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New Breakthroughs in the Revitalization and Development of Changchun's Private Economy from the Perspective of Three New Historical Highs

People's Daily Online reporter Li Yang
May 10, 2024 16:27 | Source: People's Daily Online Jilin Channel
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General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that the CPC Central Committee has always insisted on "two unswerving" and "three unchanged", and always regarded private enterprises and private entrepreneurs as its own people.

In order to further accelerate the all-round revitalization of Changchun and take the lead in achieving new breakthroughs, on May 9, the Changchun Municipal Party Committee and the Changchun Municipal Government formulated and issued the Implementation Opinions on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Opinions") and corresponding policies and measures, aimed at optimizing the development environment of private enterprises and promoting the development and growth of the private economy.

 Conference on Accelerating the High Quality Development of Private Economy in Changchun.

Conference on Accelerating the High Quality Development of Private Economy in Changchun. Provided by Changchun Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology

At present, Changchun has stronger confidence and faster pace in developing private economy. "It is estimated that by the end of 2024, the main business income of Changchun's private economy will reach 1.5 trillion yuan, the number of private economy market players will reach 1.54 million, and the total number of" specialized, special and new "small and medium-sized enterprises will exceed 2000. The city's private economy will achieve leapfrog development. Huang Xianyu, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Changchun Municipal Committee and Vice Mayor, said at the meeting.

Three historical highs, private enterprises are more confident!

In 2023, the development of Changchun's private economy and small and medium-sized enterprises achieved "three historical highs"——

The number of private market entities reached a record high, with a total number of 1.5398 million households and 2.86 million employees, including 397000 private enterprises, an increase of 10.8%, and 1.143 million individual businesses, an increase of 8.1%;

The main business income of the private economy hit a record high, reaching 1.35 trillion yuan, up 10%;

The proportion of private economy reached a record high, and the added value of private economy accounted for 53% of GDP.

Continuously optimize the development environment of private enterprises, promote the development and growth of private economy, and a large number of private enterprises and private entrepreneurs have stronger confidence.

"The high-quality development of enterprises cannot be separated from the support of the government. In recent years, the company has started the acceleration of development." Zhuang Xiuli, general manager of Changchun Shengboma Biomaterials Co., Ltd., said that the "free application and enjoy" policy implemented in Changchun City, which provides subsidies and support for enterprise research and development investment, is of great significance to enterprise development. In October 2023, the construction of the company's ultra high performance medical device industrialization project covering an area of more than 110000 square meters has been completed. It can be put into production in 2024, and the output value is expected to reach 10 billion yuan in the next five years. In 2023, the company will achieve an output value of nearly 2 billion yuan. In the first quarter of this year, the company has achieved a year-on-year growth of 38.8% in sales.

Policy support is consistent. According to the implementation opinions and several measures, Changchun will continue to deepen the service for resident (assistant) enterprises, improve the efficiency of government services, strictly implement the market access system, improve the credit incentive mechanism, and explore the "minimalist approval" model of government services. Improve the convenience of tax service, and achieve 100% online handling of major tax related services, and more than 95% of "non-contact" tax handling.

There are 37 items in eight aspects, and private enterprises are more energetic!

The Implementation Opinions on Promoting the Development and Growth of Private Economy (hereinafter referred to as "Implementation Opinions") and corresponding policies and measures issued by Changchun City this time include eight aspects and 37 specific contents.

——Optimize the government environment for private economy development. Changchun will continue to deepen the service for resident (assistant) enterprises, strictly implement the market access system, improve the credit incentive mechanism, and explore the "minimalist approval" model of government services; Improve the convenience of tax service, and achieve 100% online handling of major tax related services, and more than 95% of "non-contact" tax handling.

——Increase policy support for private economy. Changchun will set up special funds for private and small and medium-sized enterprises, strengthen the supply guarantee of production factors such as water, electricity, gas, heat, land, communication, reduce the financing costs of private enterprises, build a platform for private enterprises to find jobs, promote direct access to enterprise funds, and continue to prevent and resolve arrears.

——We will promote high-quality development of the private economy. Changchun will carry out "lean management training" activities to guide the establishment of modern enterprise systems; Encourage private enterprises to increase scientific and technological innovation, increase R&D investment, and encourage private enterprises to speed up the "smart transformation and digital transformation" to improve quality and efficiency; Increase government procurement support, and promote enterprises to participate in major strategies and infrastructure construction.

The policy is like spring rain, seeking tangible benefits for private enterprises. "I deeply feel that Jilin Province is determined to support the development of private economy.".

Cohesion, innovation, transformation, and stronger creativity of private enterprises!

To accelerate high-quality development, Changchun has placed the enhancement of private enterprises' scientific and technological innovation capability in a more prominent position, supported and guided private enterprises to seize the major opportunity of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform, followed the trend of digital transformation, intelligent service, green development, and advanced industry, accelerated the transformation of development mode, adjusted industrial structure, and transformed growth momentum, We will promote high-quality development of the private economy.

In the workshop of Jilin General Machinery (Group) Co., Ltd., robots and mechanical arms are processing automobile wheels in order. "Through the implementation of digital and intelligent transformation of the production line, the processing time of one product has been reduced from 2 minutes to 18 seconds, and the number of personnel has been reduced from 8 to 2," said Li Jibao, chairman of the board of directors.

Li Jibao introduced that the performance indicators of the company's CNC press mounting machine and other equipment have reached or exceeded the level of similar products in the industry. In the past three years, the company has obtained 79 utility model patents and 11 invention patents, becoming a national pilot factory for intelligent manufacturing.

Under the guidance of innovation drive, the development vitality of Changchun's private economy continues to increase. 80% of the city's high-tech enterprises, 93% of the "specialized, refined, and new" SMEs are private enterprises, and 30% of the scientific and technological achievements come from private enterprises.

According to the implementation opinions and several measures, Changchun will focus on innovation drive, use "real gold and silver" to play the guiding role of financial funds, support and encourage private enterprises to increase R&D investment, aim at the forefront of science and technology and market demand, and strive to master a number of key technologies with independent intellectual property rights.

The call to tackle key problems is sounded, and the revitalization is promoted first. "Changchun City will build a multi-level government enterprise exchange platform, and make services the most urgent when enterprises need them most, so that they can do everything they want," said Zhang Enhui, Secretary of the CPC Changchun Municipal Committee.

(Editor in charge: Li Yang, Xie Long)

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