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Four scientists won the Shaw Award in 2024

08:34, May 22, 2024 | Source: Xinhua
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Xinhua News Agency, Hong Kong, May 21 (Reporter Xie Niu) The Shaw Award Foundation announced the list of winners of the Shaw Award in 2024 in Hong Kong on May 21. Four scientists won three awards in astronomy, life science and medicine, and mathematical science, each with a prize of 1.2 million dollars.

 On May 21, Yang Gangkai (middle), chairman of the board of directors and vice chairman of the jury of the Shaw Prize, delivered a speech at the press conference of the Shaw Prize in 2024. Photographed by Zhu Wei, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

On May 21, Yang Gangkai (middle), chairman of the board of directors and vice chairman of the jury of the Shaw Prize, delivered a speech at the press conference of the Shaw Prize in 2024. Photographed by Zhu Wei, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

Yang Gangkai, chairman of the Council and vice chairman of the jury of the Shaw Prize, introduced at the press conference held on the same day that the Shaw Prize is an international award to recognize scientists who have made breakthroughs in academic and scientific research or application and have had a profound impact on human life.

 This is the photo of the winners released at the press conference of the Shaw Award 2024 on May 21. Photographed by Zhu Wei, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

This is the photo of the winners released at the press conference of the Shaw Award 2024 on May 21. Photographed by Zhu Wei, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

The Shaw Astronomy Award in 2024 will be awarded to Srinivas Kurkani, a professor of astronomy and planetary science at the California Institute of Technology, for his pioneering discoveries of gamma ray bursts and supernovae.

The Life Science and Medicine Award was awarded to Deng Ruili, a senior researcher and director of the National Institutes of Health, and Stuart Okin, a professor of Harvard Medical School, for their discovery of the gene and molecular mechanism of hemoglobin conversion from fetus to adult, which is helpful for the treatment of sickle cell anemia and beta Mediterranean anemia.

The Mathematical Science Award was awarded to Peter Sanak, a professor of mathematics at Princeton University in the United States, for his combination of number theory, dynamics, geometry and other theories to develop the arithmetic theory and affine sieve method.

 On May 21, guests took a group photo after the press conference of the Shaw Award in 2024. Photographed by Zhu Wei, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

On May 21, guests took a group photo after the press conference of the Shaw Award in 2024. Photographed by Zhu Wei, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

The Run Run Shaw Award was founded in November 2002 and managed and implemented by the Run Run Shaw Award Foundation. There are three awards in this award: astronomy, life sciences and medicine, and mathematical sciences. Since 2004, the Shaw Award has been awarded once a year. It is reported that this year's award ceremony will be held in Hong Kong on November 12.

 This is the scene of the press conference of the Shaw Award in 2024 filmed on May 21. Photographed by Zhu Wei, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

This is the scene of the press conference of the Shaw Award in 2024 filmed on May 21. Photographed by Zhu Wei, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

(Editor in charge: Ai Wen, Liu Yeting)

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