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The grass-roots legislative contact point of the Standing Committee of Changchun Municipal People's Congress was established in Huaide Town

July 3, 2021 08:27 | Source: People's Daily Online Jilin Channel
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On July 2, the unveiling ceremony of the grass-roots legislative contact point of the Standing Committee of Changchun Municipal People's Congress was held in Huaide Town. Zhao Libao, Director of the Standing Committee of Gongzhuling Municipal People's Congress, and Yu Yunhai, Deputy Director attended the event.

After the unveiling ceremony, Zhao Libao and his party went deep into Huaide Town's Enquiry Square, main streets, township sewage treatment plants and Gongzhuling City's Party conduct and integrity education base to learn about the creation of a rule of law atmosphere, the implementation of grass-roots legislation, and the implementation of relevant laws and regulations. Zhao Libao pointed out that Huaide Town should attach great importance to the construction of contact points, constantly improve its political position, and promote the work of contact points with high quality and level. We should give full play to the role of the contact points as "direct train" for social conditions and public opinion, "seeder" for rule of law publicity, and "detector" for law enforcement, and constantly open the channels for representatives and the masses to participate in the legislative work, so as to ensure that the legislative work is more grounded and practical, and make new contributions to the construction of the rule of law mountain city. (Gongzhuling News)

(Editor in charge: Zhang Shu, Xie Long)

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