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People's Network

Jilin Pear Tree: "Flower Economy" Injects "New" Power for Rural Revitalization

09:58, December 17, 2023|
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Take flowers as a medium to build dreams and villages. As the end of the year approached, the Clivia transaction in Xiaokuan Town, Lishu County, Jilin Province also ushered in a busy issuing period. In the planting base of Jingru Clivia Professional Cooperative, villagers are removing soil to pack Clivia and sending it to all parts of the country. Batch after batch of orders have changed the lives of villagers and provided a "new impetus" for rural revitalization.

"The number one link in the shopping cart is the big flower in my hand. You can see the quality of our Clivia. The leaves are plump and plump, and the flowers are bright and bright..." Set up the mobile phone bracket, hold up a pot of Clivia, and introduce it to the live broadcast camera with familiarity. A few days ago, when walking into the Clivia flower shed in Xiaokuan Town, rows of Clivia were placed in order, and the anchor with goods was enthusiastically promoting the Clivia to netizens.

"Our cooperative has 4 fully automatic flower greenhouses, which can cultivate 100000 seedlings and 20000 large flowers of Clivia. Now we not only do offline sales, but also open a live video platform for online sales. Offline we have established a cooperative relationship with Jiangsu's flower market, with an annual sales volume of 100000 plants and an annual sales volume of 2 million yuan." According to Wang Xin, chairman of the board of directors, after years of exploration, he has not only accumulated rich planting experience, but also cultivated seedlings by himself. Now, an integrated model of self cultivation, self cultivation and self marketing has been formed.

With the steady development of facility agriculture in Xiaokuan Town, flower planting has begun to occupy a certain share. This base is a new brand for the development of local flower industry, and has also driven the employment of surrounding villagers. Villagers usually go to the flower shed for management. They help to sort and pack flowers when selling them. They also earn a good income every year.

In recent years, relying on the local ecological advantages and climate characteristics, combined with rural tourism and market demand, Xiaokuan Town has actively built a "flower industry" dominated by Clivia and orchids, paving the way for the people to become rich and help rural revitalization.

"Next, we will further strengthen the cultivation and support of Jingru Clivia Cooperative to drive the development of the Clivia industry in Xiaokuan Town. On the other hand, we are ready to rely on Jingru Clivia Cooperative to establish an e-commerce live broadcast training base to drive the masses in Xiaokuan Town and increase income through training e-commerce live broadcast technology." He Binle, the head of Xiaokuan Town government, said, With the deep integration and development of urban and rural areas, while enriching the rural industrial structure and improving the added value, Xiaokuan Town will continue to build a new characteristic industry centered on the production base and driving the development of related supporting economy, so that the flower characteristic industry will grow and become the "booster" of Xiaokuan Town to invigorate the rural economy.

(Editor in charge: Guan Sicong, Xie Long)

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