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Report on the epidemic situation of COVID-19 in Jilin Province (released on August 27, 2021)

August 27, 2021 09:17 | Source: People's Daily Online Jilin Channel
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From 0-24 on August 26, there were no newly confirmed cases or asymptomatic infections in the province.

Remind the general public that the current situation of "import of external prevention and rebound of internal prevention" is still serious. Recently, our province has carried out screening and control of personnel returning (coming) to Kyrgyzstan from the epidemic area. Please take the initiative to report to the local community, cooperate with nucleic acid testing, home health monitoring and other work, such as fever, cough and other acute respiratory symptoms, Please wear a medical mask and go to the fever clinic of the local designated medical institution in time. Inoculation of COVID-19 vaccine is an effective measure to prevent COVID-19. Please take the initiative to vaccinate as soon as possible. Everyone should have a strong sense of normalized prevention and control, and stick to wearing masks, washing hands frequently, keeping ventilated, keeping social distance, not having meals, not gathering, so as to reduce the risk of disease infection. (Jilin Provincial Health Commission)

(Editor in charge: Wang Diyuan, Xie Long)

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