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"The first military rule" shines with discipline

10:52, May 13, 2024 | Source: Hunan Daily
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In the southern section of Luoxiao Mountains, Shatian Town, east of Guangxi, the monument of the "First Military Regulation" square stands erect.

"There is a soldier in Shatian who speaks kindly and fairly. What kind of army is good in the world should be the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army..." On May 10, Chen Geng, the commentator of the scenic spot, hummed a folk song handed down from the Second Civil Revolutionary War. The lines between the lines are full of people's deep feelings for the Red Army in eastern Guangxi.

Back in April 1928, Comrade Mao Zedong issued the "Three Major Disciplines and Six Points for Attention" to the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army in Shatian, eastern Guangxi, highlighting the political discipline and mass discipline of the revolutionary army in the form of military rules for the first time. "Three Major Disciplines and Six Points for Attention" later developed into "Three Major Disciplines and Eight Points for Attention", known as "the first military discipline".

Recalling the glorious centennial journey of the Party, from Jinggangshan to Ruijin, from Zunyi to Yan'an, from Xibaipo to Beijing, we sang "Three Major Disciplines and Eight Points for Attention" all the way. This popular song has become a "magic weapon" for the Chinese People's Liberation Army to move from one victory to another. Everyone has remembered it and passed it on from generation to generation.

"Three Major Disciplines and Six Points for Attention" was officially promulgated in Shatian, eastern Guangxi

In late March 1928, Mao Zedong led the First Regiment of the First Division of the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army from Jinggangshan to Guidong, Hunan, ready to take over Zhu De's troops from the uprising in southern Hunan, and came to Shatian Ruins in eastern Guangxi on the 30th.

There are hundreds of shops on the market, and people usually come and go, bustling. However, when Mao Zedong led the troops to arrive, the doors of every shop were closed, and there was no one in the sky.

Why do people flee? It turned out that one year ago, a group of farmers in Jinggangshan had been armed to Shatian. The team not only bathed but also took people's door boards and straw to make beds. The next day, they did not go up to the door boards or bundle straw. When they left, they pulled several folk men to help carry their luggage. In addition, the reactionaries slandered the revolutionary army of workers and peasants for "burning houses, killing people and robbing things". The people who were deeply hurt by the soldiers and bandits listened to the rumors and hid in the mountains and forests.

On the third night in Shatian, the oil lamp in a small room in the back hall of the Wanshou Palace was bright all night. Mao Zedong couldn't sleep at night when he thought of the rise and fall of the Chinese peasant uprising over thousands of years, the experience and lessons of building the army since the Autumn Harvest Uprising, and the often forbidden bad behaviors in the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army. At midnight, he lit up the oil lamp, revised the military discipline that had been talked about in the previous few months, but had not been systematically written, and wrote down the famous "three disciplines and six notes".

On the morning of April 3, the weather was fine. In the rice field of "36 Stone Dunes" in Laohuchong, Shatian, eastern Guangxi, the workers and peasants' revolutionary army soldiers stood in full dress and Mao Zedong, dressed in gray cloth military uniforms, walked up to the temporary earth platform beside the field.

He first explained to the troops the reason that no discipline, no army, no unified command, no victory, and criticized and educated the discipline violations in the troops. Then, holding his finger, he formally announced "three disciplines and six notices" to the troops one by one. The three disciplines are: obey the command in action; Don't take anything from workers and farmers; If you beat a local tyrant, you should return to the public. Six notes are: door panel; Bundle and pave grass; Speak kindly; Fair trading; Borrow something and return it; Damages must be compensated.

Chen Geng introduced that a water tank (replica) now placed in the memorial hall of the former site of the promulgation of the "Three Major Disciplines and Six Points for Attention" is a witness of the people's army's invincibility and discipline compliance. When the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army was about to leave Shatian, it sent people to the place where the army had lived for discipline inspection. Some old people reported that a tank borrowed by the army from his family leaked. The inspection team saw that there was a crack in the tank, which only leaked after it was filled with water. When the troops borrowed the tank, they did not detect whether it was leaking. Nevertheless, the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army compensated for a new water tank and apologized to the head of the household in accordance with the provisions of the "Three Major Disciplines and Six Precautions".

"Three Major Disciplines and Six Points for Attention" developed into "Three Major Disciplines and Eight Points for Attention"

In January 1929, according to the development of the situation and the practical experience of the army, two more items were added to the "six points of attention": avoiding women in bathing and not searching the pockets of prisoners, forming the initial "three disciplines and eight points of attention".

The Red Army of Workers and Peasants has moved forward all the way through the whole country, and its requirements for discipline are constantly enriching and developing.

Among the three disciplines, "obey the command in action" was changed to "obey the command in all actions", "do not take anything from workers and farmers" was changed to "do not take a needle or a thread from the masses", "return to the public to fight local tyrants" was changed to "return to the public to raise money", and later to "return to the public to collect everything".

With the change of the battle environment, the original situation of sleeping on the ground with "door boards" and "straw" when camping in the south was no longer the case after the main force of the Red Army moved to the north during the Long March. These two contents no longer appeared during the Anti Japanese War. The content of the "Eight Points for Attention" should be correspondingly supplemented and improved as follows: speak kindly; Fair trading; Borrow something and return it; Damages shall be compensated; Do not hit or swear; Do not damage crops; Do not molest women; Do not mistreat prisoners.

In October 1935, Cheng Tan, the Secretary General of the Political Department of the 15th Red Army Corps, thought when explaining the notice of "Three Major Disciplines and Eight Points for Attention of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army" to the officers and soldiers, that if the military discipline provisions of "Three Major Disciplines and Eight Points for Attention" were compiled into catchy and easy to understand lyrics, it would be easier for the red army officers and soldiers to remember. Therefore, he discussed with Liu Huaqing, the head of the Publicity Section, and borrowed the rhythm of the popular song "The Agrarian Revolution Has Been Successful" in Hubei, Henan, Anhui and Soviet areas to complete the "Song of the Red Army's Three Major Disciplines and Eight Points for Attention", which later developed into the "Three Major Disciplines and Eight Points for Attention" after constant revision. As the lyrics were easy to remember and the melody was simple, this loud military song soon spread among the troops.

In the red hot land of eastern Guangxi, Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Ren Bishi, Chen Yi and other proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation have left bright red revolutionary marks. The old red sites, such as the site group of the Fourth Red Army's popular revolutionary activities, the site of the Sixth Red Army's Western Expedition, and the site of the Fourth Red Army's Front Committee's enlarged meeting, are well preserved. The site of the promulgation of "Three Major Disciplines and Six Points for Attention" has become a national patriotism education base, and the spirit of military regulations is deeply integrated into this land.

In recent years, the county has actively carried out the construction, maintenance and protection of red stadiums. In 2008, to commemorate the 80th anniversary of Chairman Mao's promulgation of the "Three Major Disciplines and Six Points for Attention", the local government built the First Military Regulations Square in Shatian Village, Shatian Town, Guidong County. The landmark of the square is the monument of "Three Major Disciplines and Eight Points for Attention", which consists of a monument and a base. The monument is 19.28 meters high, It means that the "First Military Regulation" was issued in 1928; The base is 4.3 meters, implying that the "First Military Regulation" was issued on April 3.

In 2018, the Discipline Culture Center was officially opened next to the First Military Regulations Square. The center includes a special exhibition of Discipline Like Iron, a multi-function lecture hall, a film and television broadcasting hall, etc. Among them, the special exhibition "Discipline Like Iron" is the first one with the theme of "discipline culture" in China, with an exhibition area of more than 2000 square meters.

In addition, there are also 1 national security, 12 provincial security and 8 municipal security, including the former site of the enlarged meeting of the Front Committee of the Fourth Red Army, the former site of the popular music activities of the Fourth Red Army, the former site of the swearing in of the Red Army's Long March advance team, the former residence of Deng Liqun, and the former site of the People's Liberation Corps of Guangdong Hunan Jiangxi Border Region. The profound red culture has become an important base for Party members and cadres to keep in mind their original mission and carry out the education of revolutionary tradition and discipline culture.

In 2023, 440000 party members and cadres from all over the country will come to Guidong to listen to vivid and moving red stories, understand the glorious history of the Party in a hundred years, understand the development of the Party's discipline, remember that "the Party's self revolution is always on the way", sing a powerful "three disciplines and eight points of attention", and transform iron discipline into daily habits and principles of action. (Luo Huisong, Hu Hai, Guo Jiandong)

(Editor in charge: Tang Lihan, Luo Shuai)

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