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2024 Hunan Social Science Popularization Theme Week Launched in Changsha

09:45, May 18, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online - Hunan Channel
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 The site of the launching ceremony. Drawings provided by the sponsor
The site of the launching ceremony. Drawings provided by the sponsor

People's Daily, May 18, Changsha On May 17, Hunan Social Science Popularization Theme Week in 2024 was launched in Changsha. The activity week will closely focus on the theme of "three high and four new social science decoding", comprehensively display the research achievements and popularization effects of philosophy and social science, and highlight the demeanor of social science workers.

At the launch ceremony, Hu Daisong, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and vice chairman of Hunan Federation of Social Sciences, released the main arrangements for the theme activity week of social science popularization in Hunan Province in 2024. He said that the social science circles of the province should hold high the ideological banner, shoulder the mission of the times, and strive to be in the forefront, so as to make contributions and responsibilities to the popularization of Marxism in Hunan.

He Jianxiang, member of the Party Leadership Group, vice chairman and secretary-general (concurrently) of Hunan Federation of Social Sciences, read out the "Notice on Excellent Cases of Hunan Provincial Social Sciences Popularization in 2024" and the "Notice on the List of New Hunan Provincial Social Sciences Popularization Bases in 2024", and notified 33 excellent cases of social sciences popularization and 33 new provincial social sciences popularization bases. Since this year, the Provincial Federation of Social Sciences has innovated the form of "social science+literature and art", selected 33 outstanding cases from 14 cities and prefectures for publicity and promotion, and promoted the popularization of social sciences to form a vivid situation of "one flower attracts all flowers".

The leaders at the meeting awarded medals to representatives of excellent cases of social science popularization and the new provincial social science popularization base, and all participants watched the demonstration of excellent cases of social science popularization in 2024. After the launching ceremony, the participants went to Wangcheng Social Science Popularization Base to observe. (Wu Qiwei, Du Xiaozhen)

(Editor in charge: Luo Shuai, Peng Yingbing)

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