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The Oriental Grand Theater will hold a New Year Concert and the Central Ethnic Orchestra will perform

22:34, December 26, 2021|
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On December 26, the reporter learned from Dongfang City that the Oriental New Year Concert will be grandly performed in the Dongfang City Grand Theater on December 31, and the Central National Orchestra will grandly perform "Heaven and Earth Everlasting Music · China Festival" to welcome the arrival of the New Year.

The Oriental Grand Theater is located in the Oriental Culture Square on the third ring road of eight towns in Dongfang City. Its hardware facilities are suitable for various performances and activities such as opera, opera, dance drama, drama, musicals, concerts, concerts, professional art lectures, etc. The completion and operation of the Oriental Grand Theater filled the market gap of large-scale international art performance venues in the southwest of Hainan.

The relevant person in charge of Dongfang City said that through the art diversion of the Oriental Grand Theater, Dongfang City will further realize the full connection between daytime tourism and nighttime cultural consumption, create a characteristic cultural atmosphere of island economy and performance, drive the activity of more "night economies" through the operation rotation of the theater, and light the torch of art for the comprehensive development of island night economy.

(Publicity Department of Dongfang Municipal Party Committee)

(Editor in charge: Liu Yang, Xi Xiuqin)

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