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People's Daily: Hunan | Changsha Mass Art Museum holds night classes for citizens: nourish a better life with literature and art

May 23, 2024 09:57 | Source: People's Daily
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Original title: Let more people discover, experience and create beauty (decoding and improving public cultural service level)

Ankang primary school students are learning to carve prints. Courtesy of Ankang Mass Art Museum

Tang Guangyan, the inheritor of intangible cultural heritage of Yang's cheongsam making skills, is teaching students to make cheongsam. Photographed by our reporter Li Zong

Students from Changsha Qunyi Museum dance in Binjiang Cultural Park. Photographed by Dong Yang

May 20-26 is the National Cultural Center Service Week. Around the theme of "cultural centers: people's lifelong aesthetic education schools", cultural centers (stations) at all levels across the country launched more than 7200 colorful service publicity activities, including music, dance, drama, quyi and many other art categories, involving performances, training, lectures, exhibitions and other forms of activities.

Set up "4:30 class" to promote the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage; Create characteristic aesthetic education and provide art services; Hold night classes for citizens to enrich the forms of aesthetic education... Reporters visited Hunan, Guangdong and Shaanxi to see how cultural centers and mass art centers can innovate the forms of public cultural services, launch a variety of distinctive cultural activities, and become lifelong aesthetic education schools integrated into the daily life of the public.


Hunan Changsha Mass Art Museum holds evening classes for citizens

Nourish the good life time with literature and art

Our reporter Zheng Haiou

At the beginning of the light, young people who just got off work came to Changsha Mass Art Museum in Hunan Province from all directions, and the classroom was brightly lit.

Cao Meiyun, a middle school teacher, will travel through the whole city from west to east every Tuesday after work and drive 40 minutes to the model class of the Qunyi Gallery. She said that she was very happy to learn knowledge and hit it off with friends, "more confident".

The vocal music classroom is full of enthusiasm and melodious singing; In the etiquette class, the students are tall and straight, confident and elegant; In the hip-hop class, young people are sweating and energetic

In March this year, the 2024 Spring Class of Citizen Night School held by the Mass Art Museum started to register. In just 10 minutes, 11 free courses, including etiquette, mobile photography, vocal music, and modeling, were all filled, and one lesson was hard to find.

With the development of night school, many young people's living conditions have changed. Gao Qianqi is a documenter of a disability aid organization after 200.00. She used to be nervous and stammer when she saw strangers. This year, she immediately signed up when she heard that the Mass Art Museum had opened a speech and eloquence class.

Every Thursday after work, Gao Qianqi comes to the group art museum. After six classes, she was the first to raise her hand to speak on the stage, and received warm applause. Now she is always brimming with a bright and confident smile, "I am very grateful to the teachers and students for their help, and I will pass on this love and confidence in life to more people in the future".

Citizens' night schools bring together college students and practitioners from all walks of life to learn skills, make friends and show themselves, so as to enrich leisure time. "It's good for everyone to improve themselves and enjoy the nourishment of art in this more than one hour class, which is a positive living condition," said Deng Xianli, a vocal music student.

Liu Xinquan, the curator of the group art museum, introduced that before, the service hours of the group art museum basically coincided with the working hours of office workers, and young people had few opportunities to enjoy public services. The newly opened night school for citizens has rich and free courses, professional and devoted teachers, lively atmosphere, and is well received by the citizens. "The Mass Art Museum is a public cultural service institution. It opens night schools for citizens, which not only meet the needs of office workers, but also drive social training institutions to provide art services. Next, we will let night schools go into communities and villages, and strive to let more people have the opportunity to get close to art and enjoy a good life nourished by literature and art." Liu Xinquan said.

Since May 16, the Mass Art Museum has launched live online night school courses, and a number of interesting and practical courses have been well received. "The number of offline classes is limited, and many people are far away from the group art museum. Considering these factors, in order to let more people enjoy the evening school service, we will actively promote online courses and improve the convenience and coverage of services." Liu Xinquan said.

The Shenzhen Cultural Center in Guangdong launched the "4:30 Class"

Sowing the seeds of intangible heritage inheritance on campus

Our reporter Li Zong

Walking needle, inverted needle, triangular needle, star point sewing... On Friday afternoon, in the activity classroom of "4:30 Class · Intangible Cultural Heritage on Campus" of Yuelanshan Experimental Primary School in Longgang District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, Tang Guangyan, the inheritor of intangible cultural heritage of Yang's cheongsam making skills, carefully explained, and the primary school students focused on sewing. "I started taking the cheongsam making course last year, and I felt it was very meaningful to learn a lot of knowledge that I could not learn in class," said Ling Mengyan, a student in Class 4, Grade 4.

"The '4:30 class' has been implemented in Shenzhen for many years. The Shenzhen Cultural Museum has played its resource advantages in culture and art, actively carried out a series of activities with schools and other institutions to integrate public cultural services into people's lives," said Shu Yang, deputy director of the Shenzhen Cultural Museum.

"At present, Longgang District has formed a four level intangible cultural heritage project directory system at the national, provincial, municipal and district levels. In order to effectively protect and inherit intangible cultural heritage, we choose intangible cultural heritage into the campus as the entry point of the" four and a half class "." Xie Shaohua, director of intangible cultural heritage work of Longgang District Cultural Center, said.

Yuelanshan Experimental Primary School established the branch of Longgang District Cultural Center at the end of 2022, and opened eight intangible cultural heritage community courses, including hand sewn cheongsam, new ceramic pastels, purple clay culture, so that students can understand and feel the beauty of China's excellent traditional culture.

"We open more than 5 intangible heritage inheritance project courses every semester, expanding the width of school-based courses and broadening children's knowledge." Wu Longshan, principal of Yuelanshan Experimental Primary School, said, "The activities let the seeds of intangible heritage inheritance sprout on campus. This year, according to the needs of students, we added three courses, such as fast blackboard writing and Yu's kite."

In the process of event organization, the Cultural Center participated in the guidance and operation throughout the whole process, and invited inheritors of intangible cultural heritage to give lectures. Up to now, the "4:30 Class · Intangible Cultural Heritage on Campus" activity of Longgang District Cultural Museum has entered more than 100 schools, including middle, primary, young and special education schools, vocational and technical schools, and participated in more than 3000 public service trainings, exhibitions, knowledge lectures, etc., benefiting 500000 students.

Public art training, intangible cultural heritage exhibition activities... In addition to courses, Longgang District Cultural Center also carries out various activities to enrich the form of "4:30 class". "Conforming to the new trend of the times, the cultural center actively innovates, builds more platforms, and provides high-quality public cultural services for the society and the masses," said Shu Yang.

Shaanxi Ankang Mass Art Museum Promotes Children's Printmaking Education

Open the window of aesthetic education for mountain children

Our reporter Zhang Danhua

Recently, in Ankang City, Shaanxi Province, more than 90 prints created by children are on tour. The works full of childlike interest attract many citizens to stop and watch.

"The prints are very interesting. I can draw the beautiful scenery of my hometown, and also show the beauty of life and learning." The prints of Meng Fan, a junior high school student from the nine year school in East Town, Cigou Town, Hanbin District, Ankang City, were also included in the exhibition.

"Many children have never gone out of their hometown, but their works have flown out of the mountains with dreams." Zhou Qiang, director of the Ankang Mass Art Museum, said that Ankang children's prints rose in the 1980s. For more than 40 years, local writers and artists have adhered to the educational philosophy of "Don't say the word, let it be", and use beauty to warm the hearts of children.

Since the "Ankang Children's Printmaking Tour" was selected into the communication and promotion project of Shaanxi Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism in 2018, a large number of Ankang children's prints have been on tour in Beijing, Inner Mongolia, Shanghai and other places. In the 2024 National Children's Printmaking Biennale, 24 prints were selected in Ankang.

Over the years, Ankang Qunyi Museum has actively promoted print into the campus and organized print teaching. "The first time I went to Dongzhen nine-year school to teach, I found that a child named Wang Xiaoyu was not talkative, but his work was called" Laughing Always ". I tried to communicate with her and encourage her, but unexpectedly she took the initiative to ask me for advice when I came the second time." Liu Xiaodong, director of children's print communication, exchange and promotion at Ankang City Mass Art Museum, said that Wang Xiaoyu was very hands-on, Nine prints have been created, and her changes are both touching and gratifying.

Dragon Boat Rowing, Lion Dancing to Celebrate the Harvest, Ziyang Steaming Pots, Spring outing to Jiangjiaping Tea Mountain... The children's prints are hung all over Liu Xiaodong's studio. The work shows the imagination of the children, with strong local characteristics.

In print teaching, Liu Xiaodong constantly adjusts teaching methods to adapt to more students with different characteristics. In the contact with children, Liu Xiaodong was more determined to "open the window of aesthetic education for more children in the mountains".

In Ankang, the activity of children's prints going to the grass-roots level was carried out throughout the year and went deep into many villages and towns. Ankang City Mass Art Museum delivers printmaking works exhibitions as needed and carries out children's printmaking skills training and teacher training through order booking service.

"Printmaking is a combination of painting, engraving and printing, and students like it very much when they touch it." Huang Rui is an art teacher of the nine-year school in East Town of Cigou Town. She believes that the combination of painting and handwork in children's print creation helps to cultivate children's practical ability, creative ability and design ability, which is critical to the healthy growth and overall development of young people.

"Beauty has power." In Zhou Qiang's view, to let more children know about traditional woodcut prints and master the production skills, not only can we show the achievements of aesthetic education in primary and secondary schools with print works, but also can promote the protection and inheritance of traditional skills.

Deep in the mountains, the flower of aesthetic education is blooming. Discover beauty, experience beauty and create beauty. Children's life is colorful.

People's Daily (the 13th edition on May 23, 2024)

(Editor in charge: Tang Lihan, Peng Yingbing)

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