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He Yicheng: Cooperate with all sectors of society to make the "golden card" of international metropolis more bright

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People's Daily, Macao, May 19 (Reporter Fu Zimei) He Yicheng, Chief Executive of Macao SAR, said to the media on the 19th that the SAR government will live up to the care and high expectations of the central government, lead the management team and work with all sectors of society to better play Macao's six advantages and polish the "golden card" of Macao's international metropolis more brightly.

 He Yicheng, Chief Executive of Macao SAR, met with the media on the 19th. (Picture provided by Information Bureau of Macao SAR Government)

He Yicheng, Chief Executive of Macao SAR, met with the media on the 19th. Picture provided by Information Bureau of Macao SAR Government

"Xia Baolong, Director of the Central Office of Hong Kong and Macao Affairs and Director of the Office of Hong Kong and Macao Affairs of the State Council, successfully completed a seven day research tour in Macao and the Hengqin Guangdong Macao Deep Cooperation Zone, and put forward the vivid metaphor that Macao is the 'jewel in the palm of the hand' of the country, and Macao's important position is self-evident." He Yicheng introduced that the research agenda is closer and the coverage is wider, More than 40 investigation and research activities were carried out in Macao and Hengqin Guangdong Macao Deep Cooperation Zone, visiting communities and different sectors. In addition to the on-site inspection, we also communicated with representatives from different sectors, including the main heads of administrative, legislative and judicial institutions, representatives of the National People's Congress and CPPCC members in Macao, community representatives, community representatives, and so on, to get a comprehensive understanding of the overall situation of Macao at the grassroots level.

During the investigation, Xia Baolong pointed out six advantages of Macao: the biggest institutional advantage of "one country, two systems"; Sufficient development space advantage; Advantages of business environment with high degree of internationalization; Strong economic foundation advantage; The humanistic advantages of Chinese and Western cultures; Traditional emotional advantages of patriotism and love for Australia. We should work together to polish the "golden card" of Macao's international metropolis. "This is the affirmation and encouragement of the Macao Special Administrative Region, and also the expectation for the future development of the Macao Special Administrative Region." He Yicheng stressed.

He Yicheng said that the SAR government will make every effort to promote economic development and improve people's livelihood, try to turn the support and care given by the central government into a driving force, effectively coordinate development and security, persistently promote the "1+4" moderately diversified development strategy, constantly optimize the industrial structure, and firmly grasp the precious opportunity of the construction of Hengqin Guangdong Macao in-depth cooperation zone, So that the Shenzhen Cooperation Zone can truly become a new platform for the moderate and diversified development of Macao's economy. Actively connect with national strategies such as the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area and the "Belt and Road", so as to better integrate into the overall national development situation.

At the same time, the SAR government will focus on expanding the market for foreign tourists, continue to increase non gambling element projects such as conferences and exhibitions, entertainment performances, and continue to strengthen the cross-border integration of "tourism+", and strive to build a "city of performance" and "city of sports", so that visitors from all over the world can feel that Macao is a truly attractive international metropolis.

He Yicheng pointed out that Macao residents have always had the fine tradition of loving their country and Macao. The SAR government will continue to unite and lead all sectors of society to constantly develop and strengthen the power of loving their country and Macao, especially to strengthen the training of young people, so as to ensure that the glorious tradition of loving their country and Macao is passed on, and build the social and political foundation of "one country, two systems". At the same time, we have mobilized all sectors of the community to firmly uphold the constitutional order of the SAR as established by the Constitution and the Macao Basic Law, continuously improved the legal mechanism for implementing the principle of "patriot governance of Macao", always put safeguarding national security as a top priority, resolutely prevent and deter external forces from interfering in Macao's affairs, and safeguard national sovereignty, security, and development interests, To ensure the long-term prosperity and stability of Macao and the successful practice of "one country, two systems".

(Editor in charge: Wang Yuheng, Yang Mu)

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