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The 15th Heilongjiang Provincial Games increased the level of mass participation, and for the first time included mass sports events in the competition

July 16, 2021 07:47 | Source: Heilongjiang Daily
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On the 15th, the reporter learned at the press conference of the 15th Heilongjiang Provincial Games and the 8th Heilongjiang Provincial Games for the Disabled that the provincial games and the provincial games for the disabled, which will be held from December this year to August next year, will greatly improve the participation of the masses.

This Provincial Games and the Provincial Paralympic Games included mass sports in the competition for the first time, and ordinary people will really compete as athletes. During the competition, it will also open up the channel for the whole people to watch the competition, and provide online live broadcast of the competition and mobile APP services by using new media such as WeChat, Tiao Yin and Fast Hand, so as to ensure that more people can watch the competition anytime and anywhere.

The collection of the emblem, anthem, mascot, theme slogan and promotional film of this provincial games has started. The deadline for solicitation is September 15, and then from September 16 to September 30, the submitted works will be selected, and three finalists will be selected for the design scheme of the emblem, the song, the mascot, and the promotional film, each with a prize of 3000 yuan; Finally, one piece of works will be adopted, and the bonus will be 10000 yuan for each. The design scheme of the theme slogan has 5 finalists, with a prize of RMB 1000 for each work, and a prize of RMB 5000 for the final adoption of one work. For details, please call 0451-51160366. (Reporter Yang Lei)

(Editor in charge: Li Hongti, Zhao Yi)

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