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Is it necessary to turn off the router when sleeping at night?

zero  A courier A courier 2017-07-24 two thousand and sixteen

Whether to turn off the router when sleeping at night, we will analyze this problem from the following aspects:

1. Power consumption

As we all know, routers need to be connected to power, that is, they need to consume power when they are running. How much power will they consume? A router is calculated as 10w (generally less than 10w, the rated power of the TP-LINK router used by the author is 9V * 0.6A=5.4W, and routers of different specifications are 10W for the convenience of calculation), and consumes 1 kilowatt hour of electricity after 100 hours of use. It is continuously used 24 hours a day, which is about 3 kilowatt hours a month. The residential electricity consumption is less than 1.5 yuan, and the commercial electricity consumption is less than 5 yuan. It is equivalent to a fraction of the network fee.


2. Radiation

Almost all electrical appliances have radiation, but the radiation of general household appliances is very small. The radiation of routers may not be as large as that of mobile phones and computers we use every day. Of course, long-term radiation will have a greater impact on the human body than short-term radiation, but also not to a very serious extent. We can't put down the mobile phones that accompany us 24 hours a day. It's obvious that turning off the router will not have much effect.

 A courier

A courier

TA is very lazy, he didn't write anything

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