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New Breakthroughs in Jilin's Overall Revitalization

Wang Haiyue, reporter of People's Daily Online
April 29, 2024 13:47 | Source: People's Daily Online Jilin Channel
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"General Secretary Xi Jinping has high hopes for Jilin's revitalization and development. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, he has visited Jilin three times and put forward important requirements for us to 'take new responsibilities, make new breakthroughs and take new actions', which has created a blueprint for Jilin's overall revitalization and injected strong impetus." On April 22, at a series of news conferences themed "Promoting high-quality development" held by the Information Office of the State Council, Hu Yuting, deputy secretary of the CPC Jilin Provincial Committee and governor of Jilin Province, said that Jilin should bear in mind the instructions, firmly shoulder the important mission of safeguarding national food security, industrial security, energy security, ecological security and national defense security, and promote the revitalization and development into the "rising period" and "fast lane".

In 2023, Jilin's GDP will grow by 6.3%. In the first quarter of this year, GDP grew by 6.5%, and the growth rate of several economic indicators ranked among the top in the country, maintaining a good momentum of progress and improvement in stability.

Develop modern agriculture

To shoulder the heavy responsibility of maintaining national food security

Jilin is located in one of the three largest black soil areas in the world. It is a world-renowned "golden corn belt" and "golden rice belt", with vast plains and contiguous land. Thanks to the inherent advantages of developing modern agriculture, Jilin's grain output has exceeded 80 billion jin for three consecutive years. In 2023, Jilin's grain output will reach 83.73 billion jin, and its total output will jump to the fourth place in the country. Its unit output will remain the first in the major grain producing province. The grain commodity rate will exceed 90%, and the transfer rate will exceed 50%.

"A new round of 100 billion kg grain production capacity improvement action will increase Jilin's output by 20 billion kg." Hu Yuting said that this is Jilin's responsibility to further stabilize the country's food security. The way out is to cultivate new quality productivity in the agricultural field, and work hard to improve total factor productivity, relying on "four good and one smart".

What is "Four Good and One Wisdom"? That is to expand good farmland, breed good seeds, use good opportunities and good methods to develop smart agriculture.

At the end of April, Jilin has entered the stage of spring ploughing. When the reporter came to the Fenghuangshan Agricultural Machinery Farmers' Professional Cooperative (hereinafter referred to as Fenghuangshan Cooperative) in Lishu County, Siping City, the cooperative members were putting seeds into the no tillage planter to prepare for planting.

 The members of Fenghuangshan Cooperative put the seeds into the no tillage planter to prepare for planting. Photographed by Cheng Yuran

The members of Fenghuangshan Cooperative put the seeds into the no tillage planter to prepare for planting. Photographed by Cheng Yuran

"Just after a rain, the black land is full. The temperature will get warmer next week. Now is a good time to farm.", Han Fengxiang, the chairman of Fenghuangshan Cooperative, opened the dialogue box: "The new no tillage planter has tripled the efficiency. This year, a new variety of corn seed was also selected. This seed is insect resistant, and does not need to use insect repellents. Moreover, it only needs to spray a specific herbicide once from spring plowing to autumn harvest, which not only reduces costs, saves manpower and material resources, but also greatly reduces the use of pesticides."

 "Smart brain" gives advice to farmers for farming. Photographed by Cheng Yuran

"Smart brain" gives advice to farmers for farming. Photographed by Cheng Yuran

Good seed sown, good law followed. Han Fengxiang's good farming methods are all in the "smart brain" - the comprehensive meteorological monitoring station. "Now we have nothing to worry about. The temperature and wind speed in the fields are monitored at any time, and even the fields that are short of fertilizer and damaged by insects can be found in time. As soon as the big screen alarms, we will immediately go to the designated location to solve the problem, which is fast and accurate," said Han Fengxiang.

Protect black land, strive to take the lead in building all basic farmland into high standard farmland, vigorously promote seed industry revitalization, develop high-end smart agricultural machinery... With solid measures and sufficient confidence, Jilin has set itself a new goal: the total grain output is expected to reach 88 billion jin this year, and the output is expected to exceed 100 billion jin in 2030.

At present, Jilin is struggling in the black land, busy planting hope in spring.

Promote new industrialization

The old industrial base radiates new momentum

A few days ago, the reporter learned from China FAW Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as FAW) that in the first quarter, FAW sold 717000 complete vehicles in China, ranking first in the auto industry and winning the "top domestic sales" in the first quarter of 2024. In the first quarter of this year, the wholesale sales of Hongqi, a national automobile brand under the Group, exceeded 100000 units, with a year-on-year growth of 64.3%; The retail sales exceeded 98400 units, with a year-on-year growth of 29.4%, achieving a "good start".

Focusing on self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology, cohesion and innovation drive development, FAW independently controls key core technologies, and its achievements are frequently reported:

The State Intellectual Property Office announced that an invention patent entitled "a composite electrolyte and its preparation method and application as well as all solid state battery" submitted by FAW obtained a public number. This technological breakthrough marks that FAW's independent R&D and innovation capability in the field of solid state batteries has reached a new height.

 The brand of FAW Hongqi Ctrip appeared at the 2024 (18th) Beijing International Automobile Exhibition. Drawings provided by FAW Group

The brand of FAW Hongqi Ctrip appeared at the 2024 (18th) Beijing International Automobile Exhibition. Drawings provided by FAW Group

On April 25, 2024 (the 18th) Beijing International Automobile Exhibition, under the global attention, FAW Hongqi of China, together with 22 models of three sub brands, appeared. "Hongqi HQ9 PHEV, a new model with the same price of oil and gasoline, was officially launched in this auto show." Sun Huanli, head of the battery development department of the New Energy Development Institute of FAW Research and Development Institute, said, "The newly developed low temperature resistant battery can also run 500 kilometers under the temperature of minus 10 degrees Celsius, and can run 200 kilometers within five minutes of charging, which solves the problems that many car owners worry about."

It is not an exception in Jilin Province for enterprises like FAW to achieve a magnificent turnaround.

CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles has developed hydrogen energy city trains with a maximum endurance of 1000 kilometers; "Jilin No.1" satellite has 108 in orbit, making it the world's largest sub meter commercial remote sensing satellite constellation; Changchun Institute of Optics and Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has the only single chip full-color display chip technology in China, which can produce high-quality full-color LED displays... Jilin's industry continues to improve on the road of new industrialization. Based on the growth rate of 6.8% of the industrial added value above the designated size in 2023, the growth rate in the first quarter of this year reached 10.4%.

 On June 15, 2023, 41 self-developed "Jilin No.1" small satellites were successfully launched, creating the record of China's largest number of satellites launched in a single space mission. Courtesy of Changchun New Area News Center

On June 15, 2023, 41 self-developed "Jilin No.1" small satellites were successfully launched, creating the record of China's largest number of satellites launched in a single space mission. Courtesy of Changchun New Area News Center

"Take the train of" intelligent transformation and digital transformation ", promote the development of industrial clusters, transform the advantages of wind and electricity into the advantages of new energy development, and promote the improvement of business environment with digital empowerment. Jilin Province will accelerate the construction of modern industrial system, and strive to create a new road of industrialization with Jilin characteristics and advantages." Vice Governor Li Guoqiang said.

The cultural and tourism industry is thriving

Accelerate towards the trillion level goal

"Go, go, I want to see the snow cake monkey soon."

"Don't forget to take pictures for me later."

"Mom, do you think I look like the Monkey King with this golden hoop stick?"


At five or six o'clock every afternoon, Changchun Zoological and Botanical Park begins to "master". Before the "snow cake monkey" is in place, tourists have lined up in long queues, which is almost "performed every day".

 A little boy from Handan, Hebei, dressed up as a Monkey King, went to see "Snow Cake Monkey". Photographed by Wang Haiyue, reporter of People's Daily Online

A little boy from Handan, Hebei, dressed up as a Monkey King, went to see "Snow Cake Monkey". Photographed by Wang Haiyue, reporter of People's Daily Online

"Last summer, the theme park of Changchun Animal and Plant Park's western tour 'burst into flames', and I always wanted to bring my children to experience the charm of famous works. By the way, I also reviewed my childhood memories." Ms. Li and her family from Handan, Hebei, came to Jilin Province on April 25, and started a happy journey from Changchun Animal and Plant Park.

"The Journey to the West Theme Park was originally prepared for the Children's Day on June 1 last summer, and it was never thought that the performance could not be stopped." Du Guijiang, general manager of the project of the Journey to the West Theme Park in Changchun Animal and Plant Park, sighed that the popularity of the park was mainly due to everyone's love for traditional Chinese culture.

Changchun is one of the shooting locations of the 1986 TV series Journey to the West, which also foreshadows the reappearance of Journey to the West here 38 years later.

 "Snow cake monkey" became the "star" of Changchun Animal and Plant Park. Photographed by Wang Haiyue, reporter of People's Daily Online

"Snow cake monkey" became the "star" of Changchun Animal and Plant Park. Photographed by Wang Haiyue, reporter of People's Daily Online

"Some scenes of Red Boy in the 86 version of Journey to the West were shot in the park, and the monkey mountains, tigers, elephants, etc. in the park also appeared in Journey to the West, so we came up with such an idea." Du Guijiang said that the park won the copyright license of the 86 version of Journey to the West last November, and the actors highly restored the makeup of the characters in the play, The park has also set up 12 theme scenes, including Wuzhi Mountain, Gaolaozhuang, and Nantianmen, to carry out cyclic scene performances, making the popularity of the park rising.

 Theme scene of Gaolaozhuang in Changchun Animal and Plant Park. Photographed by Wang Haiyue, reporter of People's Daily Online

Theme scene of Gaolaozhuang in Changchun Animal and Plant Park. Photographed by Wang Haiyue, reporter of People's Daily Online

The "going out" of the theme park of Journey to the West is not accidental. In recent years, Jilin culture and tourism industry has been constantly "updating" and developing vigorously. In particular, in October 2023, the Action Plan for Tackling Trillion level Tourism Industry in Jilin Province was released, causing widespread concern. The plan proposes that by the end of 2025, the total tourism revenue will reach 720 billion yuan, and the number of domestic and foreign tourists will exceed 400 million person times; We will strive to achieve the trillion level goal of tourism within five years.

The blueprint has been drawn. How to achieve the trillion level goal? Relying on the green water, green mountains, ice and snow, Jilin strives to promote the high-quality development of tourism, and forms an industrial development pattern with distinctive features throughout the four seasons through the whole region layout, seasonal development, promotion of the whole industrial chain, creation of the whole product system, and guarantee of all factors.

Yang Andi, the vice governor of Jilin Province, introduced that from the "12th Five Year Plan" period when Changbai Mountain was "one of the best", to the "dual core leading" of the big Changbai Mountain and Changji tourism economy in the early "13th Five Year Plan" period, the "three growth poles" of the western ice industry center in the middle of the "13th Five Year Plan" period, the rise of Tonghua Meihe River in the late "13th Five Year Plan" period formed a "four wheel drive", and then to the "100 billion city" currently spreading across the province The construction of "10 billion counties" has basically formed a spatial layout of multi-point support and diversified development.

"Jilin is an important industrial base, a major agricultural province and a strong ecological province in China. It started early in industrialization and is the 'cradle' of the automobile, chemical and film industries of the Republic. It has created many national 'firsts' and made important historical contributions. In the new era and new journey, we have planted deep historical deposits, inherited the struggle gene, made every effort to 'make up' and 'catch up', and comprehensively revitalized new breakthroughs. " Hu Yuting said.

(Editor in charge: Wang Haiyue, Xie Long)

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