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Do practical things? Are there hidden dangers in potholes? Jilin City: Emergency bedding, followed by overall maintenance

08:31, April 9, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online Jilin Channel
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People's Daily Online, Changchun, April 9 (Reporter Wang Haiyue) "On the road from Changji Expressway in Jilin Hi tech Zone to Huniugou, the road in front of the gas station is full of pits. This section of road was repaired last October, and now it is full of pits, which costs a lot of tires. If it rains, there will be no pits at all, which is very dangerous to drive. In addition, the road often uses big cars. I hope the relevant departments can temporarily pad the big pits and small pits. " Recently, Jilin netizens left a message to the Secretary of the CPC Municipal Committee on the "Leaders' Message Board" to reflect the potential safety hazard of potholes on the road.

Screenshot of "Leader Message Board".

After receiving the message, the relevant departments of Jilin City immediately organized the staff to inspect the site. The situation was true, and the maintenance company immediately organized the emergency bedding of the road section.

It is reported that after the weather conditions permit, the relevant departments will carry out overall maintenance of the road according to the 2024 construction plan and procedures.

There is no trivial matter about people's livelihood. If you also have difficulties and anxieties, come to the "Leader Message Board" to talk about it.

(Editor in charge: Wang Haiyue, Xie Long)

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