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Echo | netizens asked the government to support sports talent cultivation Yiyang City: give support and focus

December 30, 2023 09:37 | Source: People's Daily Online - Hunan Channel
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Netizens leave messages. Webpage Screenshot

People's Daily Online, Changsha, December 30 (reporter Wu Qiwei): "My friends' children love Taekwondo since childhood, and have been cultivating and developing talents. They asked the government for help and support, hoping that more policies will support them to cultivate talents." Recently, a netizen left a message on the People's Daily Online "Leaders' Message Board", It is proposed that whether Yiyang City can issue corresponding policies to support the cultivation of talents with special sports conditions.

Netizens said that the children participated in the 2023 National Taekwondo Club League Competition and won the gold medal. They also want to contribute to the sports cause of Yiyang City and the public welfare cause of Yiyang City.

After receiving the message, the CPC Yiyang Municipal Committee Office quickly responded to the netizens' questions.

Official reply. Webpage Screenshot

"We sincerely thank the children for their efforts in sports in Yiyang, and hope that their families can encourage them to continue to train hard, win gold and silver, and add luster to their hometown." The CPC Yiyang Municipal Committee Office said that the 15th Hunan Provincial Games will be held in Yiyang in 2026, which is a good opportunity for Yiyang athletes to show their strength.

It is reported that with the strong support and promotion of Yiyang Municipal Party Committee and Government, the Preparatory Committee of Yiyang City for the 15th Hunan Provincial Games and the 12th Paralympic Games has set up five working departments in advance, namely, the Office, the Press and Publicity Department, the Venue Construction Department, the War Preparation Training Department and the Financing Department. They are making full efforts to prepare for the 15th Provincial Games and selecting and reserving wrestling, judo, taekwondo Young athletes in weightlifting, badminton and other events.

Since netizens mentioned in their messages that "they ask the government for help and support, and hope that more policies will support them to cultivate talents", relevant departments sincerely suggest netizens to seize this important opportunity to prepare for the 15th Provincial Games, and encourage children to join the municipal children's sports school for more professional training.

At the same time, Yiyang Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Broadcasting and Sports will also maintain long-term focus on key athletes selected for various events, and will give key support in nutrition security, sports rehabilitation, travel exchanges and competitions.

As a fully funded institution directly under the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Broadcasting and Sports, Yiyang Children's Sports School is the backbone of the city in preparing for the 15th Provincial Games. Six training programs, namely wrestling, judo, taekwondo, weightlifting, shooting and swimming, are now open. In 2003, it was identified as the sports reserve talent base of Hunan Province. At present, it has been successfully declared as the national high-level sports reserve talent base (the list has been published on the official website of the General Administration of Sport of China). Chen Lijun, Xiao Deqiang, Liu Ting Wang Rong and a large number of outstanding sports reserve talents.

At present, the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Broadcasting, Sports and Sports is negotiating with the Municipal Bureau of Education to solve the issue of enrollment of athletes from the municipal sports school. In the next step, we will enrich the coaches of the Municipal Direct Sports School on the existing basis, improve relevant incentive measures for athletes and coaches, strive to improve the overall strength of competitive sports in Yiyang, and promote the construction of "sports city" in Yiyang to a new level.

(Editor in charge: Luo Shuai, Peng Yingbing)

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