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Do practical things | Can't go home without paying the elevator fee? Zhengzhou, Henan: The property ladder control has been removed

08:33, May 23, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online Henan Channel
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People's Daily Online, Zhengzhou, May 23 (reporter Wang Pei) "After living at home for many years, it's suddenly hard to return. You must pay by swiping your card to take the elevator. If you don't swipe your card, don't let you sit. Where does the property right come from?" Recently, a public in Zhengzhou, Henan, reported on the People's Daily Online's "Leaders Message Board" that the property owners of the residential area suddenly installed elevator controllers without consulting their owners and asked them to swipe their cards to take the elevator. The message people hope that the relevant departments can intervene in the management and solve the problem.

During the return visit, the reporter learned that Mr. Zhang, the commentator, lives in Guorui Jingxiang Garden, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City. During the May Day holiday, Guorui Jingxiangyuan Property suddenly posted a notice on the elevator, informing that the elevator fee will be charged from May 6. Owners who do not pay by card are not allowed to take the elevator. "An elevator card costs 100 yuan. Each family can only issue two cards, and you will not be allowed to sit without paying. The owner has never heard of this before, and the property management has not asked for public opinions or explained the reason, so it is ridiculous to force the owner to pay for the elevator card." Mr. Zhang said.

After a message was posted on the "Leaders Message Board" of People's Daily Online, the staff of Fengqing Road Sub district Office in Jinshui District where the community is located came to investigate and understand the situation, and then removed the ladder control installed in the property.

"I feel that the government's efficiency is still very high. The elevator control of the property was removed after only two days of installation, and I can go home again in peace," said Mr. Zhang.

(Editor in charge: Xin Jing, Xu Chi)

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