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The Export Import Bank of China Hunan Branch signed a cooperation framework agreement with Changsha Municipal People's Government

10:28, June 14, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online - Hunan Channel
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On June 11, the Hunan Branch of the Export Import Bank of China and the Changsha Municipal People's Government held the signing ceremony of the cooperation framework agreement. Zheng Wei, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the Export Import Bank of China Hunan Branch, Peng Huasong, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Changsha Municipal Committee and Executive Vice Mayor, attended and witnessed the signing.

Peng Huasong thanked the Export Import Bank of China Hunan Branch for its long-term strong support for Changsha, and hoped that both sides would further deepen cooperation, fully support Changsha to build a modern industrial system, build a global R&D center city, and constantly increase support for weak links needed by the city and people's expectations, so as to serve and guarantee the people's livelihood. Changsha will strive to provide more high-quality and efficient services for the development of financial institutions in Changsha, and make every effort to create a market-oriented, legalized and international first-class financial business environment.

Zheng Wei said that as a national policy bank supporting China's foreign economic and trade investment development and international economic cooperation, the Export Import Bank will focus on its main responsibilities, give full play to the role of policy finance as the leader, optimize the structure, and remedy weaknesses, take the initiative to meet the financial needs of Changsha's economic and social development, and fully serve the national strategy and the real economy, Provide strong support for Changsha's high-quality economic and social development.

According to the agreement, the Hunan Branch of the Export Import Bank will invest no less than 200 billion yuan in Changsha in the next five years, focus on supporting the construction of Changsha's foreign trade industry, advanced manufacturing, scientific and technological enterprises, green economy and other fields, and help Changsha speed up the pace of high-quality development. Zhang Qu

(Editor in charge: Tang Lihan, Luo Shuai)

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