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Promote cost reduction and efficiency increase of heavy cargo logistics Hunan launched the special action of "Escort 2024" for heavy cargo transportation

May 17, 2024 16:31 | Source: People's Daily Online - Hunan Channel
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On May 16, Hunan held the launching ceremony of the special action of "Escort 2024" for heavy cargo transportation, publicized and implemented Several Opinions on Further Optimizing the Business Environment of Heavy Cargo Transportation in Hunan Province, interpreted 26 policies and measures, and promoted cost reduction, efficiency increase and high-quality development of heavy cargo logistics industry.

Hunan is not only a strong province in advanced manufacturing industry, but also a big province in heavy cargo transportation. In recent years, the transportation department has continuously deepened the reform of "deregulation, regulation and service", innovated the supervision mode, optimized the business environment, and the logistics industry has deeply participated in the service and governance, continued to "escort" the large cargo transportation enterprises, promoted the transformation of large cargo logistics in Hunan Province to standardization, digitalization and security, and realized the integrated development of logistics industry and manufacturing industry, Significant results have been achieved in reducing enterprise logistics costs.

Next, Hunan will actively carry out the work of "six cost reductions" among heavy cargo transportation enterprises in the province, promote the application of new technologies such as Beidou satellite navigation, big data, Internet of Things, new energy, artificial intelligence in the field of transportation and logistics, optimize the functions of the intelligent monitoring platform for the whole process of heavy cargo transportation, and do a good job in publicizing and implementing the "series of policies to support the high-quality development of heavy cargo transportation". We will work together to create a safe, smooth, convenient and efficient business environment for large cargo transportation, and contribute wisdom and strength to accelerate the construction of the landmark project of "three highlands" in Hunan Province, build a "4 × 4" modern industrial system, and effectively reduce the logistics costs of the whole society. (Yuan Dongwei, Peng Liang)

(Editor in charge: Huang Zhuo, Luo Shuai)

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