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Hong Kong young basketball students have gained a lot from exchanges in Beijing

10:08, April 28, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition
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Marbury directed the training of Hong Kong youth basketball students.
Pictures provided by the sponsor

Beijing News (Reporter Jin Chen) 30 Hong Kong youth basketball students from the Housing and Estate Basketball League and training program of Condensed Hong Kong Sports Fund "Estate JUMP!" recently came to the Beijing The BOX Outward Youth Force Center Air Court to have on-site exchanges with former NBA and CBA player Steven Marbury.

This year is the second year that Ningdong Hong Kong Sports Fund held the "Beijing Exchange Plan". The participants are between 13 and 19 years old. Most of them are first time visitors to Beijing. Taking basketball as the starting point, they conducted a five-day visit and exchange activities in Beijing.

On the court, Marbury gave basketball technical guidance to Hong Kong youth students. They warmed up together, trained together, and played a friendly game. Both teams come and go. The game is very fierce. "I really enjoy playing with the children," said Marbury. Young students should keep an optimistic attitude and go out to learn more. "Mainland China is full of opportunities for Hong Kong, China, especially young people who like basketball, and I am very happy to be a bridge."

After the exchange activity, the young students from Hong Kong have been sweating and reaping a lot. "I thought it was a long way from becoming a professional athlete. Through this exchange, I learned that players like Marbury were once ordinary people," said Liu Xuyang, a 14-year-old girl who participated in the event. "He became a basketball superstar through his own efforts, which also inspired me to work hard."

During their stay in Beijing, Hong Kong youth also went to the China Basketball Association for exchanges and visited places of interest such as the Palace Museum. Huang Zheng'an, a young man from Hong Kong who came to Beijing for the first time, said that through this activity, he had a deeper understanding of basketball and more understanding of the development of the motherland. "The basketball atmosphere in Beijing is very good, and I hope I can play here again," said Huang Zheng'an.

(Editor in charge: Liu Jieyan, Xu Xiangli)

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