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The seminar on foreign legal affairs to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Macao's return to the motherland was held in Macao

May 20, 2024 08:42 | Source: Xinhua
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Xinhua News Agency, Macao, May 17 (Reporter Li Hanfang) In order to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Macao's return to the motherland, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Macao SAR Government jointly held the "New Achievements, New Opportunities and New Achievements - Seminar on Foreign Legal Affairs to Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Macao's Return to the Motherland" in Macao on May 17.

Assistant Foreign Minister Miao Deyu, Director General of the Department of Administrative and Legal Affairs of the Macao SAR Government Zhang Yongchun, Director General of the Department of Justice of the Hong Kong SAR Government Lin Dingguo attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches. The Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations and Legal Counsel of the United Nations Suarez delivered a video address at the opening ceremony. Liu Xianfa, Special Commissioner of the Office of the Special Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Macao Special Administrative Region, attended the opening ceremony.

Miao Deyu said in his speech that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has always handled the foreign affairs of the SAR in strict accordance with the Basic Law, actively supported Macao's foreign exchanges and cooperation, enhanced Macao's international reputation and influence, and helped the SAR to achieve long-term prosperity and stability. Doing a good job in the foreign legal affairs of the Special Zone is not only an important part of the country's foreign-related rule of law, but also the proper meaning of administering Macao according to law. It is of great significance to ensure the stability and long-term stability of the "one country, two systems" and the Special Zone.

He put forward three thoughts on how to run Macao's foreign legal affairs well: first, strengthen the foundation and consolidate the constitutional order determined by the Constitution and the Basic Law; Second, pioneering and innovating to serve the country's foreign-related legal construction and high-level opening up; Third, we should give full play to our strengths and help national diplomacy and global governance.

 On May 17, guests took a group photo at the seminar. Photographed by Zhang Jinjia, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

On May 17, guests took a group photo at the seminar. Photographed by Zhang Jinjia, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

Suarez said that the Sino Portuguese Joint Statement reflects the principle of "one country, two systems" and lays the foundation for China's smooth resumption of the exercise of sovereignty over Macao. The joint statement is an example of a peaceful political transition based on international law. The joint statement and its follow-up implementation vividly demonstrated how countries can negotiate peacefully through international law and other tools, and propose innovative and pragmatic solutions to various complex and historic problems.

Zhang Yongchun summarized the achievements of Macao's foreign legal affairs and other work since its return, pointing out that the Macao Special Administrative Region will firmly hold the bottom line of national security and promote the sustainable development of Macao's economy and society; Make good use of the unique position and advantages of the Macao Special Administrative Region to better serve the overall national development situation; Actively carry out multi-channel foreign exchange and cooperation, and demonstrate the successful practice of "one country, two systems" with Macao characteristics.

Lin Dingguo said that as special administrative regions of the country, Hong Kong and Macao will adhere to the principle of "one country", make good use of the advantages of the "two systems and three jurisdictions" system, promote the talent exchange of countries jointly building the "Belt and Road" through different international exchanges, and cultivate diversified legal talents for the country. Hong Kong will continue to work together with Macao to complement each other's strengths and jointly help the country build the foreign-related rule of law.

Ma Xinmin, Director General of the Department of Treaty and Law of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, delivered a keynote report entitled "Seizing New Opportunities for the Construction of the Foreign related Rule of Law in the Macao Special Administrative Region and Helping the Practice of" One Country, Two Systems "to Achieve New Achievements". Representatives, experts and scholars from the mainland, Macao and Hong Kong Special Administrative Regions, and relevant countries and international organizations discussed three topics: "the successful practice of 'one country, two systems' and its contribution to international law", "the achievements and experience of the Macao Special Administrative Region in foreign related rule of law", and "the new opportunities and new actions of the Macao Special Administrative Region in foreign related rule of law".

The Macao Basic Law Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the Legislative Affairs Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee, the Liaison Office of the Central Government in Hong Kong and the Macao Special Administrative Region, the Office of the Special Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong and the Macao Special Administrative Region, representatives of the Macao Special Administrative Region and government departments of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, experts and scholars About 370 people, including representatives of Macao associations and student representatives, attended the seminar.

(Editor in charge: Ai Wen, Yang Mu)

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