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The debt collector sets up a tent to watch LeEco Mansion Jia Yueting may be hard to get out once he returns to the company

zero  A courier A courier 2017-07-24 one thousand four hundred and forty-three

Four days after the shareholders' meeting, LeTV elected a new chairman, and Sun Hongbin, a real estate tycoon, officially took the helm. However, Jia Yueting's whereabouts, which has attracted much attention from the outside world, has always been a mystery.

A few days ago, some media reported that Jia Yueting had secretly returned from the United States on July 22, causing market attention.

On the same day, it was reported that Jia Yueting, the founder and chairman of LeTV Holdings, had returned to China, according to a person close to the top management of LeTV. For a while, the news about whether Jia Yueting had returned home caused speculation in the industry.

However, many suppliers who collected money from LeEco, the headquarters of LeEco in the East Fourth Ring Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, said to the reporter of Securities Daily that they took turns to guard and did not see Jia Yueting in LeEco Building these days.

The reporter learned that within two days after Jia Yueting was reported to have boarded and returned to Beijing, media personnel went to Beijing Capital Airport to investigate each flight from the United States back to Beijing, and inquired about the flight passengers. It was found that Jia Yueting's name was not on the passenger list. At the same time, many people went to the airport for containment, but none of them found Jia Yueting.

On July 22, it was reported that Jia Yueting had not returned to China. It was confirmed by people around him that he was still in the United States and did not return because he still had some unfinished business, but it would not be long before he returned to China.

In this regard, one LeEco side said: "Jia Yueting has never returned to LeEco Building." As for the specific time of his return, he said: "This is arranged by President Jia himself, and we can't grasp it."

After resigning from all positions on LeEco, Jia Yueting became the chairman of LeEco Global. When Jia Yueting lived in the United States, he accelerated the implementation of the new strategy for the automotive industry, and did everything possible to promote the mass production of FF91 as soon as possible.

Although the time of Jia Yueting's return to China is still uncertain, the debt collectors are still waiting for him at the headquarters of LeEco Building.

On the very day that LeTV held the third session of the Board of Directors to elect a new chairman, more than 20 debt collectors were lying on the ground at the entrance of LeTV Building. They paid close attention to Jia Yueting's return to China and kept asking the reporter, "Is there any latest news about Jia Yueting?"

The reporter learned that after waiting for Letv and Jia Yueting for decades, they were unwilling to pay the accommodation fee because of the high debt collection cost. Instead, they bought more than a dozen tents from the Internet and directly set up camp at the entrance of Letv Building.

Compared with who is the new chairman of LeEco, when Jia Yueting returns to China has become the most concerned issue of debt collectors.

 A courier

A courier

TA is very lazy, he didn't write anything

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