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Junior and senior high school students (12-17 years old) in Heilongjiang Province can be vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine

10:50, July 15, 2021 | Source: People's Daily Online - Heilongjiang Channel
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People's Daily Online, Harbin, July 15 (Yang Xuenan), from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Heilongjiang Province, according to the unified deployment requirements of the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council, in order to continue to implement the vaccination work of new coronavirus in Heilongjiang Province, based on the original vaccination task for people aged 18 and above, the province further expanded the scope of vaccination, Timely establish immune barrier protection in the crowd. From July, junior and senior high school students (12-17 years old) in Heilongjiang Province can also be vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine.

The guardian who can voluntarily vaccinate nearby shall be accompanied throughout the whole process

In accordance with the principles of territorial management, convenience, knowledge and voluntariness, and safety assurance, the vaccination of COVID-19 for junior and senior high school students in Heilongjiang Province was steadily promoted. Before vaccination, the vaccination staff will fully inform the guardian to ensure informed, consensual and voluntary vaccination. The guardian must accompany the whole vaccination process. The vaccine variety is a new type of inactivated coronavirus vaccine (Vero cell) produced by Beijing Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd. or Beijing Kexing Zhongwei Biotechnology Co., Ltd. The immunization procedure is two doses, with an interval of no less than 21 days.

Promote vaccination step by step from senior grade to junior grade

Students from 12 to 17 years old in junior high schools and senior high schools (including students from ordinary junior high schools, senior high schools and secondary vocational schools) will safely and steadily promote vaccination work in echelons and age groups according to the order from senior grades to junior grades.

It is planned to implement step by step according to the following arrangements: vaccinate people aged 15 to 17 in July to ensure that the first dose of vaccination coverage for the above people is completed before the end of July. If the first step of vaccination is successful, the people aged 12 to 14 will be vaccinated in August after expert evaluation to ensure that the first dose of vaccination for the above people is completed before the end of August, and the second dose of vaccination for the people aged 15 to 17 will be completed at the same time. The second dose of vaccination will be completed in September for people aged 12 to 14. If there are social personnel aged 12 to 17 who are not studying in school, they can go to the nearest vaccination unit responsible for providing COVID-19 vaccination.

Three forms of vaccination service can be selected

Three forms of vaccination services are adopted for the vaccination of 12 to 17 year old junior and senior high school students. First, vaccinate at the nearest COVID-19 vaccination unit where the current residence is located; Second, vaccinate at the nearby temporary vaccination site for new coronavirus vaccine; Third, the school set up a temporary vaccination site where students are vaccinated. Please wait for the specific notification from the local education department or school to determine the specific form of vaccination service to be adopted by each local school.

Precautions for vaccination

1. Students should be accompanied by their parents throughout the whole process of vaccination.

2. Before vaccination, please ask the parents of students to cooperate with the vaccination staff to do a good job of health inquiry and informed notification, carefully read and sign the Informed Consent for Inoculation of Inactivated Coronavirus Vaccine (Vero Cell).

3. Before vaccination, students should not be hungry and tired, and should be allowed to vaccinate in a relaxed state.

4. After vaccination, you must stay at the vaccination site for 30 minutes. If you feel unwell, please contact the staff at the vaccination site in time.

5. If you have any questions about vaccination, please consult the 12320 hotline.

(Editor in charge: Wang Sidi, Li Zhongshuang)

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