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Beijing Tianjin Hebei Yinfa Economic Industrial Park was inaugurated in Baoding

07:10, May 12, 2024 | Source: Hebei Daily
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Original title: Beijing Tianjin Hebei Yinfa Economic Industrial Park was inaugurated in Baoding

On May 11, the Beijing Tianjin Hebei Yinfa Economic Industrial Park was inaugurated in Baoding, aiming to accelerate the large-scale, standardized, clustered and branded development of the Yinfa economy.

According to the introduction, the Beijing Tianjin Hebei Yinfa Economic Industrial Park is divided into a core area and an expansion area, with a planned area of 1277 mu, focusing on such industries as elderly products, intelligent health care, rehabilitation appliances, anti-aging (stem cells), pension finance, elderly tourism, and aging adaptation. Among them, the core area is located in the starting area of Baoding International Medical Base, mainly covering R&D centers, industrial incubators, rehabilitation hospitals, nursing apartments, universities for the elderly, art experience centers for the elderly, etc. The expansion zone is located in the northwest of the international medical base, mainly covering the production base of elderly products, medical equipment, rehabilitation aids, and health care meals.

Taking the opening of the Beijing Tianjin Hebei Silver Hair Economic Industrial Park as an opportunity, Baoding will accelerate the construction of the development pattern of "one center and five bases" around the building of the Beijing Tianjin Hebei Silver Hair Industrial Cluster. "One center" refers to Beijing Tianjin Hebei Yinfa Economic Industrial Park. "Five bases" means to focus on Lianchi, Zhuozhou, Laishui and Yixian to build a coordinated health care base around Beijing; Focus on Xushui and High tech Zone to build a production base for elderly rehabilitation aids; Focus on Gaoyang, Lixian and Baigou to build a production base for elderly living goods; Focusing on the city, build a production base for elderly care products; Focus on Anguo and Dingxing to build a production base for healthy food for the elderly.

In order to better promote the construction of the Beijing Tianjin Hebei Yinfa Economic Industrial Park and help the high-quality development of the Yinfa economy, Baoding has introduced 16 support measures in five aspects, including finance, land, finance and taxation, talents, and medical care. For example, establish a "white list" of key projects of Yinfa economy, and banking institutions implement preferential interest rates for projects in the "white list"; A listing subsidy of 3 million yuan will be given to Yinfa Economic Enterprises to support their growth. (Reporter Kou Guoying)

(Editor in charge: Yang Wenjuan, Fang Tong)

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