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To the south of the Great Lake, Malan Mountain, how can the fast horse be whipped again

July 28, 2023 16:31 | Source: People's Daily client
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 On July 26, Malanshan Video Cultural and Creative Industrial Park was a thriving scene with crisscross roads and numerous tall buildings. Photographed by Tian Chao, a full media reporter of Hunan Daily

On July 26, Malanshan Video Cultural and Creative Industrial Park was a thriving scene with crisscross roads and numerous tall buildings. Photographed by Tian Chao, a full media reporter of Hunan Daily

"The integration of culture and science and technology has not only spawned new cultural formats, extended the cultural industry chain, but also gathered a large number of innovative talents. It is a sunrise industry with great prospects. To plan for development during the 14th Five Year Plan period, we should attach great importance to the development of cultural industries."

——On September 17, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that

Research topic

As the cultural industrial park inspected by General Secretary Xi Jinping and the audio-visual industrial park jointly built by ministries and provinces of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, Malanshan bears an important mission. Malanshan Video Cultural and Creative Industrial Park adheres to the development path of "culture+technology", gathers a number of cultural and technological enterprises with strong content and technological innovation capabilities, and initially forms a digital cultural industrial ecology with high-tech videos as its characteristics and a full chain of content, production, storage, broadcasting and trading.

Drink horses by the Liuyang River and look around the world. The five-year-old Malanshan Video Cultural and Creative Industrial Park has already achieved fruitful results. Is it Ma Fangnanshan going to the library with a knife and a bullet, or is it going to be faster? In the process of technology empowerment and the construction of audio and video industry clusters, is Malanshan beyond reach or just plain sailing?

Survey sample

Liuyang River winds and flows, drawing a capital "V".

Tracing back to its source, it is the Luoxiao Mountains, a red fertile land with a long history; Down the river, through the Xiangjiang River, through Dongting, magnificent.

Malanshan Video Cultural and Creative Industrial Park is located in it.

In the short five years from listing, growth to rise, Malanshan Video Cultural and Creative Industrial Park has been the first to emerge, anchoring the "digital video industry chain base with global influence and new landmark of media integration".

The earnest advice of the General Secretary is still in our ears, and Malanshan is forging ahead. Adhering to integrity and innovation, optimizing the business environment, and building an industrial system, Malanshan has projected a broad vision of facing the country and the world from the Liuyang River.

In midsummer, the reporter walked into Malan Mountain for many times to feel the strong pulse of this hot land technology for cultural empowerment, and explore a way forward for the province's cultural industry to learn from.

1. It's just the right time for the integration of "Kewen"

On July 18, in the 8000 square meter 5G smart studio located at No.9, Letian Zhizuo, Malanshan Science and Technology Cultural Innovation Base, the largest studio in China, the first public performance of "Brother Beating the Thorns (Season 3)" was being recorded. The scene is switched at any time on the large screen at the scene. More than 100 aircraft positions shoot at the same time. The images are uploaded to the cloud platform in real time, and produced synchronously in the later stage. The one-stop operation mode is clear.

"There are 100 hours of shooting materials in 100 aircraft stands, which is very large. It used to be time-consuming and costly to deal with." Xiang Xin, the Secretary of the Board of Directors of Letian Zhizuo (Hunan) Film and Television Technology Service Co., Ltd., said, "In the past, when recording programs in other places, you need to store the materials and send them to Changsha by high-speed rail and plane for later stage. At most, you can do one program a week. Now we not only have our own studio in Malanshan, but also through the "Malanshan Box" of mobile high-definition real-time cloud technology, we can use 5G signals to record while transmitting production, and can do three programs a week, which greatly improves efficiency and reduces costs. "

In Malanshan, after science and technology enabled cultural and creative enterprises, they are also constantly broadening their product boundaries. After Hunan Zhiliao Youth Culture Co., Ltd. entered Malan Mountain in 2018, it has created a batch of IP product groups with more than 100 million hits, such as "Great Craftsman", "Jianghu Restaurant", and "On the Stage! Dunhuang".

These video materials have become valuable cultural assets, but storage has become a problem. "In the past, hard disk storage was not easy to access, but also easy to lose." Li Wuwang, a young founder of Zhiyou, introduced that relying on the Malanshan industrial cloud platform, it can not only effectively store a large number of shooting materials, but also rely on the platform to establish a Malanshan cultural digital innovation center in conjunction with Hunan Museum, Hunan Library and other cultural units in the province, Continuously optimize and improve the solutions of digital collection and cultural IP communication, and promote the integrated development of "cultural innovation+cultural museum+cultural tourism".

"Over the years, we have made algorithms, built models, established the main body, built a platform, targeted the tuyere, selected the right track, and made accurate layout, and seized the opportunity of digital technology reform." Yi Ying, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the Management Committee of Malanshan Video Cultural and Creative Industrial Park, has come to the park's "technology empowerment" at his fingertips: invest 220 million yuan to build the Malanshan video industry cloud platform Malanshan Huawei Cloud Audio Video Industry Innovation Center has built several research institutions, such as the Key Laboratory of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television for 5G High tech Video Multi scene Applications, to provide basic resource bases for enterprises in the park.

Through the development path of "culture+technology", Malanshan is also in a leading position on various new tracks while consolidating its traditional leading position in the industry. A large number of IPs, such as the original "Sound Generation", "Riding the Wind and Waves", "Beating the Thorns" and so on, have become popular throughout the network; XR (Expanding Reality) virtual studio, AI sign language broadcasting, 5G smart radio, China V-chain and other cultural and technological projects came into being... In recent years, Malanshan enterprises have won more than 200 national, provincial and ministerial awards; A number of technological achievements, such as "time-space condensation technology" and "artificial intelligence sign language broadcasting system", have created many firsts in the country and the province, with strong innovation momentum.

Since its official opening on December 20, 2017, Malanshan Park has made great progress in infrastructure, content ecology, technology base, brand effect and other aspects, bringing together more than 100 leading enterprises, 145 "four top" enterprises, 115 high-tech enterprises, 8 research institutions, and more than 20 innovation and entrepreneurship service platforms, with a total of more than 3400 registered enterprises, The revenue of enterprises exceeded 251.9 billion yuan and the tax revenue exceeded 14.4 billion yuan, forming a good atmosphere of "going up and down the stairs is the upstream and downstream, the industrial park is the industrial chain, and the circle of friends is the ecosystem".

2. Riding a horse, bending a bow and shooting a large sculpture, the industrial thickness needs to be cultivated in a multi-dimensional way

"Three hundred and sixty days a year, most of them go at once." Yi Ying sighed that although Malan Mountain, which is only five years old, has achieved initial success, for example, climbing high, the higher the journey, the more different the scenery, but the greater the wind, the more difficult it will be. If Malanshan wants to go higher and farther, opportunities and challenges will always follow, so we can only sleep in the morning and sleep in the night.

In addition to Malanshan Park, there are 27 radio and television and network audio-visual industry bases (parks) approved by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.

Taking the Beijing Chaoyang National Cultural Industry Innovation Experimental Zone, which gathers many cultural media enterprises such as CCTV, BTV, Phoenix Satellite TV, as an example, by the end of 2022, there are more than 50000 cultural enterprises in the zone. The region has gathered more than 1500 high-tech enterprises, 44 listed (listed) enterprises, 6 digital entertainment unicorn enterprises, and 164 cultural headquarters enterprises, including 92 foreign-funded cultural headquarters enterprises. In 2022, the cultural industry above the designated size in the experimental zone will achieve an operating revenue of 158.37 billion yuan, becoming an important engine for regional economic development.

By the end of 2022, Malanshan Video Cultural and Creative Industrial Park has accumulated 3490 newly registered enterprises, only 86 cultural enterprises above designated size, and achieved a revenue of more than 20 billion yuan. Both the number of leading cultural enterprises and the size of enterprises have a large space for growth.

Arithmetic is the most important thing, but it has become a rein in Malan Mountain. Lv Shaohe, the general manager of Hunan Malanshan Advanced Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd., told reporters that at present, the total budget of the park is about 3P, and the total storage capacity is 130P, which can only meet the needs of some enterprises; The export bandwidth of the park's external network is only 100G, which means that it can only support 500 people to use online synchronously, which is not enough to support the park's greater external service capability and transformation of scientific and technological achievements. "This is equivalent to the foundation for building a house, which is far from reliable and needs great efforts."

Talents are the key to the development of industry. The reporter learned from the survey that talents in cloud computing, rendering, artificial intelligence and other fields are the most popular in the park, but Malanshan has no special matching policies for talent introduction and other policies for the time being. Traditional "roadblocks" such as children's enrollment, spouse relocation, and elderly medical treatment have no accident to make this new park embarrassed.

"In fact, there are a lot of traditional animation content production talents in Changsha, but quite few base technicians such as AIGC and digital people." Jiang Zao, head of Hunan Shenhuan Jiuzhou Cultural Media Co., Ltd., believes that in recent years, Malanshan Video Cultural Creative Industrial Park has gradually become a highland of video cultural talents in Hunan Province, but with the entry of more and more new video cultural enterprises, The existing talent training and supply mode in the park has become more and more a shackle of industrial development.

Another shortcoming caused by the overflow of these shackles is that it is difficult for the park to attract the leading enterprises, forming the industrial status quo of "more small enterprises, less large enterprises". "Compared with the cultural industry parks in advanced regions such as Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou, the current Malanshan Video Cultural and Creative Industry Park is relatively thin." Yi Ying said frankly that the park lacks flagship enterprises with large size and strong driving effect and unicorn enterprises with core scientific and technological innovation strength, and the scale, contribution and influence of newly introduced scientific and technological enterprises need to be further improved, The overall competitiveness of enterprises still has great room for improvement. In addition, cultural enterprises are short of collateral, and bank loans are difficult. Venture capital is the financing channel for enterprises. However, the small venture capital circle in Malanshan and even in Changsha has limited the financing needs of enterprises; The policy attraction is not strong, and there is a large gap in the preferential intensity compared with the same period of last year. The existing policies also have shortcomings such as high threshold and inflexible operation. The constraints of these levels have also become an important factor affecting the cultivation of industrial thickness.

Every bit of sand makes a tower, and every bit of sand makes a tower. If you want to speed up the Malan Mountain, you need to get rid of the shackles and walk lightly.

How can a fast horse be whipped again? Audio and video industry cluster is ready to emerge

There is an allusion in Mozi Geng Zhu: Mozi asked his disciple, Geng Zhu, which one should be urged to go up Taihang Mountain, to ride a horse or a sheep? The ploughing pillar replied that a fast horse is worth whipping. This story about "speeding up" has become the driving force for the continuous self innovation of Malanshan Video Cultural and Creative Industrial Park.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, by the end of 2022, the scale of China's ultra-high definition video industry has exceeded 3 trillion yuan. This is a surging tide of industry, but also a development opportunity for Malanshan to seize the momentum.

Focusing on the province's beautiful blueprint of "three high and four new", the Hunan Provincial Party Committee and the Hunan Provincial Government have already planned a layout. Shen Xiaoming, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, proposed to "build Changsha into a global R&D center city", and Mao Weiming, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor of Changsha, proposed to "accelerate the building of a national leading audio and video industry cluster" during his research in Changsha.

The sea is turbulent, more heroic; Thousands of sails are racing to set the tide.

Malanshan has begun to work hard: build a modern audio and video industry system, build a Malanshan media laboratory, build a global R&D center for audio and video industry, and accelerate to become a digital video industry chain base with global influence and a new landmark for media integration. By 2026, we will strive to make the output value of the park exceed 120 billion yuan, tax revenue exceed 7 billion yuan, and introduce more than 5000 new enterprises.

As time goes by, I am thinking about it.

Speed up and focus on getting rid of constraints: strive for national Internet backbone direct connection points and new digital infrastructure innovation center to settle in the park, and reduce the operating costs of electricity, network, cloud resources, etc; Strive for the support of national ministries and commissions, and promote the establishment of Malanshan 5G High tech Video Multi scene Application Laboratory as a national key laboratory; Build and strengthen common technology platforms such as Huawei Cloud Audio and Video Industry Innovation Center, Malanshan Computing Media Research Institute, National Supercomputing Changsha Center Innovation Application Platform, Blockchain Technology Research Institute, and promote research and application of common key technologies such as audio and video content creation, production, dissemination, and consumption.

Huawei's Hunan regional headquarters project started construction in Malanshan Video Cultural Innovation Industrial Park on May 24. Malanshan will "join hands" with Huawei to promote breakthroughs in digital technology innovation and provide more possibilities and stronger support for promoting Malanshan content prosperity and application innovation. Lu Wei, a senior consultant of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., said that Huawei has taken full process production of variety shows, film and television cloud production, lightweight live broadcast production The four production lines of VRMV music performance production serve as the entry point, providing technical solutions to improve the video production efficiency, opening up the "five links" of acquisition, editing, broadcasting, transmission and display, promoting the "four chain integration" of the industrial chain, supply chain, innovation chain and talent chain, and jointly constructing the whole industrial chain ecology of audio and video with Malanshan.

One horse galloping is better than ten thousand horses galloping, and clusters can trigger the "agglomeration" effect. Lv Shaohe believes that it is necessary to aim at leading enterprises in the industry to attract investment, formulate separate policies for the needs of the target investors, and strive to settle in the park. "At the same time of recruiting large enterprises to attract strength, we should vigorously cultivate local enterprises." Xiang Xin said that Letian Zhizuo is a locally grown enterprise. He hoped that the park would expand the construction of video production bases, build a full industrial chain running through the upstream and downstream, enrich the industrial ecosystem, and make the park the first video base in China to achieve cloud production. With the advantages of "the largest scale, the most complete variety, the highest quality, the lowest cost, and the fastest speed", it attracts the production of video content from all over the country to gather in Malanshan, just as movies are to "Hollywood", making people think of "Malanshan" when they mention audio and video.

"The park is bounded, and the industry is boundless. Ma Lan Mountain will surely return with incense." Zeng Xiongcheng, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Ma Lan Mountain Video Cultural and Creative Industry Park, is in the chest. In order to complete the transition from "road construction" and "building" to "building a large platform" and "making a big industry", and finally achieve the strategic "Malanshan to become a big military", the new area in the park has been clearly defined. It must be centered on video production, and appropriate supporting development of related industries. Considering the particularity of the video industry, such as the location recording of film and television programs, the integrated application of video content and other industries in Changsha, we should establish the management thinking of "boundedness", that is, "boundedness" of the park and "boundedness" of the industry. We should formulate more flexible rules for the application of policies according to the needs of development, and promote the concentration of enterprises and the sustainable and healthy development of the video industry, Provide lasting impetus for the development of Malanshan industry.

In the vision of Zeng Xiong and his colleagues, Malan Mountain with scientific and technological wings will be like a horse flying on a swallow.

Research enlightenment

Give culture the wings of science and technology

Zeng Xiong, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Malanshan Video Cultural Innovation Industrial Park

Yi Ying, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of Malanshan Video Cultural Innovation Industrial Park

In September 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected the Malanshan Video Cultural and Creative Industrial Park and made important instructions on the sustainable and healthy development of the cultural industry, which provided a fundamental basis for the development of the Malanshan Park and injected strong impetus.

Over the past three years, we have made precise deployment in the strategic planning of the park, closely followed the development trend of the global audio and video industry, scientifically prepared the future industrial development plan of the park in accordance with the development goals proposed by the provincial party committee and the provincial government, adhered to the construction of the "one main industry and one special industry" (one main industry: video cultural and creative industry; one special industry: 5G high-tech video multi scene application) industrial system, and released policy dividends By means of efficient resource planning, we will strive to make the park industry the largest in scale, the most comprehensive in variety, the highest in quality, the lowest in cost, and the fastest in speed, so that the production of audio and video content across the country will gather in Malan Mountain, and people will think of "Malan Mountain" when they mention audio and video.

Lead the research and development of audio and video technology, and drive content production with technology. We actively explore innovation in investment attraction mode, land supply mode and future technology. Introduce Huawei to establish Chinese standards, build the whole industry ecology of Huawei's audio and video technology, and lay the foundation for Malanshan's most powerful content production and the most advanced technical support for the integrated development of culture, innovation, science and innovation. We accelerated the gathering of resources, guided by market application and technology practicality, further integrated the existing 5G key laboratories and other innovation platforms in the park, continued to connect the supply and demand of scientific and technological achievements in colleges and universities, and deepened cooperation with the National University of Defense Technology, Central South University, Hunan University, Xiangtan University in terms of algorithm support, high-precision implementation of virtual studio equipment, etc, Achieve "industrial questions, scientific and technological answers, scientific and technological contributions, and industrial upgrading".

Create a first-class policy environment, so that enterprises and talents can come from afar. We are people-oriented, build a "talent pool", uphold the service brand of "Malanshan, do it right now, do it right now", and strive to achieve the least links, the shortest time, the lowest cost, and the highest efficiency. We wholeheartedly "excellent policy" to play a combination punch, superimpose the provincial, municipal and park level industrial incentive policies, involving content, technology, talent, capital and other full element support, encourage enterprises to innovate and create, enterprises "real gold and silver" land investment, we will "real gold and silver" land compensation. We are committed to "excellent security" full life cycle services, and 93 administrative approval items have achieved the goal of "park affairs and park office". The enterprise settlement bonus and rent subsidy are "immediately applied for and approved", and the enterprise registration award and high-tech enterprise settlement award are "freely applied for and enjoyed". We have introduced high-quality educational resources such as Changsha Experimental Primary School Malanshan Cultural and Creative School and Nanya Malanshan Cultural and Creative Middle School, covering all stages of compulsory education.

Gather advantageous resources to open application scenarios. Malanshan will seize the strategic opportunity of Changsha's "building a global R&D center city" and the province's "building an audio and video industry cluster" to seize the opportunity of provincial and municipal support for the integration and development of audio and video technology and advantageous industries in the province, promote cross industry and cross field collaborative innovation, provide rich innovative application scenarios to promote high-quality development of the audio and video industry, link video cultural innovation and engineering machinery The cross-border integration of intelligent manufacturing, rail transit, new energy vehicles and other advantageous industries helps the digital transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and solidly strengthens the industrial system of "one main industry and one special industry" in the park. (Hunan Daily full media reporter Yan Bin, Zhou Tao, Zhou Xiaolei, Chen Xin)

Chief planner: Wu Qiqiang

Produced by: People's Daily Client Hunan Channel, People's Network Hunan Channel

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(Editor in charge: Huang Zhuo, Luo Shuai)

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