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The performance of Shimao Strait in the first five months was 50.5 billion yuan, achieving 51% of the annual target

June 3, 2021 14:25 | Source: People's Network
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According to the data provided by Shimao Strait, as of May 31, the total contract sales amount of Shimao Strait from January to May this year was 50.5 billion yuan, 51% of the annual target; The accumulative amount of money collected for signing contracts is about 45 billion yuan, and the collection rate exceeds 90%.

Lv Yi, executive director of Shimao Group and chairman and president of Shimao Strait Development Company, put forward at the beginning of this year: "Today's Shimao Strait should change from rapid growth to focus on flexible growth." In Lv Yi's view, Shimao Strait is not only about deep cultivation in general sense, but also about making the city more mature, bigger and stronger. The first is to seize the opportunity of plate rise. The second is to grasp the needs of users after deep cultivation, so as to realize more accurate product value delivery.

It is understood that since this year, the Shimao Strait has launched a "comprehensive strategic upgrading", focusing on the five-year plan, focusing on "urban co construction", anchoring a new channel of 100 billion yuan, deeply plowing into the core areas such as the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, Fujian, Hainan, Guangxi and so on, and achieving a refocusing on the strategic landscape.


(Editor in charge: Dong Tong, Li Yuan)

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