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Issued by the State Office

Administrative Measures for the Construction of National Government Information Projects

09:45, January 22, 2020 | Source: People's Daily
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Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, January 21 Recently, the General Office of the State Council issued the Administrative Measures for the Construction of National Government Affairs Information Projects (hereinafter referred to as the Measures), which stipulates the planning, approval, construction, sharing and supervision of the national government affairs information system.

The Measures pointed out that it is necessary to standardize the management of national government information construction, promote cross departmental and cross hierarchical interconnection, information sharing and business collaboration of government information systems, and strengthen system application performance assessment. The national government information system mainly includes: the national unified e-government network platform implemented by the relevant departments and units of the State Council, the national key business information system, the national information resource database, the national information security infrastructure, the national e-government infrastructure (data center, computer room, etc.) The national e-government standardization system and related support systems comply with the definition and scope of government information system.

The Measures emphasize that the management of national government informatization construction should adhere to the principles of overall planning, joint construction and sharing, business collaboration, safety and reliability, and give full play to the overall role of national government informatization construction planning. If the plan prepared by the relevant departments involves the construction of government affairs informatization, it shall be connected with the national government affairs informatization construction plan.

The Measures, on the basis of simplifying and optimizing the application and approval process of projects, require the central government information system to be integrated into the management platform for unified management. All new government informatization projects of all departments shall be submitted for approval or put on record on the government informatization project management sub platform of the national investment project online approval and supervision platform. All departments shall timely update their own government information system directory on the management platform. The management platform is summarized to form the general directory of the national government information system.

The Measures propose to strengthen the coordination and linkage between the construction investment and the operation and maintenance funds of the national government information projects, and not arrange the operation and maintenance funds for government information systems that do not share data resources as required, are not included in the general catalog of the national government information system, and do not meet the password application and network security requirements. Strengthen the application of performance evaluation and project post evaluation results, and take the evaluation results as an important basis for arranging government investment and operation and maintenance funds in the next year. Adhere to the principle of "Internet connection is the principle, and isolated network is the exception". For departments that believe that information sharing can not be carried out according to relevant laws and regulations and the requirements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, but it is really necessary to build or retain, the construction or retention can be approved by the State Council.

The Measures emphasize that relevant departments should establish a consultation mechanism for the construction and management of national government affairs informatization, make overall planning and coordination, carry out supervision, inspection, evaluation and evaluation, promote the experience and achievements, and form a working force.

People's Daily (January 22, 2020, 4th Edition)
(Editor in charge: Zhang Xiyan, Zou Hui)

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