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People's Observation | Why is Jilin's "Culture and Museum Fever" Burning Again?

People's Daily Online reporter Li Siyue
10:06, May 18, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online Jilin Channel
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May 18 this year is the 48th International Museum Day, with the theme of "museums are committed to education and research".

Chinese classics recitation performance, immersive red drama performance, earth science Olympic competition, theme lectures... museums in Jilin Province have carried out various forms and rich content of museum theme activities.

 During the May Day holiday, Jilin Provincial Museum was full of visitors. (Courtesy of Jilin Provincial Museum)

During the May Day holiday, Jilin Provincial Museum was full of visitors. (Courtesy of Jilin Provincial Museum)

There was a long queue at the entrance of the venue, and the exhibition hall was crowded, so it was hard to get a ticket for an appointment... During the May Day holiday, 66 museums in Jilin Province extended their opening hours, 17 of which were later than 18:00; 167 events were organized, and 804100 visitors were received, up 15% year on year.

Today, museums in Jilin Province have become "online red card punching places" for many tourists and citizens. The "culture and museum craze" continues to rise. Why is the "culture and museum craze" in Jilin burning again and again?

Behind the "museum craze" is the "culture craze"

On the morning of the 18th, many tourists who came to the main venue of the "5.18 International Museum Day" in Jilin Province successively walked into the Jilin Provincial Museum to watch the red classic story stage play "Nine Words Family Motto See the Original Heart".

As the main venue of the "May 18 International Museum Day" in Jilin Province in 2024, the Jilin Provincial Museum launched an immersive drama performance of the red classic story stage play "Nine Words Family Motto See the Original Heart", which revolves around the nine words family motto of General Yang Jingyu, "strict requirements, heavy responsibility, understanding contentment", and tells the story of Yang Jingyu's descendants who are dedicated and selfless in their ordinary posts, A good family tradition is passed down from generation to generation.

As the founding place of the Northeast Anti Japanese Allied Army, Jilin has left many precious revolutionary historical materials and red marks. The permanent exhibition "Breaking Dawn - Jilin People's Revolutionary Struggle History Exhibition" in Jilin Provincial Museum welcomes tourists from all over the country every year.

 During the May Day holiday, a large number of tourists and citizens entered Jilin Provincial Museum to absorb cultural nourishment. (Courtesy of Jilin Provincial Museum)

During the May Day holiday, a large number of tourists and citizens entered Jilin Provincial Museum to absorb cultural nourishment. (Courtesy of Jilin Provincial Museum)

"When traveling around the country, I will definitely visit local museums. From the cultural relics displayed in the Jilin Provincial Museum, I felt the hardships of the revolutionary era, the cruelty of war and the bravery and tenacity of the Chinese people in that era, which makes me cherish today's happy life even more." During this year's "May Day" holiday, Li Zhenfeng, a tourist from Hebei, sighed after watching the exhibition.

 During the May Day holiday, Jilin Provincial Museum was very popular. (Courtesy of Jilin Provincial Museum)

During the May Day holiday, Jilin Provincial Museum was very popular. (Courtesy of Jilin Provincial Museum)

In recent years, the public's interest in the excellent traditional Chinese culture has become increasingly strong, the cultural demand has become increasingly strong, and the appeal of red tourism to the public has increased significantly. Jilin Provincial Museum has continuously enriched its display forms, making the museum a history classroom for inheriting the red spirit, a popular option for people's daily travel, and a hot spot for more and more young people to visit and study.

During the "May Day" holiday this year, Jilin Provincial Museum extended its opening hours, received 60500 visitors, provided 23 interpretation services, and 29 online exhibitions showed the colorful Jilin to the public.

Since the implementation of the free opening policy in 2008, museums in Jilin Province have been constantly innovating and enriching the exhibition content. There are more than 200 basic displays. Every specific time node, traditional festival and the "May 18" International Museum Day, they will also combine their own advantages to launch exhibition activities with bright themes and diverse forms. Visiting museums on holidays has become a "new fashion".

Museum becomes the "second classroom"

On May 18, the Geological Museum of Jilin University, together with the School of Earth Sciences of Jilin University and the Academic Affairs Office of Jilin University, jointly held the final of the 2023-2024 academic year National Geoscience Olympic Competition for Middle School Students.

"The purpose of this competition is to promote the popularization of earth science education, popularize the knowledge of earth science, stimulate the interest and love of the majority of middle school students in earth science, enhance their ability to learn earth science, provide opportunities for further improvement for middle school students who are interested in earth science and have the ability to learn, so as to discover, cultivate and select a number of young talents in earth science." Shan Xuanlong, curator of the Geological Museum of Jilin University.

"National Science Popularization Education Base", "National Youth Science and Technology Education Base", "Land and Resources Science Popularization Base", "Jilin Province Patriotism Education Base", "National Primary and Middle School Students Research and Practice Education Base"... Today, the Geological Museum of Jilin University plays an increasingly important role in teaching, scientific research, science popularization, social services, etc., and has become a cultural tourism The new popularity of popular science education in geosciences.

The Geological Museum of Jilin University was founded in 1952. There are exquisite jewels and jades, strange shaped stones, precious paleontological fossils, meteorites known as "visitors from heaven", and many real dinosaur fossil skeletons, dinosaur eggs, and dinosaur footprints.

 The display of paleontological fossils in the Geological Museum of Jilin University attracts tourists to stop and take photos. (Courtesy of Jilin University Geological Museum)

The display of paleontological fossils in the Geological Museum of Jilin University attracts tourists to stop and take photos. (Courtesy of Jilin University Geological Museum)

The Geological Museum of Jilin University is not only devoted to exhibition and collection, but also attaches importance to education and research. The Geological Museum of Jilin University is open to students of relevant majors in Jilin University for practice teaching and professional knowledge education; Use the platform of the museum's national science popularization base and patriotism education base to receive group visits from kindergarten to middle school, and carry out science popularization and patriotism education related to earth science; Establish an international research team with the School of Earth Sciences to carry out scientific research work related to dinosaurs.

 During the holidays, there was a long line at the entrance of the Geological Museum of Jilin University. (Information picture. Courtesy of Jilin University Geological Museum)

During the holidays, there was a long line at the entrance of the Geological Museum of Jilin University. (Information picture. Courtesy of Jilin University Geological Museum)

During the "May Day" holiday, the Geological Museum of Jilin University is open to the public free of charge. All undergraduate and graduate science popularization volunteers from Jilin University are on duty. They have undergone professional explanation training and strict assessment, aiming to provide tourists with high-quality and rich visiting experience.

 Student groups visited the Geological Museum of Jilin University. (Courtesy of Jilin University Geological Museum)

Student groups visited the Geological Museum of Jilin University. (Courtesy of Jilin University Geological Museum)

"Taking our children here on vacation is not only a quick tour, but also a lot of geological knowledge with the help of volunteers." Ms. Zhang, a citizen, sincerely praised.

Today, museums in Jilin Province make full use of their own resources to carry out social education practice activities, and offer patriotism education, art appreciation, history and culture and other types of education courses. At the same time, we will establish a cooperative mechanism with universities, middle schools and primary schools to promote the integration of museum education into the national education system and make museums become the "second classroom" for more children.

Digital intelligence enables cultural relics to "live"

Click on a picture of cultural relics at will, you can zoom in and out of cultural relics on the screen, and you can also scan the code to view the information of cultural relics. On the morning of May 17, at the "Mantang Tibetan Medicine Classic Thangka Exhibition" jointly launched by Changchun Manchukuo Palace Museum and Tibet Museum, the "magic screen" in the exhibition hall of the Eye of the Museum Art Palace attracted many tourists to experience.

 The "magic screen" in the exhibition hall of the Eye of the Museum has attracted many tourists. Photographed by Li Siyue, reporter of People's Daily Online

The "magic screen" in the exhibition hall of the Eye of the Museum has attracted many tourists. Photographed by Li Siyue, reporter of People's Daily Online

It is understood that the Eye of the Museum Art Palace will launch a series of exhibitions after its completion and opening in 2023, aiming to promote, inherit and revitalize Chinese traditional culture and art. The exhibition hall includes NFT digital art, "M+Yuedu" space, magic screen, visual cultural relics warehouse, cultural relics shelter, etc. It is a cultural and artistic exhibition space in the Imperial Palace Museum of Manchukuo.

"This visit to the Imperial Palace Museum of Manchukuo not only learned knowledge and history, but also felt the immersive experience brought by modern technology to the exhibition hall." This is the second time that Ms. Li, a citizen, has visited the Imperial Palace Museum of Manchukuo, this time with her mother, calling it "true"!

In recent years, with the promotion of the construction of smart museums, visitors can enjoy the whole process of digital convenient services through small programs, small screen interaction and other technical means, from booking, entering the museum to guided viewing, which greatly promotes the two-way communication between visitors and museums. The digital and intelligent construction of the museum also helps the operation and management of the museum itself.

 The visual cultural relics warehouse of the Imperial Palace Museum of Manchukuo. (Courtesy of the Imperial Palace Museum of Manchukuo)

The visual cultural relics warehouse of the Imperial Palace Museum of Manchukuo. (Courtesy of the Imperial Palace Museum of Manchukuo)

"We are trying to use new technologies to promote the operation ability and openness of museums, so that museums can have a broader connection with society. We will build an online holographic display platform for cultural relics, establish connections with literature databases and social public literature data, form a collaborative research platform, and promote the intelligent construction of small and medium-sized museums in the province." Wang Zhiqiang, president of the Imperial Palace Museum of Manchukuo, said.

In September 2023, the "Carving Dragon Cloud" museum operation cloud platform was launched. The cloud platform was jointly designed, developed and constructed by the Museum of the Manchukuo Imperial Palace and Changchun Cultural Museum Digital Intelligence Innovation Research Institute (Museum Digital Intelligence Innovation Laboratory) and other units, and introduced the "SaaS software as a service" business model into the construction of smart museums, focusing on solving the problems of small and medium-sized museums in digital management Safety monitoring and early warning, data analysis and research and other key issues faced in the main application scenarios.

"Carving Dragon Cloud" Museum operates cloud platform, unbounded security intelligent command system, Jilin Provincial Cultural Relics Cloud big data platform, Jilin Provincial Museum's collection digital protection project... Now, digitalization is helping the museum to develop in collection management, exhibition, scientific research, cultural protection, social education, cultural innovation and other fields.

 During the May Day holiday, people followed the crowd in the Palace Museum of Manchukuo. (Information picture. Courtesy of Jilin Provincial Museum)

During the May Day holiday, people followed the crowd in the Palace Museum of Manchukuo. (Information picture. Courtesy of Jilin Provincial Museum)

Exhibitions are more abundant, educational functions are constantly enhanced, and digital construction is "accelerating". Jilin museums continue to make efforts in inheriting and carrying forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture and advanced socialist culture, so as to make cultural relics "live" and cultural relics "hot".

(Editor in charge: Li Siyue, Xie Long)

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