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The 13th Central China Expo will be held in Changsha, Hunan

Share new opportunities for the rise of central China in the new era (authoritative release)

Our reporter Luo Shanshan
May 15, 2024 09:27 | Source: People's Daily
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The 13th Central China Expo will be held in Changsha, Hunan Province from May 31 to June 2 this year. On May 14, the Information Office of the State Council held a press conference to introduce relevant information.

Ling Ji, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Commerce and Deputy Representative of International Trade Negotiations, said that the Central China Expo is committed to building a platform for promoting the opening up of the central region. It has become an effective carrier for the country to implement the strategy of the rise of the central region and an important platform for the six provinces in the central region to expand foreign economic and trade exchanges and cooperation. Since 2006, it has successfully held 12 sessions.

It is reported that the 13th Central China Expo will take the theme of "opening up, innovation and the rise of the Central China", and have arranged 4 major activities, 20 special activities and field visits to cities, prefectures and parks. The conference held the first investment promotion conference in central China, and conducted interviews with governors of six provinces in central China in an innovative way, focusing on policies and measures to promote the rise of central China in the new era. At the same time, for the first time, it will adopt the mode of six provinces' cooperation, division of labor and cooperation, and joint investment promotion. Six industry chain investment promotion conferences will be held, each led by one province and coordinated by five provinces, to gather six provinces' joint efforts, reflecting the industrial integration and development of the central region.

In terms of invitation to merchants, according to the preliminary statistics of the current situation, nearly 60 foreign institutions, chambers of commerce and associations, and nearly 100 multinational companies from all countries have signed up to participate in the Expo. It is expected that nearly 800 enterprises will participate in the Expo. It is expected that nearly 20 multinational companies above the vice president level will attend the Expo globally, and more than 50 enterprises above the vice president level in China will attend the Expo.

As the host of this Central China Expo, what measures and achievements has Hunan taken in expanding opening up? Cao Zhiqiang, vice governor of Hunan Province, introduced that Hunan continued to make efforts to build an important national advanced manufacturing highland, a scientific and technological innovation highland with core competitiveness, and a highland of reform and opening up in inland areas, and the results of opening up continued to show. Up to now, Hunan has 108 pairs of international sister cities and has trade relations with 235 countries and regions; BASF, Aeon, Danone, etc. have successively settled down, and 211 of the world's top 500 enterprises have invested in Hunan; 1921 "Xiang Brand" enterprises invested in 111 countries and regions, and the scale of foreign direct investment ranked first in central China; The annual import and export exceeded 100 billion US dollars, of which the total import and export volume to Africa has increased by 23.1% annually in the past three years, ranking first in the Midwest.

With the continuous improvement of transportation, industrial supporting facilities and infrastructure construction, the central region has gradually become a new highland for investment attraction in China. Guo Ning, the relevant person in charge of the Department of Commerce of Hunan Province, said that in April this year, Hunan issued the Work Plan on Strengthening Overall Linkage to Build a Large Investment Promotion Pattern, focusing on the "4 × 4" modern industrial system, and promoting the formation of an investment promotion linkage mechanism that "the competent commercial department takes the lead in grasping the overall situation, the relevant departments cooperate with each other, and the region (park) undertakes the implementation of projects", Comprehensively improve the level of refinement, specialization and legalization of investment promotion. In terms of project services, strengthen the whole life cycle service of the project, implement the "two methods and one guidance", namely, the Third Party Evaluation Method for the Long term Development of Investment Promotion Projects in Hunan Province, the High Quality Development Data Collection Method for Investment Promotion Projects in Hunan Province, and the Standard Guide for the Whole Life Cycle Management Service of Investment Promotion Projects in Hunan Province, and do a good job in project commencement, construction Ensure the whole process of completion, production and other links, so that enterprises can enter, stay and develop well.

In recent years, in order to continue to create a more competitive inland open highland, the Ministry of Commerce has issued the List of Key Work of Pilot Free Trade Zones to support pilot free trade zones in central China and other regions to deepen reform and innovation; Arrange special funds for foreign trade development, and support the central provinces to carry out the demonstration work of improving the quality and efficiency of foreign trade; Support Henan Province, Hubei Province and other relevant provinces to build national cultural export bases at a high level, add 7 national e-commerce demonstration bases in the central region, select several key enterprises for the integrated development of information technology outsourcing and manufacturing industry, and promote the cultivation of new business types and models; The General Plan for the Construction of the Pilot Zone for China Africa Economic and Trade Deep Cooperation was issued to create an internationally competitive platform for economic and trade cooperation with Africa; Guide the central region to participate in the "Silk Road E-commerce" cooperation, support Henan Province to build six overseas warehouses in Europe, and relevant cross-border e-commerce air routes cover more than 30 countries and regions

Ling Ji said that in the next step, the Ministry of Commerce, together with relevant departments and local governments, will actively support the six provinces in central China to give full play to their regional and resource advantages, vigorously consolidate the basic market of foreign capital and foreign trade, improve the domestic trade circulation system, accelerate the construction of open platforms such as China Africa in-depth economic and trade cooperation pilot zones and free trade pilot zones, and support the central region to better serve and integrate into the new development pattern, Promote high-quality development.

People's Daily (May 15, 2024, 4th Edition)

(Editor in charge: Huang Zhuo, Luo Shuai)

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