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Illuminate reality with theory Activate theory with reality

Jilin University Press held the first issue of the new book "Illuminating reality with theory -- theoretical thinking and practical wisdom of sinicization of Marxist philosophy"

May 17, 2024 15:39 | Source: People's Daily Online Jilin Channel
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Changchun,, May 17 (reporter Ma Junhua) "Illuminate reality with theory." Today, the first Northeast Book Trade Expo opened in Changchun International Convention and Exhibition Center, and Jilin University Press held "Illuminate reality with theory -- theoretical thinking and practical wisdom of sinicization of Marxist philosophy" (hereinafter referred to as "Illuminate reality with theory") in Hall 1 of the main venue New book launch.

The book Illuminating Reality with Theory was written by Sun Zhengyu, a national famous teacher, a national model of teaching and educating, a senior professor of philosophy and social sciences of Jilin University, and director of the Strategic Advisory Committee of Philosophy and Social Sciences of Jilin University. It is the first book of "Chinese independent philosophy knowledge system research books" planned by Jilin University Press.

Wu Shulin, president of the China Publishing Association, Guo Yiqiang, vice president of the China Publishing Association and president of the China Book Review Society, Hao Zhensheng, president of the China Editorial Association, Lei Zhenyu, deputy director of the Publicity Department of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee, Chen Shaozhi, president of the Jilin Provincial Editorial and Publishing Association, Li Hongming, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and director of the Publicity Department of Jilin University, and others attended the new book conference.

Sun Zhengyu, the author of Illuminating Reality with Theory, Li Deshun, the tenured professor and doctoral supervisor of China University of Political Science and Law, Feng Ziyi, the liberal chair professor and doctoral supervisor of the Department of Philosophy of Peking University, and Bai Gang, the dean and doctoral supervisor of the School of Philosophy and Social Sciences of Jilin University, attended the conference.

 Wu Shulin, Chairman of the China Publishing Association.

Wu Shulin, Chairman of the China Publishing Association.

Wu Shulin delivered a speech at the press conference of new books, pointing out that the publication of Illuminating Reality with Theory is a vivid practice of learning and implementing the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping. He suggested that this book be read as a popular theoretical reading material, and called for the widespread, in-depth and lasting dissemination of the author's wisdom and insights through academic discussions, knowledge lectures, theoretical lectures, media publicity and other forms, so as to truly realize the enlightenment function of knowledge, the educational function of theory and the social value of philosophy, and promote the deep participation of the public in philosophy and social sciences, And jointly promote the progress and development of human civilization.

 Li Hongming, Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Minister of Publicity of Jilin University. Photographed by Ma Junhua, reporter of People's Daily Online

Li Hongming, Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Minister of Publicity of Jilin University. Photographed by Ma Junhua, reporter of People's Daily Online

Li Hongming, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Head of Propaganda of Jilin University, stressed in his speech that Sun Zhengyu is not only a banner of the philosophy of Jilin University, but also a banner of the philosophy and social science highland of Northeast China, and also a flag figure in the national philosophy circle. The book Illuminating Reality with Theory represents the academic level of philosophy and social science of Jilin University. It will further boost the confidence in the development of philosophy and social science of Jilin University, and is of great significance in promoting the reform of philosophy concepts and the construction of philosophy system in China.

    The new book "Illuminating Reality with Theory" was released for the first time.

The new book "Illuminating Reality with Theory" was released for the first time.

The launch ceremony of the new book was accompanied by the countdown of the whole audience, and the launch guests jointly opened the new book - "Illuminate reality with theory". The book summarizes and summarizes the theoretical innovation and theoretical creation of the sinicization of Marxist philosophy, and thus more clearly expounds the theme of "illuminating reality with theory".

"Theory is reality in thought". After the launching ceremony, Sun Zhengyu made a keynote speech, pointing out that any major theoretical problem originates from a major practical problem, and any major practical problem contains a major theoretical problem. The process of sinicization of Marxism can also be said to be the process of activating theory with reality and illuminating reality with theory.

 Sun Zhengyu made a keynote speech. Photographed by Ma Junhua, reporter of People's Daily Online

Sun Zhengyu made a keynote speech. Photographed by Ma Junhua, reporter of People's Daily Online

"In the book, through a century long review of the history and logic of the sinicization of Marxist philosophy, I focused on the theoretical thinking of the sinicization of Marxist philosophy in a problem oriented way, made a research paradigm of the sinicization of Marxist philosophy - conservation and innovation, and explored the practical wisdom of the sinicization of Marxist philosophy - illuminating reality; It has studied the construction of contemporary Chinese Marxist philosophy system - mission undertaking. " Finally, Sun Zhengyu expressed his thanks to Jilin University Press and the guests and friends who attended the press conference. He said that he hoped that we can unswervingly activate the theory with reality and illuminate the reality with theory on the road of sinicization of Marxist philosophy.

 Li Deshun, lifelong professor and doctoral supervisor of China University of Political Science and Law. Photographed by Ma Junhua, reporter of People's Daily Online

Li Deshun, lifelong professor and doctoral supervisor of China University of Political Science and Law. Photographed by Ma Junhua, reporter of People's Daily Online

In his speech, Li Deshun first congratulated the release of the book Illuminating Reality with Theory. He pointed out that the book systematically expounded a series of theoretical issues such as how to conduct academic research with theoretical thinking, how to upgrade Chinese experience into Chinese theory, how to refine the concept of "originality and identity" and build China's independent knowledge system. At the same time, he expressed his gratitude to Jilin University Press for collecting, publishing, preserving and disseminating such a book with historic significance.

 Feng Ziyi, a liberal chair professor and doctoral supervisor of the Department of Philosophy of Peking University.

Feng Ziyi, a liberal chair professor and doctoral supervisor of the Department of Philosophy of Peking University.

Feng Ziyi's speech highly praised the book. He said that it is a very thick academic work, which combines the distinctive political nature, rigorous academic nature, profound thought, cutting-edge research, and vivid expression. It is indeed a masterpiece of Ma Zhe's research. In particular, the last part focuses on the construction of the Chinese Marxist philosophy system, which fully reflects the important mission and responsibility of philosophy workers, which is very important.

At last, Jin Jianghong, the president of Jilin University Press, expressed sincere gratitude to leaders at all levels and experts and scholars who had been attending the meeting for their concern and support for Jilin University Press, and indicated that Jilin University Press would publish more high-quality products to serve the readers by virtue of the publication and release of Illuminating Reality with Theory.

 The new book "Illuminating Reality with Theory" was released for the first time. Photographed by Ma Junhua, reporter of People's Daily Online

The new book "Illuminating Reality with Theory" was released for the first time. Photographed by Ma Junhua, reporter of People's Daily Online

The launching ceremony of the new book was guided by the Propaganda Department of Jilin Provincial Party Committee and presided over by Jin Jianghong, president of Jilin University Press. The inaugural ceremony was also attended by 15 teachers from the School of Philosophy and Social Sciences of Jilin University and more than 50 students, disciples and enthusiastic audience from Sun Zhengyu.

(Editor in charge: Ma Junhua, Xie Long)

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