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The 27th Working Meeting of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Police Criminal Investigation Supervisors was held in Macao

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People's Daily, Macao, May 22 (Reporter Fu Zimei) The 27th working meeting of the police chief of criminal investigation in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao was held in Macao on the 21st. The police delegation was led by Liang Wenchang, Director of the Macao Police Department, Lin Weixiong, Deputy Director of the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department, and Zhou Yiming, Deputy Director of the Hong Kong Police Department, respectively, to promote the new mileage of police cooperation. Huang Shaoze, Secretary of the Security Department of Macao, Chen Shiqu, Deputy Director of the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, Wang Qianjin, Deputy Director of the Police Liaison Department of the Central China Joint Office of Macao, and Liu Yong, Director of the Police Liaison Department of the Central China Joint Office of Hong Kong were invited to attend the meeting.

In recent years, in the face of the new situation, new situations and new features of increasingly complex, cross-border, intelligent and non-contact criminal offences, the police in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao have continuously deepened the content of cooperation, established a multi-level police cooperation mechanism, strengthened cooperation in investigation and evidence collection, information exchange, fugitive pursuit, joint action, special investigation and case investigation, and improved efficiency, And jointly safeguard the integration and security of the Bay Area.

At the meeting, the police of the three places deeply analyzed and discussed cross-border security issues and crime situations such as exchange fraud, organized crime, scientific and technological crime, illegal immigration, drug crime, etc., expanded cooperation in joint control, joint investigation and joint action of serious criminal cases, and focused on discussing the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China Police deployment for major events such as the 25th anniversary of Macao's return to the motherland and the election of the sixth Chief Executive.

The meeting reached consensus on a number of topics. The police of the three regions agreed to continue to consolidate, improve and develop relevant police cooperation mechanisms, jointly strengthen the investigation and resolution of unstable factors, jointly prevent and crack down on all kinds of illegal and criminal activities, and ensure the maintenance of social security and long-term stability in the three regions.

After the meeting, the Guangdong and Hong Kong delegations visited the Network Security Accident Early Warning and Emergency Center of the Judicial Police Bureau of the Macao Special Administrative Region and the Police Dog Base of the Special Police Force of the Public Security Police Bureau to have in-depth exchanges on network security protection and response mechanisms, as well as police dog training.

(Editor in charge: Yu Yang, Yang Mu)

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