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Duan Yu: Develop and promote the electroreflective system to play a role in helping Changchun's automobile technology industry upgrade

Outstanding Young Scientific and Technological Talents Project and Outstanding Young Scientific and Technological Talents Project of Changchun Science and Technology Bureau

10:43, March 20, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online Jilin Channel
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hello everyone! My name is Duan Yu. I am engaged in the research work of optoelectronic devices in Jilin University, and have presided over a number of national, provincial and ministerial scientific research tasks. Among them, the optoelectronic device film packaging technology, in cooperation with Huawei and other companies, is the first internationally proposed organic/inorganic hybrid packaging film preparation method that combines atomic layer deposition and molecular layer deposition, It will solve the industrial bottleneck problem that the inner and outer bending radius of the flexible folding screen is too large. Led the team to develop the first high-precision water vapor transmission test system with WVTR of 10-7g * m2/day in China, breaking the monopoly of foreign companies on this technology, and the technology maturity reached level 5. A new type of electroreflective system that can switch freely between glass and mirror surface has been developed, which has the effect of light adjustment and heat resistance for visible light and infrared heat. The promotion of this technology will redefine the application forms of vehicle mounted ceiling glass, vehicle mounted display system and interior light barrier shield, so as to realize intelligence, energy saving and enhance the added value of products, It plays a role in helping Changchun's automobile technology industry upgrade and increasing social and economic benefits.

(Editor in charge: Li Chengwei, Xie Long)

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