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Anxiety of Station B: not making money, but how to develop healthily

nine  A courier A courier 2017-07-24 two thousand and one

In the hot weather of 40 degrees in Shanghai, the annual offline activity of Station B is probably the only one that can let the second dimension people out of their homes.

Bilibili The World Exhibition has been held for three consecutive days, attracting nearly 100000 participants. Participants include popular UP owners, video creators, cosers, and second dimension players, and they also attract the participation of KFC, Nike, Maybelline and other traditional retail FMCG brands; Synchronize BML (Bilibili) at night Macro Link) concert, the special rescue etiquette of the second dimension carnival, resounded throughout the Mercedes Benz Center.

Different from this grand occasion, Station B has been in constant turmoil in the past two months and has been questioned by many people: first, Shangshi Film chose to terminate the cooperation mode with Station B in film industry in May this year; Then on July 12, due to "content review" and other reasons, many foreign film and television works on station B were removed from the shelves.


During the interview with BML, Chen Rui, the chairman of Station B, made a positive response for the first time. He explained that the current review of Station B was "self review", which was purely a strategic adjustment to content operations. The duration was at least 1-2 months, and some compliance videos had been re launched.

What does offline activity mean for station B? What is the next step for the "eight year old" station B? What new progress has been made on the vaunted problem of commercial liquidity? During the interview, Chen Rui, a senior secondary user and chairman of the post 70s, replied to these questions. In his eyes, Station B is still healthy.

Offline carnival

When the secondary users gather at Bilibili World, you can feel the young and passionate group power.

By coincidence, Bilibili The World and Taobao Creation Festival were held in the cool summer of July at the same time. Both of them have something in common: they both want to firmly grasp young users and are offline entities based on Internet content. Bilibili World wants to build an offline version of the B station. The UP owners and fans who have always been "netizens" can finally meet here. Chen Rui positioned it as "the connection between users and UP owners".

 A courier

A courier

TA is very lazy, he didn't write anything

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