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Xiangtan Tianyi Rural Commercial Bank

June 5, 2024 11:35 | Source: People's Daily Online - Hunan Channel
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Recently, the sweet potato planting base in Liujiazu, Longfeng Village, Baishi Town, Xiangtan County was bustling, and more than 20 members of Baishi Farmer Planting and Breeding Cooperative were busy in the field. It was the sweet potato planting season, so the sweet potato powder processing production line of Zhang Jing and his wife needed to prepare for a rainy day, and the raw materials for production in the second half of the year should be prepared immediately.

"We will add three new production lines in the near future to produce sweet potato flour, ancient lotus root flour and nut lotus root flour." Zhang Jing, a post-90s girl, confidently introduced her latest plan. Zhang Jing is a true Xiangtan daughter-in-law. Her hometown is Kaifeng, Henan Province. When she worked at Foxconn in Shenzhen in her early years, she met Hu Bin, a young man from Xiangtan. They came together because of their common interests. Recalling the time in Shenzhen factory, the two people's faces were full of sweetness. Hu Bin said: "At that time, we brought local specialty lotus root starch and sweet potato flour from our hometown, and tried to sell them to our colleagues. Unexpectedly, they were very popular and sold out." It was also at that time that they returned to their hometown to start their own business.

In 2015, the two returned to Hu Bin's hometown, Longfeng Village, Baishi Town, Xiangtan County, as they wished, and began the arduous journey back home to start their own businesses. As the local area is rich in lotus root and raw materials, the couple decided to start from making lotus root starch. The local farmers have always retained the skill of making lotus root starch. It seems not difficult to make lotus root starch, but it is not easy to make it white and free of impurities. The couple studied every day to improve the quality of their own lotus root starch, and gradually opened a market on Taobao. Because lotus roots are planted in the first half of each year, Zhang Jing began to think that the second half of the year should not be wasted. Thinking that her hometown, Henan, is famous for its sweet potato flour, she discussed with Hu Bin to introduce her hometown's sweet potato flour making skills. Due to their lack of experience, they bought the first sweet potato flour machine locally. However, this machine has been eliminated. The produced noodles are "sticky and sticky", and the quality is not up to the standard. Seeing that the money for equipment had been wasted, they were very anxious because the satisfied sweet potato powder had not yet been produced. Zhang Jing realized that in order to introduce the production line of sweet potato flour and produce high-quality noodles, good production equipment was needed, but where the money came from, they were in a dilemma.

With the attitude of trying, Zhang Jing thought of looking for a bank loan. "Xiangtan Tianyi Rural Commercial Bank loaned us the first 50000 yuan, which played a great role." Zhang Jing still remembers the friendship with Xiangtan Tianyi Rural Commercial Bank. Xiangtan Tianyi Rural Commercial Bank, as a local bank born for agriculture and growing with agriculture, was very supportive of them returning to their hometown to start businesses. After visiting and investigating the project, it soon lent them 50000 yuan. It was this "first bucket of gold" that helped them update the production equipment of sweet potato flour and started the transformation of handicraft workshops. In 2018, Xiangtan Baishi Farmer Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd. was established and registered with the trademark "Baishi Farmer" after being approved by the industry and commerce department.

"Looking at the growing production scale of sweet potato flour and lotus root flour, I am really happy for the couple." Baishi Sub branch of Xiangtan Tianyi Rural Commercial Bank witnessed the growth, transformation and leaping of "Baishi Farmers" step by step, from family farms to cooperatives, from a small iron shed and a technologically backward air dryer, Up to now, there are 124 cooperative members, more than 1000 mu of Xianglian and sweet potato standardized planting base, more than 600 square meters of starch production and processing plant, 1000 cubic meters of frozen storage, and complete sets of advanced equipment production lines. Every step of transformation is inseparable from the irrigation of financial water. Accompanied all the way, the successive teams of Baishi Sub branch also knew the hardships of their entrepreneurship. "When they were in the most difficult time, what they saw was not their retreat, but their determination to help their hometown develop and let local specialties go out," said the head of Baishi Sub branch. "They not only did it, but also brought income to the village collective economy and local farmers. Our bank will strongly support such entrepreneurs."

In the peak sales season at the end of last year, the products of "Baishi Farmer" were in short supply. Zhang Jing and her husband realized that they urgently needed to improve their production capacity, which required support from funds, technology, policies and other aspects. Under the active promotion of Xiangtan Tianyi Rural Commercial Bank, they learned about the favorable policies of Hunan Province to support homecoming and entrepreneurship, and applied for a credit product jointly launched by the Hunan Rural Credit Union and Hunan Agricultural Credit Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd. - "agricultural loan - grain loan", which is guaranteed by the guarantee company and free of collateral. At the same time, the staff of Xiangtan Tianyi Rural Commercial Bank actively assisted it to declare materials to the human resources, social security, finance and other departments, and finally enjoyed the government's preferential policies such as interest discounts, which actually reduced the financing costs. Soon, they successfully obtained a loan of 3 million yuan for planting demand and product line renewal. With financial support, they become more energetic in their career and look forward to a better future.

At the beginning of this year, Hunan Rural Credit Suisse issued a document calling for "doing a good job of financial services for returning Hunan merchants and returning home entrepreneurship", guiding the provincial rural commercial banks to actively participate in the work of returning home entrepreneurship. Xiangtan Tianyi Rural Commercial Bank, as the only financial institution, was included in the Xiangtan County Home Entrepreneurship Implementation Working Group, which actively guided the business entities to return home and start businesses, so as to achieve local employment and become rich at home, And take this work as the key direction to effectively promote rural revitalization. At the same time, the Bank launched the bank wide whole village credit extension work, called on employees to take steps as their own, comprehensively touch and sort out the rural situation, accurately meet the needs of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" financial services, provide farmers and village collective economic organizations with more in-depth and detailed financial services, truly open up the "last step" of inclusive finance, and play a positive role in continuously promoting rural revitalization. (Jiang Bairu)

(Editor in charge: Tang Lihan, Luo Shuai)

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