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"Egret Island" as Home: Egret's Journey to Northeast China

10:16, July 5, 2021 | Source: China News Network
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 "Egret Island" as Home: Egret's Journey to Northeast China

Herons live near the water. Photographed by reporter Cang Yan

The setting sun is slanting, and the afterglow in the rice field is not over. Kong Xiangong was busy weeding before dusk. Not far away, two herons were looking for food in the rice field.

Herons fly from the "Egret Island" adjacent to the rice field. Ludao Hualinwan Provincial Forest Park in Jilin is located in the southeast of Shulan City, in the vein of Changbai Mountain in Zhangguangcai Mountains. Every spring, summer and autumn, "Ludao" gathers thousands of herons, who nest in trees to lay eggs and multiply.

"Ludao" has a large number of herons. Photographed by reporter Cang Yan

Kong Xiangong, 59, is a native of Xin'an Village, Xin'an Township, Shulan City. At the beginning of spring plowing, herons frequently visited his rice fields. Kong Xian was used to being with herons when he made contributions.

Herons feed on small fishes and shrimps, mostly in shallow water near the water or in ponds. "They look for food in the morning and evening, just as I work in the rice field." Kong Xiangong said with a smile that he never feels lonely when working.

Jilin, where Kong Xiangong is located, is a river source province and a "water tower" in northeast China. There are five major water systems, namely, Songhua River, Yalu River, Tumen River, Liao River and Suifen River, with dense water network and continuous water veins.

At present, Jilin Province is promoting the construction of the ten thousand mile green water corridor, aiming at "making rivers and lakes beautiful and nostalgic."

Herons rest on the branches. Photographed by reporter Cang Yan

Zhao Hongchen, head of Shulan River Chief System Office, said that the total length of local rivers is 182 kilometers, and 68 rivers above the third level are equipped with river leaders and cleaners of all levels. "The river head is the person in charge of river surface management, and the cleaners should do a good job in daily river patrol and clean up garbage at any time." Since this year, Shulan has implemented greening operations on both sides of the river. In midsummer, more than 100000 trees have been planted locally.

The change of ecological environment gives herons a new choice to settle down. In addition to the "Egret Island", many reservoirs in Shulan have herons coming to nest.

"Rich food is an important condition for the increase of herons." Wu Jianfeng, Deputy Secretary General of Jilin Wildlife Conservation Association, said that thanks to the continuous improvement of the water ecological environment in Jilin Province, the abundant fish attracted a large number of herons to breed here.

Herons perch on the branches. Photographed by reporter Cang Yan

Fish is their "staple food" with a stable source. Wu Jianfeng said that herons successively arrive at the local area in March every year. When the northeast water system freezes in November, they set off to fly to the south.

Up to now, a group of herons has formed a trend of "settling down" in Jilin City, with several truly "heron islands" around them - they either live together with cormorants, or adults and sub adults "live together".

In summer, the "Egret Island" is shaded by trees. In the pine forest near the water, the herons perch on the branches, sometimes stretching their wings and leaping, sometimes looking into the distance. (Reporter Cang Yan and Shi Hongyu)

(Editor in charge: Ma Junhua, Xie Long)

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