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People's Daily in Hunan | Linli County: Let more children enjoy inclusive preschool education

Sun Chao
09:18, May 13, 2024 | Source: People's Daily
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Original title: Let more children enjoy inclusive preschool education (let people live a better life)

In recent years, Linli County, Hunan Province, has concentrated its efforts to improve the development level of universal and inclusive pre-school education. It has made efforts in terms of the conditions for running kindergartens, the construction of teachers, and the quality of care and education, and has comprehensively constructed a pre-school education pattern of "county central kindergartens as the leader, township central kindergartens as the backbone, village kindergartens as the dependency, public kindergartens as the main body, and private kindergartens as the supplement", Let more children enjoy high-quality inclusive resources at home.

Re inclusive——

Vigorously increase the degree of public parks

At noon, the kindergarten was quiet, and Huang Huihong, a teacher of Sand Beach Kindergarten in Linli County, was taking care of children's nap.

This is a public kindergarten located in Longfeng Village, Xin'an Town. Because of its good reputation for running a school and convenient transportation, its enrollment scope covers seven or eight administrative villages nearby.

"At present, there are 124 children in five classes in the kindergarten, and those who are farthest from home are not more than 3 kilometers away from the kindergarten, all of them are nearby," said Huang Huihong.

Huang Huihong has received the training of preschool teacher qualification and works with certificate; The school site and the level of childcare in kindergartens are guaranteed. At the same time, the tuition fees, living expenses and other charges in the public kindergartens add up to an average of no more than 600 yuan per child per month, reducing the burden on parents.

The kindergarten became lively, and the small students in the next village were also stable. "At present, Shadi Primary School has more than 180 stable students, most of whom come straight from Shadi Kindergarten. Now many parents think the school at home is good," said Yang Minzhi, the principal of Shadi Primary School.

In recent years, Linli County has continuously implemented three three-year action plans for preschool education. In 9 years, the county has invested 152 million yuan to build 25 new public kindergartens, renovate and expand 19 kindergartens, and increase more than 6000 degrees of public kindergartens, realizing the full supply of public degrees.

In 2023, the gross enrollment rate of the three preschool years in Linli County will be 92.03%, the coverage rate of inclusive kindergartens will reach 89.75%, and the proportion of children in public kindergartens will reach 57.98%. "Linli County has attached great importance to preschool education for a long time, and the investment has yielded results. Preschool education and compulsory education should be treated equally and promoted as a whole," said Li Yuchu, secretary of Linli County Party Committee.

Improve quality——

New ideas help the development of preschool education

In the morning, the children's voices in the kindergarten are bright. Children in the central kindergarten of Tingxiandu Town, Linli County are playing "Anji Game" outdoors.

This is a pre-school education practice with game education as the main form. Tires, wooden ladders, rollers, pots and pans, etc. have all become children's toys, and more than ten play areas, such as living areas, climbing areas, graffiti areas, are for children to experience in exploration and harvest in cooperation.

Yang Chunfang, the head of the business kindergarten, came to the town center kindergarten as a teacher in 2014. In recent years, she has experienced great changes, not only in terms of school conditions, but also in the concept of preschool education.

"When I first came here, not only the parents of children, but also our teachers' own minds were still traditional about preschool education, focusing on reading, writing and reciting..." Yang Chunfang said. Since 2017, Linli County Education Bureau has sent experts to the kindergarten to guide, "This kind of education method that allows children to play games independently, freely and spontaneously has opened our eyes. Since then, the school has vigorously promoted Anji games and gradually become the characteristics of township kindergartens."

"We have tracked the changes before and after the reform. After long-term observation, it is found that the new education method has better effect in improving children's emotional control, hands and brains, communication and communication abilities." Bi Wenxin, director of the preschool office of Linli County Education Bureau, said.

It is imperative to upgrade teaching quality and improve teachers' ability. Through the "National Training Plan" Linli County Key Teacher Capacity Improvement Training Project, Linli County organized a kindergarten and primary school connection workshop last year, and more than 100 people, including 27 kindergarten principals and key teachers in the county area, participated in the training.

"We advocate helping children to be physically and mentally prepared, life prepared, social prepared and learning prepared through independent play, and publicize scientific education concepts to parents in various forms," said Chen Dan, business principal of the county central kindergarten and person in charge of the kindergarten connection workshop.

The County Central Kindergarten "invites in" parents to observe and learn, and at the same time, lets the new education concept "go out" into urban private kindergartens and township kindergartens. At present, there are three teachers in the central park serving as the teaching and research directors in the south, north and urban areas of Linli County, promoting the concept and practice to more township and village kindergartens.

At the same time, Linli County has strengthened the construction of pre-school education teachers. The recruitment of teachers in the whole county has also included early childhood education into the overall plan, and promoted the targeted cultivation of normal students at public expense to settle down in kindergartens after graduation. Teachers in private kindergartens also have the same training and professional title evaluation opportunities as teachers in public kindergartens.

Promote transformation——

Private parks actively develop childcare services

It is reported that in recent years, the number of school-age children in Linli County has declined, which has caused some pressure on the operation of market-oriented private kindergartens, and transformation and upgrading are imperative.

"The substandard kindergartens should be closed, and some for-profit kindergartens hope to turn into non-profit ones, so we can provide help." Huai Sujuan, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and director of Linli County Education Bureau, said that Linli County fully protects the rights and interests of private kindergartens, ensures smooth and stable transformation, and ensures that the service is kept on file and improved.

Some private kindergartens have turned their attention to the demand for nursery care, which has attracted much attention in recent years.

"At present, the public and inclusive kindergartens have sufficient degrees and low prices, which puts a lot of competitive pressure on our profitable private kindergartens. With the current scale and charging standards, they just can ensure operation." Chen Ju, the head of Linli County Beilei Kindergarten, said that the kindergarten currently has 53 teachers and staff, and 378 children in 14 classes. Since a few years ago, Beilei Kindergarten has begun to use spare degrees to carry out childcare services. "At the time of construction, the government of each kindergarten has a subsidy of 10000 yuan, and water and electricity have relevant preferential policies. The charge for kindergarten is 1450 yuan per person per month, which is a powerful supplement to the normal operation of the kindergarten." Chen Ju said that the kindergarten has more than 30 children, and this service will become more and more popular in the future.

In recent years, Linli County has actively promoted the pilot of inclusive kindergartens in villages and towns, explored and promoted the application of existing private kindergartens for inclusive private kindergartens, and ensured the "full coverage" of kindergartens in villages and towns. There are 9 registered nurseries in Linli County, with a total number of about 1400 nurseries.

People's Daily (the 11th edition on May 13, 2024)

(Editor in charge: Tang Lihan, Luo Shuai)

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