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Keep in mind the mission, loyalty and responsibility, and contribute tax power to high-quality development in the new era

July 3, 2021 17:38 | Source: People's Daily Online Jilin Channel
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On July 1, the cadres of the tax system of Jilin Province watched the congress celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. After the meeting, there was a strong atmosphere for the whole system to learn from General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, and everyone unanimously said that they would thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, inherit and carry forward the great spirit of party building, and turn it into a powerful driving force for doing a good job in tax work, Contribute tax power to high-quality development in the new era.

Firmly believe and always maintain the original intention of "iron army"

The original heart is like a rock, and it will become stronger after a long time. As the winner of the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the Party", Qin Baorong, an 80 year old party member of Jilin Provincial Taxation Bureau, said excitedly after listening to the speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping, "I have participated in the tax work since 1976, and personally participated in and witnessed the development of China's economy and tax revenue. The strength of the motherland is the result of the CPC leading the people, and only the CPC can lead the people to achieve such a miracle. After listening to the speech of the General Secretary, I firmly believe that I will follow the Party all my life! "

At the provincial tax bureau party member study home, the young theoretical study group members discussed warmly: how to take the opportunity of in-depth study and implementation of the speech spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping to continuously strengthen the "four consciousness", firm the "four self-confidence", and achieve the "two maintenance"? How to realize the goal and task of tax modernization and constantly promote the modernization of tax governance system and governance capability?

"We will unswervingly follow the Party and always adhere to our original mission. As a young Party member in the new era, I will be cautious as always, always keep my original intention, fulfill my obligations, fulfill my commitments, base on my position, charge ahead, forge ahead, and dedicate our youth to a prosperous China." Young cadre Zhang Xingyu answered with great firmness.

"As a party worker at the grass-roots level, we should pay more attention to how to strengthen the party's construction and give full play to the role of the grass-roots party organizations as a fighting fortress." Li Guang, head of the party building section of Baicheng Taxation Bureau, who has nine years of experience in party work, said, "We have made precise efforts in three dimensions, namely, complementarity, linkage, and both internal and external improvement, to create a party building brand with Baicheng tax characteristics, namely, 'Party flag pilot, tax emblem enhancement'. I will carefully study the full text of every important speech by General Secretary Xi Jinping, and each study will have new insights and experience on how to strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations."

"Under the guidance of the party building work, Jilin Tax has continuously optimized the tax business environment and made a series of achievements in promoting various tax work." The relevant responsible comrades of the party building office of the provincial tax bureau said that Jilin has created a loyal, clean and responsible tax army by implementing the new mechanism of "strengthening party building through vertical and horizontal cooperation", strengthening the construction of political organs, and exploring the integration of party building and business, It provides a strong political guarantee for promoting various tax work.

Boost development, the scenery is just right here

Not long ago, Liu Guangming, Director of Chixi Taxation Branch of Changbaishan Taxation Bureau, won two honors of "Top Ten County Tax Directors (Secretaries)" and the first "Jilin Good Man and the Most Beautiful Taxpayer" in the provincial tax system at the Jilin tax system's celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. "The words of General Secretary Xi Jinping made me more deeply realize that this is not only an honor, but also a responsibility. We should continue to implement tax and fee reduction policies, launch new tax and fee payment measures in combination with local reality, and let the vast number of taxpayer payers experience the high level of service quality and practical results of doing practical things." Liu Guangming said.

After three hours of study and discussion, the person in charge of Changchun High tech Zone Taxation Bureau carefully wrote down his experience in the study notes: we should follow the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech, fully implement the requirements of the Opinions on Further Deepening the Reform of Tax Collection and Management, and fully combine the action of doing practical things for taxpayer payers and doing tax for the convenience of the people in spring, Accelerate the formation of county (district) level operation models to further deepen the reform of tax collection and management.

For a long time, in Jilin's key areas, such as poverty alleviation, rural revitalization, epidemic prevention and control, tax officials have been brave and brave to fight on the front line. Yi Xueyi, who has won many honorary titles such as the National Poverty Alleviation Contribution Award, the most beautiful first secretary of Jilin Province, the national advanced worker, and the outstanding party worker of Jilin Province, is one of them.

"As the first secretary in the village, the speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping has strengthened my confidence and determination to take root in the countryside and serve the masses. In the future work, I will continue to record the tax story of rural revitalization with diligence and wisdom." Yi Xueyi said in five years' handwritten poverty alleviation diary of 500000 words.

To help transformation and development, the scenery is just right here. According to the data, by the middle of June, the new tax related entities in Jilin Province had increased by 29.1% year on year, and the tax revenue growth rate had increased by 24.16% year on year. 53 central enterprises gathered in Jilin Province to sign 49 cooperation agreements and contracts, attracting 23.2131 billion yuan of investment. The continuous optimization of the tax business environment has attracted more investment "across mountains and seas".

Optimize services and do a good job of benefiting people

"The country is the people, and the people is the country." Serve the people. Under the guidance of the purpose of serving the people, the tax system of Jilin Province, guided by the needs of taxpayers and payers, has thoroughly implemented 10 categories, 30 items and 100 items of convenient service measures, including public opinion inquiry, quick response, simplified reporting, and fast tax refund. 214 items of "non-contact" tax payment have been handled online, and "deregulation, management, and service" has been promoted in depth The reform has created a relaxed and convenient tax business environment for the development of market entities, making taxpayers and payers more "feel".

Serving the people is reflected in continuously improving service quality and optimizing service measures. "Only high-quality services can meet the needs of enterprises." Han Zhongjiang, Director of the Second Taxation Branch of Jilin Municipal Taxation Bureau, said that he would transform the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping into a strong driving force for doing a good job in all aspects of work, further build "Internet+tax", promote the construction of electronic tax bureaus and "smart tax service halls", and constantly enhance the sense of gain of taxpayers and taxpayers.

Serving the people is reflected in the constantly improving fair and transparent tax law environment. "We will continue to improve the level of tax administrative law enforcement, promote tax administration according to law, and create a good tax law environment on the basis of innovative implementation of the construction of the 'three systems', implementation of the list of' no punishment for the first violation ', implementation of the law enforcement' warm tips' and other services." said the head of the Policy and Law Department of Jilin Provincial Taxation Bureau.

Serving the people is embodied in hard work, hard work and selfless dedication. "Jilin Good Man, the Most Beautiful Taxpayer" Chen Yan, head of social insurance and non tax income shares of Liaoyuan Xi'an District Taxation Bureau, said: "In my future work, I will continue to work hard on social security fees and non tax income posts, continue to provide operational guidance for payment units, go deep into remote villages where people have difficulty paying fees, publicize various preferential policies, start from reality, think about problems from the perspective of the payer, and provide good services for the payer."

Serving the people encourages the majority of young tax cadres in Jilin to work hard and strive for the best. In the afternoon of July 1, the youth theoretical learning groups at all levels of Jilin tax system held a learning seminar at the first time. At the exchange meeting of the Inspection Bureau of Siping Municipal Taxation Bureau, Huang Zishan said that as a grass-roots tax payer, he should realize his "craftsman value" in his position, stand on the front line, adhere to doing practical things for taxpayer payers, serve the people with practical actions, and constantly improve the satisfaction and sense of gain of taxpayer payers.

Answer the examination paper of the new era well and live up to the expectations of the Party and the people! Liu Hu, Secretary of the Party Committee of Jilin Provincial Taxation Bureau, said that the provincial taxation system will keep in mind the General Secretary's call to all Chinese Communist Party members, take history as a mirror, open up the future, constantly strengthen the "four consciousness", firm the "four self-confidence", achieve the "two maintenance", never forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission, really work hard, and strive to build the Party Central Committee at ease A model organ that satisfies the people will make greater contributions to building a modern socialist country in an all-round way and serving the all-round revitalization of Jilin.

(Editor in charge: Li Siyue, Xie Long)

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