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State Grid Hunan Construction Company (consulting company): carry out cost reduction and efficiency improvement governance and strengthen cost control

May 18, 2024 15:05 | Source: People's Daily Online - Hunan Channel
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Recently, State Grid Hunan Construction Company (a consulting company) launched a special cost management action in key areas of production, operation and management. The company has made remarkable achievements in the field of enterprise production cost management by seriously investigating and dealing with the problems found in the field of production cost management and promoting the special rectification of persistent diseases.

Focus on the top-level design and make precise overall planning. The company has organized four inspection teams to focus on the company's housing lease, vehicle use and lease, housing decoration, advertising, publicity and printing fund use, and human resource management since 2022. Break down and refine the tasks and objectives level by level, go deep into each professional department for troubleshooting, objectively find relevant problems, and timely supervise and urge the rectification of problems by means of data classification and collection, voucher review, data analysis, communication and site survey.

Adhere to scientific benchmarking, learn from each other, innovate and optimize. In the face of the current problems in production and operation, the company's special team benchmarking management, learn from each other and strive for perfection. Carry out a full range of indicators sorting, carefully conduct data analysis, and identify their own gaps. And let each team go to the front line to conduct in-depth research and analysis, exchange experience, bring excellent management concepts and advanced cost control measures to all professional departments of the company for learning, and find gaps, weaknesses, strengths and weaknesses through benchmarking learning.

Implement special management and pay close attention to the implementation of quality assurance and efficiency increase. In terms of compliance management, we strengthened the review of terms such as legal consultation, contracts and agreements in the early stage of the contract, and revised, checked and filled gaps in the imperfect system. In terms of project management, further optimize the project approval process, strengthen the cost budget, process control and post project evaluation of contracted projects, and strictly control project costs and risks. Focusing on the "key few" issues, we conducted point to point interviews on the problems found, drew inferences from one instance, expanded the scope with points, and promoted the promotion from "rectification of one problem" to "rectification of one class of problems". The implementation of "one post with two responsibilities" was not enough, and the phenomenon of "small and micro corruption" was checked. One batch was found, one batch was notified, and one batch was rectified.

Firmly determine the direction of development, carefully calculate and improve the quality. The company decomposes various cost indicators layer by layer around the key factors that affect cost, establishes a cost reduction and efficiency increase system from horizontal to edge and from vertical to bottom, continues to promote the systematic cost reduction process, stimulates the initiative of all staff to participate in cost reduction, and reduces operating costs. Strive to do a good job in the three dimensions of "cost planning in advance, fine management process, and deepening system revision", gradually improve the quality and efficiency of production costs, and promote the high-quality development of the company. (Wang Sili)

(Editor in charge: Luo Shuai, Peng Yingbing)

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