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"Jilin Model" Comrade Wang Qi's Traveling Report Group on His Advanced deeds walked into Changchun Fire Rescue Detachment

10:50, May 7, 2024|
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General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "only by advocating heroes can heroes emerge, and only by striving to be heroes can heroes emerge in large numbers." Retired military affairs departments at all levels in the province thoroughly studied and implemented Xi Jinping's thought of building a strong military and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on the work of retired soldiers, relying on the rich and red resources of the province, For six consecutive years, we have organized and carried out a series of activities such as the theme cultural publicity of "looking for the footprints of veterans, telling good heroic stories, and inheriting the red spirit", and the exhibition of literary and artistic works of "the heart of soldiers always goes to the party", to tell good heroic stories, promote the spirit of heroes, and create a strong atmosphere of advocating, defending, learning, and caring for heroes in the whole society. After the national "most beautiful ex servicemen" and "Jilin model" Comrade Wang Qi's advanced deeds report meeting was held in the provincial hotel, it aroused strong repercussions and resonance in the province. The vast majority of cadres and the masses said that they should take Comrade Wang Qi as an example, promote righteousness, advocate new style, base on the position, work hard, and strive to promote Jilin's comprehensive revitalization and take the lead in achieving new breakthroughs with practical achievements. The "Jilin Model" Comrade Wang Qi's advanced deeds report team successively went to the majority of retired military cadres, college students, and fire rescue personnel to carry out a tour report meeting, which was widely welcomed and strongly resonated with cadres and the masses from all walks of life. It set off an upsurge of learning from Comrade Wang Qi's deeds in the province and making greater contributions to Jilin's overall revitalization in the new era and taking the lead in achieving new breakthroughs.

In order to further publicize the advanced deeds of Comrade Wang Qi, the "most beautiful ex serviceman" and "Jilin model" in China, and encourage the fire rescue personnel to devote themselves to the emergency rescue cause with high attitude and full enthusiasm, recently, the "Jilin model" Comrade Wang Qi's advanced deeds report team entered Changchun Fire Rescue Detachment to carry out a tour report.

 Zhao Jingliang, deputy political member of provincial fire rescue corps, Zhang Jianjun, leader of Changchun Detachment, and other leaders received the members of the report team

Zhao Jingliang, deputy political member of provincial fire rescue corps, Zhang Jianjun, leader of Changchun Detachment, and other leaders received the members of the report team

Before the report meeting, Zhao Jingliang, the deputy political member of the provincial fire rescue corps, and Zhang Jianjun, the leader of the Changchun detachment, met with the members of the report team and attended the report meeting. During the forum, everyone sincerely admired Comrade Wang Qi's heroic feat of bravery and boldness at the critical moment, expressed high respect for the benevolent and selfless broad-minded mind of his doctors, and sincerely welcomed and thanked the members of the report team for coming to Changchun fire rescue team to make a special report.

 Activity site of tour report meeting

Activity site of tour report meeting

At the report meeting, Comrade Wang Qi enthusiastically told his own struggle process and life experience of striving for self-improvement and courageously moving forward. Five members of the report team, including Zhang Dawei, the lecturer of the Red Story Group of Changchun Mass Art Museum, He Chunping, the former head nurse of the Army's 16th Group Army Cadre Rest Center, Wang Kai, a member of the Provincial Blind Association, Jin Shumin, the president of the Provincial Classic Reading Association, and Sun Gang, the blind entrepreneur, Wang Qi, who always obeys the call of the Party and contributes everything to the motherland and the people, was vividly told from different sides and angles with straightforward narration, touching words and sincere expression; A Wang Qi who obeys orders and forgets his life in the critical moment; Wang Qi, who is constantly striving for self-improvement and is determined not to bow to fate in adversity. Comrade Wang Qi's revolutionary fighting spirit of being physically disabled and persevering in self-improvement coincides with the fire rescue workers' sacrifice and dedication spirit of going through fire and water, which has aroused strong resonance among the fire rescue workers on the scene. Everyone salutes Comrade Wang Qi with warm applause.

Yu Yanjiao, Deputy Director of the Combat Training Department of Changchun Fire Rescue Detachment, said: "I was a soldier once and a soldier all my life. Comrade Wang Qi's moving deeds have made me deeply feel the value pursuit and mission responsibility that a soldier should have. As a fire rescue worker, I firmly adhere to strict discipline, will go through fire and water, be dedicated to serving the people in mind, and work hard in my own post to make contributions to the new era."

"Comrade Wang Qi is physically disabled and has a strong ambition. He never forgets his original intention, and does his best to show his dedication with practical actions. He never fades when he retires from the army. Where his post is, he spreads his military glory. I will take him as an example and always remind and encourage myself to strive for light in ordinary posts, become light, diffuse light, create a safe working and living environment for the people, prevent fires, reduce fire hazards, maintain the safety of people's lives and property, and maintain public safety. Make a contribution. " Liu Zhe, deputy leader of the Southern Metropolis Brigade of Changchun Fire Rescue Detachment, said.

 Fire rescue personnel explained to Comrade Wang Qi that Changchun Fire Rescue Detachment won the honor

Fire rescue personnel explained to Comrade Wang Qi that Changchun Fire Rescue Detachment won the honor

After the report meeting, the fire rescue personnel and Wang Qi exchanged their experiences and experiences face to face, and invited Wang Qi to visit the Honor Room. With the help of the interpreters, Comrade Wang Qi touched the fire fighting equipment with his hands. The fire rescue workers won trophies one by one, and listened attentively to the touching stories of the fire rescue workers who faced difficult and dangerous tasks, took risks and acted against them. Comrade Wang Qi and the fire rescue workers said that they would always maintain their military qualities, and work hard and bravely to make contributions to the new era on all fronts and posts.

 Comrade Wang Qi and fire rescue personnel had a discussion and exchange

Comrade Wang Qi and fire rescue personnel had a discussion and exchange

(Editor in charge: Ma Junhua, Xie Long)

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