for the underdeveloped old revolutionary base areas, the county has promoted the construction of the rural revitalization demonstration area with Huayuankou Town as the core, and has made every effort to build a global eco-tourism brand, a livable and professional model and a beautiful countryside model.

 Rural revitalization demonstration area in Huayuankou Town, Jingyu County

Rural revitalization demonstration area in Huayuankou Town, Jingyu County

Lottery public welfare fund helps old revolutionary base areas glow new vitality

Huayuankou Town of Jingyu County is located on the west slope of Changbai Mountain. The natural scenery in the area is charming and the red gene is distinctive. It has famous red ruins and relics such as the battle of Chenjiatangzi of the Northeast Anti Japanese Association, the meeting of the city wall and the meeting of the immortal cave.

In 2021, Jingyu County, with the strong support of the national, provincial and municipal rural revitalization departments, successfully won 50 million yuan from the central special lottery public welfare fund to support the rural revitalization project in underdeveloped old revolutionary base areas, and built a rural revitalization demonstration area in Huayuankou Town. The demonstration area is located at the upstream of the beautiful Baishan Lake, the south bank of the Songhua River, and the most beautiful Yingsong Expressway passes through the town. With convenient transportation, pleasant climate, and beautiful scenery, it is the only way to Changbai Mountain, and has the geographical location advantage of building a beautiful leisure tourism countryside.

 Rural revitalization demonstration area in Huayuankou Town, Jingyu County

Rural revitalization demonstration area in Huayuankou Town, Jingyu County

Relying on the support of the central lottery public welfare fund project, Jingyu County adheres to the development of Songhua River tourism as an important practice of integrating into the "one mountain and two rivers" brand strategy of Baishan City, focuses on promoting the construction of the Songhua River water tourism channel, enriches the cultural tourism industry of "watching, eating, playing, buying, and traveling", and radiates and drives the overall improvement of towns and villages along the Songhua River in the county. Fully tap the advantages of green ecology, landscape culture, health care research, Changbai Mountain tourism nodes and other resources, flexibly use the three elements of "resources, environment, culture", and actively cultivate the integration of agriculture and tourism industries such as ecological tourism, rural tourism, sightseeing tourism, leisure tourism, and agricultural experience tourism through investment attraction, implementation of industrial projects, and integration of agriculture and tourism.

Today, Huayuankou Town has gradually explored an integrated cultural and tourism development model of "red+ecology+countryside+culture", attracting nearly 100000 tourists to Huayuan Village to study and play. Huayuan Village has been successively rated as a provincial key village for rural tourism and a beautiful leisure village, and was selected as a beautiful leisure village in China in 2023.

"Beautiful Economy" Draws the Background of Rural Happiness in Old Town

The environment is the background for rural development. Jingyu County takes the "beautiful economy" as the key entrance. The construction of the demonstration area focuses on "beauty, durability and refinement". With the "high appearance" of the rural residential environment, Jingyu County takes the brand road of "integration of agriculture, culture and tourism" with Jingyu characteristics.

The local government has successively invested more than 66 million yuan in lottery public welfare project funds and packaging bond funds, implemented beautiful rural upgrading projects such as rain and sewage separation, pipeline into the ground, drainage ditches, greening and beautification, and uniformly replaced resin tiles, made plaques, made external wall insulation, and painted the walls for merchants and residents on the main street in the demonstration area; In the main street roadway of Huayuan New Village, street lamps, monitoring equipment, light strips, audio and other equipment are installed at intervals, greatly improving the environmental outlook.

 Rural revitalization demonstration area in Huayuankou Town, Jingyu County

Rural revitalization demonstration area in Huayuankou Town, Jingyu County

Innovate the planning concept and upgrade the rural landscape. By adopting the IP embedding method, the traditional Chinese philosophy and the philosophy of people's practice will be embedded in the construction of beautiful villages, and Huayuan Village will be built into the first philosophy and humanity town in the north. There are more than 10 key projects in the area, such as Children's Study Amusement Park, Garden Star Sky Sharing Farm, Su Zhu B&B, Huahao Yueyuan Pocket Park, Rural Philosophy Library, and Philosophy Cabin, forming a new green development pattern of "ecology+culture+pastoral+B&B".

Integrate tourism resources and enrich the connotation of rural development. Invest 50 million yuan to implement the construction project of the Research and Study Corridor, the birthplace of the Northeast Anti Japanese Army, to vividly display the spirit of the Northeast Anti Japanese Army through the 8.8 km northeast Anti Japanese Army Road hiking path, eight red scenic spots, and nine natural scenic spots, to deeply tap the surrounding anti Japanese Army red resources, and to build a red tourism town. Invest 74 million yuan to build the construction project of Songjiang Village Korean Folk Custom Commercial Street, inherit the characteristic Korean culture of Songhua River, provide special accommodation, catering, shopping and other supporting services for Songhua River eco-tourism scenic spot, and promote the effective integration of agricultural, commercial, cultural and tourism industries. Among them, the construction project of Changbai Mountain Temple Kiln Site Exhibition Center organically integrates art elements with scientific and technological means, gives full play to the advantages of the combination of multimedia technology shows, entertainment formats, and business formats, and creates a landmark theme cultural, business and tourism complex of Jingyu County in all seasons and all formats, so that the demonstration area will change from a "passing point" to a "punch in point".

"Lottery commonweal road" paved to Fukang Village Road

In the past few years since the construction of the demonstration area, Jingyu County has continued to promote the deep integration of rural tourism and regional culture, and developed cultural tourism projects, leisure agriculture, and featured homestays with regional characteristics. Give full play to the radiation and driving role of the cultural and tourism industry, constantly expand the rural industrial structure, increase farmers' employment, improve farmers' income level, and realize the benign interaction between the cultural and tourism industry and economic development.

Develop the economy of home stay so that tourists can live well. By building a village enterprise joint construction platform, the surrounding villagers are driven to actively develop homestay projects. One by one, homestays with strong local characteristics are gradually built, and remote rural houses have become "golden houses". By the end of 2023, 16 Dongbeifeng folk homestays, 6 Xiangjufang homestays, 1 high-end plain building homestays, and 8 outdoor tent homestays have been built. Now, one large-scale high-end homestay is under construction.

 Rural revitalization demonstration area in Huayuankou Town, Jingyu County

Rural revitalization demonstration area in Huayuankou Town, Jingyu County

Broaden eco-tourism routes for tourists to enjoy themselves. Build a literary and artistic co creation platform, introduce photographer Zhao Chunjiang and folklore artist Cao Baoming to Huayuan Village to create a personal studio, effectively improving the popularity of the charming garden. Relying on rich water resources, the project of Jingyu Songhua River Water Sports Container Training Camp will be built. Deeply tap the ecological and cultural resources of the county, launch experience projects such as fruit picking, hiking, tourism photography, etc., to better meet the personalized and diversified consumption needs of tourists, so that the countryside can become a park, the farmhouse can become a guest room, and work can become an experience, so that farmers can more share the value-added benefits of the industry, and inject new vitality into rural revitalization.

In the past two years, Huayuankou Town has also timely seized the opportunity to actively encourage villagers to develop characteristic planting industry, increase villagers' employment and drive local farmers to increase income. By planting cucumbers, tomatoes, strawberries, corn and other vegetables and fruits, tourists will be attracted to pick them and then process them into food to immerse themselves in rural life. Develop new tourism projects such as "shared vegetable garden". Effectively revitalize the land resources in the village, and realize land transfer through leasing and escrow to increase income. Build an industry pool platform, adopt the mode of "village collective+enterprise+cooperative+farmer", purchase fresh corn, blueberry and other products and sell them overseas, increase the income of village collective, and achieve win-win development of ecology and economy.

In the future, Jingyu County will continue to aim at "comprehensive revitalization of the countryside and common prosperity of farmers", based on its own red and green resource endowment, give full play to the leverage role of the central special lottery public welfare fund, continue to strengthen the power, cohesion and vitality, make every effort to enrich the cultural and tourism industry, and continue to promote the integrated development of "industry+", Strive to realize the transformation of "from red resources to red economy, from beautiful ecology to a better life", and lay a more solid foundation for Jingyu's "Songhua River" cultural tourism brand.

(Editor in charge: Li Siyue, Xie Long)

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