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Yanfeng District, Hengyang City, Hunan Province: starting from "clearing the brand" to reduce the burden of grassroots

May 16, 2024 11:22 | Source: People's Daily Online - Hunan Channel
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 The function prompt of the community service hall is eye-catching. Drawings provided by the unit
The function prompt of the community service hall is eye-catching. Drawings provided by the unit

"In the past, there were so many signs at each window of the community service center that it was dazzling. If you wanted to do something, you didn't know which window to go to? After 'clearing the signs', you obviously felt clear. There were fewer signs, and the direction was more clear. You can directly find staff to handle business." Recently, Zhou Zhengguo, a resident of Xingfu Community, Huangchaling Street, Yanfeng District, told about the situation before and after the brand clearing.

Since this year, Yanfeng District has actively carried out the "brand clearing and downsizing" action against the prominent problems such as excessive institutional brands and excessive institutional brands in the village (community) comprehensive service places. Through "merging similar items", it has found the "maximum common denominator", and made efforts to solve the formalism and bureaucracy behind the "full wall of brands" phenomenon, so as to promote the "burden reduction and efficiency increase" at the grass-roots level, We can "pack light" and return to our service.

Small brands reflect big problems

The original intention of hanging signs on the wall is to facilitate and serve the masses, but some signs have been hung on the wall, but there is no actual content, which not only increases the burden on the grass-roots level, but also causes dissatisfaction among the masses. It seems to be a small thing, but it reflects a big problem behind it.

Each sign represents a kind of business. The more signs are hung, the wider the scope of duty will be. However, village level organizations are often short of soldiers and major generals. They are not proficient in relevant policies, can not handle specific problems well or even can not handle them, and do not have the work force matching the wall full signs. Liu Wei, the secretary of the Party Committee of Xingxin Village, Huangchaling Street, said frankly: "There are only six 'two committees' in the village. Previously, there were nearly 40 signs hanging in the village, and each person had to be responsible for nearly 7. Our time and energy are really limited. How can we be busy? Even if we do all of them, not only the tasks on the' sign 'cannot be completed, but also our own work will be affected."

The village (community) has some "office", "station", "center", "association" and other signs, involving nearly 20 work fields such as the party and the masses, comprehensive governance, culture and sports, family planning, science popularization, economy, mediation and so on. Wang Huaqing, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Huangchaling Sub district, said that residents had previously reported that they would at best pay attention to the content in the public column in their daily life. The previous "various" signs were "full and noisy". In fact, they could not understand or care about them at all. If they had something to do, they had to go directly to the village (community) cadres.

Before that, many grassroots cadres and the masses complained about this. They said that in the past, there were signs inside and outside the door, and there were more than a dozen systems on one wall, mainly to meet the inspection and assessment of the superior. Many signs were just "frills".

The purpose of listing in the village (community) was originally to indicate identity, clarify responsibilities and facilitate the masses. However, if there are too many and too many, everything should be listed, and the performance should be judged by the listing, and the brand should be used as a facade, or even "there is no service for the brand, and the wall is not dedicated", it will lose the significance of the listing itself, which will not only increase the burden on grassroots cadres, delay the time and energy to work for the people, but also damage the image and credibility of the party and the government.

Clear the brand and slim down to reduce the burden of the grassroots

"In the past, there were more than ten signs hanging at the door of the library in the village. When we read in the library, we often had people from the superior departments to check, so that we could not read with peace of mind." He Zhongqiao, a villager of Happy Village, said sincerely, "Now we have removed the signs, so that we can read and study with peace of mind."

Focusing on the problems such as the mismatch between the listing of village level organizations and their functional layout, and the unimportant role of convenience services, the Organization Department of Yanfeng District Committee, in conjunction with the district's civil affairs, justice, civilization building office, the Disabled Persons' Federation and other functional departments, has taken the form of holding special meetings, field research, and issuing questionnaires to sink all kinds of affairs undertaken by towns (streets) to villages (communities) The number of tags and the wall system are screened one by one.

Through the survey of 48 villages (communities), nearly 2000 brands such as "center", "home", "studio" and "service station" have been selected, with an average of 40 brands in each village (community) office. We sorted out 71 brands that need to be integrated, 32 items of work affairs of village level organizations that continue to be retained and improved, and 31 items of certification provided by village level organizations, which clarified the foundation for further clarifying the boundaries of rights and responsibilities of villages (communities) and subsequent clearing and listing.

Since the launch of the "brand clearing and downsizing" action, Yanfeng District has gradually improved the filing mechanism of village level organization affairs in combination with the "One Network" pilot of village (community) government services, and clarified the system basis, responsibility scope and operation process of the party, government and mass organizations requiring or entrusting village level organizations to carry out work affairs according to laws and regulations, of which the village (community) with the most "brand clearing" A total of 56 signs were removed. Every village (community) has changed the problem of "flying everywhere" in the past, and the formalism on the door and wall has also been swept away.

"Now that most of the signs have been removed, our hearts are much brighter, and we can save a lot of money in a year." Wang Lei, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Qianjin Village, Yueping Town, said that after taking down the signs full of walls in the office, we painted the walls again, which was much cooler.

Today, four signboards of the village party organization, the village committee, the village collective economic cooperative and the village affairs supervision committee are prominently hung on the left and right sides of the front door of the Qianjin village committee. Last year, there were more than 30 institutional signs and wall systems.

The service cannot be reduced if the brand is reduced

After the standardized listing, the number of villages (communities) in Yanfeng District has been greatly reduced, but the service process has been gradually optimized and the service quality has been constantly improved.

"Now there are fewer signs, fewer meetings, fewer working groups, and more time to visit and serve the residents." Liu Juan, secretary of the Party Committee of Baizhuzao Community, Baishazhou Street, said that the "brand reduction and downsizing" action liberated community workers and sank them into the residents, timely collected social conditions and public opinions, accurately grasped the residents' demands, and served the residents face to face Handle problems.

When we entered the party masses service center of Baizhuzao Community, the service hall was clean and bright, there were fewer signs at the door, the system wall was standardized, and four multi-functional displays were set up. The community service functions were clear at a glance, which really realized convenience. Residents who came to work gave a thumbs up to the changes now.

In the process of removing all kinds of mechanism signs and reducing the burden on the grass-roots level, Yanfeng District further implemented the village (community) work access system, made clear that items not on the list should not be transferred to the village (community), and should not assign tasks, set targets, and hang signs to the village (community) in the form of administrative orders, so as to fundamentally reduce the administrative burden on the village (neighborhood) committee, We will strengthen the autonomous service function and improve the service level for the people at the grass-roots level.

"Reduce the brand and improve the service". Yang Jiuning, the director of the grass-roots office of Yanfeng District Party Committee, said that the purpose of clearing the brand and reducing the burden is to increase efficiency of service. Taking the opportunity of rectifying the problem of "too many brands" in villages (communities), grass-roots cadres are encouraged to devote more time and energy to serving the masses and seeking development and implementation.

Since this year, Yanfeng District has also strengthened source control, adjusted the district level governance formalism to the list of members of the special working mechanism for grassroots burden reduction, issued 10 lists of grassroots burden reduction and 31 negative lists of "only reducing but not increasing" issued at the approval meeting, and vigorously remedied prominent issues such as the unrealistic style of writing and meeting, and the "small horse pulling big cart" of grassroots governance.

Grass roots cadres can spare energy to better serve the masses, mainly due to reducing the burden of grass roots. While carrying out the joint supervision of "offices, groups and places", the District Discipline Inspection Commission and the Supervision Committee lead the integration of supervision forces such as the District Party Committee and the District Government Supervision Office, promote the supervision of "multi supervision in one", and focus on the promotion and implementation of key work and bottom line work such as the tourism development conference, civilization creation, urban and rural governance standardization, safety production, and petition and stability maintenance, Implement "one set of plans, one team, one general inspection", coordinate and standardize the supervision and inspection items, avoid multiple inspections and repeated inspections, loosen the constraints for the grassroots to reduce the burden, and let cadres concentrate on their work.

In the first quarter of this year, the number of meetings in Yanfeng District decreased by 6% year on year, and the number of documents issued decreased by 4% year on year. WeChat working groups and government affairs APP further integrated and standardized management. Now, grassroots cadres have more time to work and provide services, and constantly improve the satisfaction and sense of gain of cadres and the masses. (Zhou Qi, Deng Qi, Yang Jiuning)

(Editor in charge: Tang Lihan, Luo Shuai)

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