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Tianxin District: Promote the learning and education of Party discipline into the mind and heart by three ways

10:19, May 13, 2024 | Source: New Hunan
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Since the launch of Party discipline learning and education, Tianxin District of Changsha City has adhered to scientific planning, strengthened problem orientation, and used three methods of original learning, warning education, and interpretation training to make precise efforts to educate and guide party members and cadres to engrave Party discipline in their hearts and see it in practice.

Learn from the original, know the discipline and never violate it

Insist on reading the original work, learning the original text, understanding the principles, learning paragraph by paragraph, word by word, so as to let the Party discipline into the mind, so that Party members know that discipline cannot be violated.

The district party committee and all party working committees held a theoretical learning center group learning and party discipline learning and education reading class, which adopted a combination of individual self-study and collective discussion to study the Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China chapter by chapter, article by article, and original. All grassroots Party committees and Party branches learn the Regulations chapter by chapter in combination with the theme of "three meetings and one lesson", "one lesson in one piece in one month, one practice" and other party day activities, and use their own party building platforms such as "Baisha Learning Society", "Red Soil Hechang" and "Hechang Nighttalk" to make the party discipline learning and education more widely covered. Party members and floating party members in the field of "three new" learn the full text of the CPC Disciplinary Regulations online through the Internet, and help party members to be self vigilant and self reflective in deep learning and insight.

Up to now, 26 Party working committees, 119 grass-roots Party committees and 1266 Party branches in the whole district have been fully covered in the deployment and exchange of party discipline learning and education.

Warning Pedagogy: Know discipline and dare not violate it

"A gentleman should be cautious when ants' nest breaks on the dike.".

Make overall use of resources such as warning records, confessions, warning educational films and warning education bases of cadres who violate disciplines and laws, educate people around with things around them, resonate with emotions in the scene imagination, and make people afraid, speak with caution, and act with restraint.

First, integrity warning education base. Tianxin Economic and Technological Development Zone organized Party members to visit and study in Changsha Anti corruption Warning Education Base. By reviewing the oath of joining the Party and watching the five chapter exhibition area of "flag", "sword", "repentance", "soul casting" and "moving forward", it brought a strong spiritual shock to the party members and cadres present, alerting and thought-provoking. Second, watch warning educational films. Relying on the party day activity with the theme of "one lesson in one month, one practice in one piece", the party working committee of Pozi Street street organized to watch the video of party discipline education "Distorted view of political achievements, governance!", which alerted people and made party members and cadres know fear, be wary and keep the bottom line. The third is the negative warning science. The District Commission for Discipline Inspection reported four typical cases of drunken driving by party members and public officials, and guided party members and cadres to always strike the bell of thought, tighten the strings of discipline, and be in awe.

Interpret training, know discipline and don't want to violate it

We carried out "sending classes to Party schools and sending them to the grass-roots level".

Establish a mechanism for the district party school and the sub district party school to arrange the teaching content of the Regulations in the main shift, invite the lecturers selected or designated by the district discipline inspection authority to give lectures, and highlight the discipline training for newly promoted cadres, young cadres, cadres in key positions and other key objects; The discipline inspection authority of the district focuses on the violations of discipline and laws by party members and cadres in recent years, the accountability of discipline enforcement, and the feedback of patrols and patrols. It organizes the development of education courses for party discipline learning, scientifically designs lecture manuscripts, lists teachers and courses, provides them to grass-roots party organizations, and formulates education delivery plans in three fields, including education, health, and state-owned enterprises, to ensure the pertinence and effectiveness of education.

Timely push and interpret articles. Organize Party members and cadres to carefully study the interpretation articles and online courses published by the central media, the Communist Party website, the China Cadre Network Institute and other platforms, push the relevant learning contents of the provincial and municipal media column on party discipline learning and education, further deepen the understanding and application of the Regulations by Party members, and help them become conscientious admirers, firm executors and loyal defenders of party discipline laws and regulations, Ensure the Party's progressiveness and purity. (Correspondent Qu Jiaxing)

(Editor in charge: Tang Lihan, Luo Shuai)

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