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Liu Xiangdong: Deep ploughing industry research and development to improve the ultimate performance of capsule materials

Outstanding Young Scientific and Technological Talents Project and Outstanding Young Scientific and Technological Talents Project of Changchun Science and Technology Bureau

10:08, March 20, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online Jilin Channel
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Hello everyone, my name is Liu Xiangdong. I am engaged in the work related to polymer composite materials at Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and presided over a number of national scientific research tasks. Among them, the index of stratospheric airship capsule materials has reached the international advanced level, creating a world record for stationed flight, and won a congratulatory letter from the Chinese Academy of Sciences; In 2019 and 2022, the lightweight and high-strength capsule material broke the world record for the lift height of the same type of aerostat. The rapid progress of domestic capsule materials has realized the localization of key materials for aerostat equipment and alleviated the "neck jam" crisis of imported capsule materials. This series of products have a wide range of applications in tethered balloons, manned airships, stratospheric airships and other fields. How to meet the requirements of high weather resistance and long endurance hovering flight of aerostats has become the biggest challenge facing the capsule materials. Our team has been conducting research on the surface and interface treatment of polymer materials, and the construction of high-strength interlayer structures. By exploring the limit of multi-layer composite technology, we can achieve the unity of lightweight and durability, and improve the ultimate performance of the capsule materials.

(Editor in charge: Li Chengwei, Xie Long)

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