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Jilin: Cultivate fertile soil for talents and lay the foundation for high-quality development

Wang Haiyue
August 27, 2021 19:46 | Source: People's Daily Online Jilin Channel
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Achieve with merit and expand with talents. In order to create a good atmosphere for gathering talents from all over the world to promote revitalization and make every effort to create a new pattern of comprehensive opening up, Jilin Province will hold the "Jiren Home Entrepreneurship and Employment Forum" on August 28. Constantly optimizing and upgrading the talent policy and stimulating talent innovation vitality and urban competitiveness are the fundamental ways for Jilin Province to constantly move forward towards all-round revitalization.

Over the years, the Jilin Provincial Party Committee and the Jilin Provincial Government have formulated and issued a series of policy opinions, clearly put forward the work goal of implementing the "Jilin people returning to their hometown" entrepreneurship and employment support plan, threw out the "olive branch" to the vast number of Jilin native talents to return to their hometown to invest in entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship, built a "bridge" for talents, and erected a "ladder" so that talents can both "flow" and "stay".

Attracting talents and providing good opportunities

"In 2016, I participated in the 'Create Youth' Jilin Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, won the gold medal, and was introduced into Jilin Youth Entrepreneurship Park by the Jilin Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League." Zhao Ming, chairman of Jilin Zhongnong Sunshine Data Co., Ltd., as a Jilin native, has always wanted to contribute to the construction of his hometown. "Taking advantage of this good opportunity, I returned to Jilin." Zhao Ming said, "The government provides rent free apartments for enterprises, provides free talent apartments, and also provides detailed services in the application for software registration rights... With the support and help of the government, the enterprise is developing better and better."

Human resources are the first resource and the basic, core and strategic resources that constitute regional competitiveness. How to introduce talents into Jilin is a problem that Jilin Provincial Party Committee and Jilin Provincial Government have been thinking about, and building a "talent introduction" platform is the solution to this problem.

Since 2018, Jilin Province has been implementing the "18 Talents" policy, constantly innovating policies, building platforms, optimizing the environment, doing everything possible to attract and retain talents, and playing the role of talents in leading, revitalizing and developing. A total of 17 "lucky people returning to their hometown" contact stations have been set up in five overseas offices of the provincial government, Jilin Chamber of Commerce, alumni association, etc., to carry out high-end talent introduction and recruitment activities for college graduates, and "lucky talent gathering" cloud recruitment activities, opening a fast track for "lucky people returning to their hometown".

"Now more than 50% of our enterprises are returned technical talents who used to work in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. The good policy of" attracting talents "in Jilin Province has provided a solid talent 'backing' for our enterprise development," said Zhao Ming.

Since the implementation of the policy for three years, the talent environment in Jilin Province has been greatly improved, and talent vitality has burst out. Through the implementation of strategic innovation and entrepreneurship talent support plan, scientific research achievements transformation innovation and entrepreneurship talent support plan, university graduates innovation and entrepreneurship support plan, government special subsidy support, and equity investment support for the establishment of entrepreneurship and innovation fund, a large number of young technical talents have gradually grown into the backbone of economic and social development after returning home.

On February 7 this year, Jilin Province launched a series of large-scale cloud recruitment activities of "Jiju Talent". The activities focused on introducing and retaining high-level talents urgently needed for revitalization and development, accurately integrating a number of posts, widely connecting a number of talents, running a series of landmark activities, and carrying out a series of talent services. The activity adopts the method of interaction and use of multiple network platforms to carry out cloud recruitment, so that employers can recruit talents and provide job seekers with a stage for employment.

On April 20 this year, the "Special Service Action for Talent Introduction and Training" of Jilin Province was officially launched. On the day of the event, 24 technical cooperation intentions were reached, 9 industry university research cooperation agreements were signed, and 20 enterprises exhibited the results of cooperation with experts.


Talents thrive, enterprises thrive, and Jilin thrives. Focusing on employment issues such as talent support, accurate matching, and the return of Kyrgyz people, Jilin Province has successively carried out a series of activities such as cloud preaching, cloud observation, cloud self recommendation, and cloud negotiation. The comprehensive launch of "cloud recruitment" and the comprehensive upgrade of talent policies in Jilin Province have provided greater support and guarantee for the province's efforts to attract and retain talents through multiple measures.

Use talents and good industries to show good momentum

Li Jun, Senior Director of Internet of Vehicles Architecture of China First Automobile Group Co., Ltd. Intelligent Network Development Institute, joined FAW in 2019. He is an important technical backbone and technical expert of FAW Group. He has contributed his own strength to the development of the automobile industry in Jilin Province in terms of the overall architecture design of Hongqi brand Internet of Vehicles "end, management, cloud" products and the formulation, review, technology selection of major technical solutions in the field of Internet of Vehicles.

Development makes cities more competitive, and talents make urban development "accelerate" on the "fast track".

Since this year, around the comprehensive promotion of the high-quality development strategy of "one main task and six double tasks", a large number of scientific and technological innovation and transformation and upgrading projects have been started and resumed. The planned trillions of modern new cars and components, agricultural products and food deep processing, ice and snow and summer leisure ecological tourism industry, hundred billion of petrochemical, equipment manufacturing, medicine and health, electronic information Metallurgical building materials, light industry and textile industry and a batch of 10 billion level high-end, intelligent and green strategic emerging industries and modern service industry projects have been launched successively. By the first half of this year, the province had implemented 1899 projects worth more than 50 million yuan, an increase of 222 or 13.2% over the same period last year. This series of figures not only shows the phased achievements of Jilin Province in seeking development, but also lays a solid foundation for the start of the "14th Five Year Plan" of Jilin Province, and let the vast number of talents see the development momentum and potential of Jilin Province.

Change the mode, tamp the foundation and adjust the structure. Jilin Province, an old industrial base in northeast China, is no longer singing the "Errenzhuan" of "one pillar of industry holding the sky and single structure", but is trying to do "addition, subtraction, multiplication and division" to achieve optimization, upgrading and transformation. Making good use of talents is conducive to industrial development, and a good industry can also attract more talents.

Good policies to retain talents and create a good environment

A good seedling cannot be separated from fertile soil, and the growth of talents cannot be separated from a good environment. An appropriate policy environment is a prerequisite for attracting talents to take root. In order to improve the talent environment, curb the brain drain and stimulate talent vitality, in 2018, Jilin Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government issued No. 4 document and issued the Talent Policy 1.0, which has become a milestone and watershed in the talent work of the province in recent years.

If the environment is good, talents will gather and business will flourish. In order to further respond to the demands of the vast number of talents for peace of mind, safety and security, Jilin Province has studied and formulated Several Policies and Measures on Stimulating Talent Vitality to Support Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Version 2.0 (hereinafter referred to as Talent Policy Version 2.0).

"Over the years, Jilin Province has introduced a series of good policies of 'keeping people', which has enabled us who have returned to Kyrgyzstan to receive a lot of tangible benefits. In particular, this year's Talent Policy 2.0, which involves housing security, family placement, children's education, medical treatment and tax incentives, is more considerate. A good policy is both a guarantee and a driving force for me. I will continue to contribute to the vigorous development of Jilin. " Zhao Ming said.

In order to speed up the implementation of Jilin Province's Talent Policy Version 2.0, Jilin Provincial Department of Finance actively raised 348 million yuan as a guarantee. Through the establishment of special talent funds, talent "comprehensive service window", normalized reserve of full amount of financial institutions and other measures throughout the province, the talents in Kyrgyzstan were reassured and relieved.

Industry and agriculture are the two major industries of Jilin Province. Industrial development is booming, and the goal of striving to be the vanguard of agricultural modernization has also been in the overall development plan of Jilin Province.

In order to comprehensively promote rural revitalization, Jilin Province took the lead in formulating and issuing Policies and Measures on Stimulating Talents' Vitality and Supporting Talents to Serve Rural Revitalization nationwide, and launched 22 policies and measures with high gold content, wide benefits, great incentives and strong operability centering on the cultivation, introduction, management, use, mobility, incentives and other aspects of rural revitalization, 100 outstanding talents for rural revitalization were selected, and 300 senior professional title winners for rural revitalization were evaluated, which enhanced the sense of gain, happiness and achievement of rural talents.

The talent policy has been continuously optimized and upgraded, further promoting the organic integration of talent chain, innovation chain and industrial chain. Since 2018, more than 100000 college students have worked in Jilin Province every year; All kinds of "Kyrgyz people" went to Changchun City, Jilin City and other regions to carry out talent and project docking more than 10 times, facilitated 12 enterprises to settle down in Jilin Province, signed 15 intentional agreements, and accumulated investment intention of more than 10 billion yuan.

At present, Jilin Province has a total of 22 academicians of the "two academies", 461 national key planning talents, 1.417 million professional and technical talents, and 599000 highly skilled talents, all of which have achieved significant growth. In 2020, the newly recognized national high-tech enterprises and science and technology giant enterprises in Jilin Province will increase by 46.9% and 40.4% respectively, and the effective invention patents will increase by 6.3%.

Hard power and soft power, in the final analysis, depend on talent strength. Only when talents flow like water can urban development be full of vitality. The upsurge of attracting talents in cities reflects the high attention paid to human resources in various regions, and also reflects the development issues facing the urban economy. Jilin actively creates a good environment to retain talents, and truly keeps people, hearts, and energy. Today, Jilin is thriving and full of vitality due to the gathering of talents.

(Editor in charge: Wang Haiyue, Xie Long)

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